
List of Participants


Travel Information

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Riccardo Biagioli
Frédéric Jouhet
Jiang Zeng

Institut Camille Jordan
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1


slc58 (at) math (dot) univ-lyon1 (dot) fr

SLC web-page

58th Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire

March 18-21, 2007
Domaine des Hautannes
33 rue du 8 Mai
F-69650 St.Germain au Mont D'Or, Lyon (FRANCE)
Tel.: +33 - (0)4 78 91 25 29
Fax.: +33 - (0)4 72 08 99 26

Participants are expected to arrive for dinner on Sunday and leave after lunch on Wednesday, or Thursday evening if they plan to attend the "Groupe de travail jeunes chercheurs".

Participants will be housed in double rooms or in single rooms. The rates are the following:

On a double occupancy basis: 75 Euros (board and lodging) per person (per day).
On a single occupancy basis: 90 Euros (board and lodging) per person (per day).

The main speakers of this session will be:

Frédéric Chapoton (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)

Operads and Algebraic Combinatorics of Trees
We will present various combinatorial aspects of the algebraic notion of operad, which is closely related to the theory of species. We plan to introduce carefully the necessary algebraic background and to concentrate then on specific operads defined on different kinds of trees. Among the combinatorial objects involved, one can find posets, bijections and statistics.

Hjalmar Rosengren (Chalmers University of Technology)

Applications of Pfaffians in Number Theory and Combinatorics
In 1994, Kac and Wakimoto used the theory of affine superalgebras to prove and conjecture several remarkable families of elliptic function identities, some of which can be viewed as pfaffian evaluations. These results were used to find new formulas for the number of representations of an integer as a sum of a fixed number of squares or triangles. We will survey our recent work that emerged from trying to understand Zagier's proof of one of their conjectures, and extending it to find new proofs of Milne's sums of squares formulas. This turns out to have unexpected relations to several areas of mathematics: Schur Q-polynomials and marked shifted tableaux, q-orthogonal polynomials, correlation functions for random hermitian matrices, and enumeration of symmetry classes of alternating sign matrices.

We also welcome contributed talks for the conference. If you are interested in giving a talk, please indicate a title in your registration form by February 26th, 2007.

  Groupe de travail jeunes chercheurs en Combinatoire Algébrique 

March 21-22, 2007

Joint with SLC 58, and within the program GDR - Informatique Mathématique, we organize a workshop in "Algebraic Combinatorics" targeted at graduate students. This meeting shall familiarize young researchers with several directions of this active area of research. At the same time, it will give them the opportunity to exchange knowledge, and stimulate contacts.

Three introductory lectures will be given by:

The remaining time will be devoted to student's talks. So we encourage graduate students to participate and to speak.

All usual SLC participants are welcome to stay and communicate this event to their students.

Financial support. We have a limited amount devoted to partially support graduate students. Applicants may request support to attend the workshop alone, or a combination of the workshop and the 58th Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire. To apply send us a request together with your registration form.