1) I. Ciuperca, "Reaction - diffusion equations on thin domains with varying order of thinness", Journal of differential equations , Vol. 126, No. 2, p. 244-292, (1996).

2) I. Ciuperca, "Spectral properties of Schrodinger operators on domains with varying order of thinness", Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, vol. 10, no.1, pag. 73-108, (1998). .

3) I. Ciuperca, "A Navier-Stokes problem with a free boundary", Applied Mathematical Letters, vol. 9, no. 5 (1996), 39-43,
4) G. Bayada, M. Chambat, I. Ciuperca, "Comportement asymptotique d'un fluide dans un domaine mince variable en temps", CRAS, t.326, Serie I, p. 265-268, (1996),

5) G. Bayada, M. Chambat, I. Ciuperca, " Asymptotic Navier-Stokes equations in a thin moving boundary domain", Asymptotic Analysis, 21, pag. 117-132, (1999),

6) G. Bayada, I. Ciuperca, M. Jai, "Homogéneisation d'équations et inéquations à paramètres oscillants. Application a l'etude d'ecoulement de faible epaisseur en regime transitoire ", CRAS, t.328 (2001), Serie IIB, p. 819-824,

7) G. Buscaglia, I. Ciuperca, M. Jai, "Homogenization of the transient Reynolds equation", Asymptotic Analysis, 32 (2002), no. 2, pag. 131 - 152,

8) I. Ciuperca, M. Jai, "Existence, uniqueness and homogeneization of the second order slip Reynolds Equation" , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 286 (2003), no. 1, pag. 89 - 106,

9) A. Agouzal, S. Boujena, I. Ciuperca, V. Volpert, "Stability of reaction fronts in thin domains" , International Journ. of Math. and Math. Sci., no. 1-4 (2004), 77-90,

10) I. Ciuperca, M. El Alaoui Talibi, M. Jai, "On the optimal control of coefficients in elliptic problems. Application to the optimization of the heat slider" , ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. 11 (2005), no. 1, 101-121,

11) N. Benhaboucha, I. Ciuperca, M. Chambat, "Asymptotic behaviour of pressure and stress in a thin film flow with a rough boundary" , Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 63 (2005), no. 2, 369-400,

12) G. Buscaglia, I. Ciuperca, M. Jai, "On nano-scale hydrodynamic lubrication models" , CRAS Mecanique no. 333, (2005), 187-215,

13) G. Buscaglia, I. Ciuperca, M. Jai, "Existence and uniqueness for several nonlinear elliptic problems arising in lubrication theory" , Journal of Differential Equations, 218, no. 1, (2005), 187-215

14) G. Buscaglia, I. Ciuperca, M. Jai, "The effect of periodic textures on the static characteristics of thrust bearings" , ASME J. of Tribology, (2005), V. 27, No. 4, pp. 899-902

15) G. Bayada, I. Ciuperca, M. Jai, "Homogenized equation and variational inequalities with oscillating parameter. Application to the study of thin flow behaviour with rough surface" , Nonlinear Analysis, Real Word and Applications no. 7, (2006), 950-966,

16) M. Boukrouche, I. Ciuperca, "Asymptotic behaviour of solution of lubrication of lubrication problem in a thin domain with a rough boundary and Tresca fluid-solid interface low" , Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 64 (2006), no. 3, 561-591,

17) I. Ciuperca, I. Hafidi, M. Jai, "Singular perturbation problems for the incompressible Reynolds equation" , Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, no. 83 (2006), 1-19,

18) G. Buscaglia, I. Ciuperca, I. Hafidi, M. Jai, "Existence of equilibria in articulated bearings" , Journal of Math. Anal. and Applications, 328 (2007), no. 1, 24-45,

19) G. Buscaglia, I. Ciuperca, M. Jai, "On the optimisation of surface textures for lubricated contacts" , Journal of Math. Anal. and Applications, 335 (2007), no. 2, 1309-1327,

20) G. Buscaglia, I. Ciuperca, I. Hafidi, M. Jai, "Existence of equilibria in articulated bearings in presence of cavity" , Journal of Math. Anal. and Applications, 335 (2007), no. 2, 841-859,

21) G. Buscaglia, I. Ciuperca, M. Jai, "Topological asymptotic expansion for the generalized Poisson problem with small inclusion and application in lubrication" , Inverse Problems 23 (2007), no. 2, 695-711,

22) I. Ciuperca, I. Hafidi, M. Jai, "Analysis of a parabolic compressible first-order slip Reynolds equation with discontinuous coefficients" , Nonlinear Analysis 69 (2008), no. 4, 1219-1234,

23) I. Ciuperca, M. Jai, J. I. Tello, "On the existence of solutions of equilibria in lubricated journal bearings" , SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis 40 (2009), no.6, 2316-2327.

24) I. S. Ciuperca, L. I. Palade, "The steady state configurational distribution diffusion equation of the standard FENE dumbell polymer model: existence and uniqueness of solutions for arbitrary velocity gradients" , Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (M3AS) Vol. 19, No. 11 (2009), 2039-2064.

25) I. Ciuperca, M. Jai, C. Poignard, "Approximate transmission conditions through a rough thin layer . The case of periodic roughness" , European Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 21, no. 1, (2010), 51-75.

