Groupe de travail de l'A.N.R. StoQ

« Open Quantum Walks I »

Camille Jordan Institute
November 16-17, 2015

Organiser : Stéphane Attal

This is the first of a series of two meetings around Open Quantum Walks. This first one, taking place at Lyon, is devoted to introductory courses and talks, with discussions around developments and open problems. We hope to stimulate collaborations within our group, but also with other researchers.

Talks are 1h long, followed by 1/2h discussion.


Lundi 16 Novembre

10h30-12h30 : Stéphane Attal, "An Introduction to Open Quantum Walks and their Central Limit Theorems"
                            (Talk + discussion)

12h30-14h30 : Repas

14h30-16h30 : Yan Pautrat, "Irreducibility for Open Quantum Walks"
                            (Talk + discussion)

16h30- ? : Pause Café et travail en salle lecture

Mardi 17 Novembre

10h30-12h30 : Denis Bernard/Antoine Tilloy, "The Open Quantum Brownian Motion"
                            (Talk + discussion)

12h30-14h30 : Repas

14h30-15h30 : Clément Pellegrini, "Continuous-Time limit of OQW and Generalized Lindblad Equations"
                           (Talk + discussion)
15h30-16h30 : Stéphane Attal, "Coarse graining from OQW to UQW".
                           (Talk + discussion)

16h30- ? : Pause Café et travail en salle lecture