26) I. S. Ciuperca, L. I. Palade, "On the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the configurational probability diffusion equation for the generalized rigid dumbbell polymer model", Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations, 7 (2010) no. 3, 245-263.

27) I. Ciuperca, J. I. Tello "Lack of contact in a lubricated mechanisme", Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 69 (2011) no. 2, 357-378.

28) I. S. Ciuperca, L.I. Palade, "Asymptotic behaviour of the solution of the distribution diffusion equation for FENE dumbbell polymer model" , Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, Vol. 6, no. 5 (2011) 84-97.

29) I. S. Ciuperca, R. Perrusel, C. Poignard "Two-scale analysis for very rough thin layers. An explicit characterization of the polarization tensor" , Journal des Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, (9) 95 (2011) no. 3, 277-295.

30) I. S. Ciuperca, J.I. Tello "On a variational inequality on elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication" , Journ. Math. Anal. Applic. 383 (2011) no. 2, 597-607.

31) I. S. Ciuperca, E. Hingant, L.I. Palade, L. Pujo-Menjouet "Fragmentation and monomers ligthening of rod-like polymers, a relevant model of prion proliferation" , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Serie B, Vol. 17 (2012) no. 3, 775-799.

32) I. S. Ciuperca, A. Heibig, L.I. Palade "Existence and Uniqueness Results for the Doi-Edwards polymer melt model: the case of the (full) nonlinear configurational probability density" , Nonlinearity 25 (2012) no. 4 991-1009.

33) G. Buscaglia, I.S. Ciuperca, E. Dalissier, M.Jai "A new cavitation model in lubrication. The case of a two-zone cavitation model" , J. Engrg. Math. 83 (2013) 57 - 79.

34) R. Ausas, G. Buscaglia, I.S. Ciuperca, M. Jai, "Conservative finite volume discretization of a new conservative model for piston-ring lubrication" , Tribology International, Vol 57 (2013) 54 - 66.

35) V. Busuioc, I.S. Ciuperca, D. Iftimie, L.I. Palade, "The FENE dumbbell polymer model: existence and uniqueness of solutions for the momentum balance equation" , J. Dynam. Differential Equations 26 (2014), no. 2, 217 - 241.

36) I.S. Ciuperca, "A regularity result for a linear elliptic equation with a Hardy-type potential" , Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations 12 (2015) no. 1, 1 - 12.

37) I.S. Ciuperca, A. Heibig, "Existence and uniqueness of a density probability solution for the stationary Doi-Edwards equation" , Ann. I. H. Poincare - AN 33 (2016), 1353-1373.

38) I.S. Ciuperca, A. Heibig, L.I. Palade, "On the IAA version of the Doi-Edwards model versus the K-BKZ rheological mpodel for polymer fluids: A global existence rezult for shear flows with small initial data" , to appear in
European Journal of Applied Mathematics PDF version

39) I.S. Ciuperca, M. Jai, J.I. Tello, "Equilibrium analysis for a mass conserving model in presence of cavity" accepted in Nonlinear Analysis Serie B: Real World Applications PDF version


40) I.S. Ciuperca, L.I. Palade, "Asymptotic behaviour for large gradient velocity for a simplified 1D version of the rod-like polymer model" .

41) I.S. Ciuperca, E. Feireisl, M. Jai, A. Petrov, "A non isothermal fluid in thin domains" .

42) I.S. Ciuperca, M. Dumont, A. Lakmeche, P. Mazzocco, L. Pujo-Menjouet, H. Rezai, L. Tine, "Alzheimer diseas and prion: analysis of an in vitro mathematical model" .


1) G. Bayada, M. Chambat, I. Ciuperca, "Asymptotic behaviour of a fluid in a time varying domain given in cylindrical coordinates", STAMM98, Trends in applications of mathematics to mechanics, Nice, 1998

2) I. Ciuperca, A.F. Quiroga, G. Buscaglia, M. Jai, "Analytical and numerical studies of the effect of uniform textures on lubrication devices", VIII Congreso Argentino de Mecanica Computacional, Buenos Aires, Argentine, 2005

3) G. Buscaglia, I. Ciuperca, M. Jai, "On the optimization of surface textures for lubricated contacts", Actes des 8-emes Journees d'Analyse Numerique et Optimisation, 372-379, Rabat, Maroc, 2005

4) I. Ciuperca, I. Hafidi, M. Jai, "Comportement dynamique d'un mecanisme lubrifie dans le cas incompressible" , Actes des 8-emes Journees d'Analyse Numerique et Optimisation, 356-361, Rabat, Maroc, 2005.

5) M. Boukrouche, I. Ciuperca, "Lower semicontinuity result for the two-scale convergence" , PAMM Sixth International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, p. 23-24, Zurich, Switzerland 2007.

6) G. Buscaglia, I.S. Ciuperca, M. El Alaoui Talibi, M. Jai "Topological asymptotic expansion for a nonlinear elliptic equation with small inclusions. Application to general compressible Reynolds equation" , International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources, Pau (France), June 8-11 2009

7) G. Buscaglia, I.S. Ciuperca, E. Dalissier, M. Jai "A new cavitation model in lubrication. Part 1: Theoretical results" , International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources, Saidia (Marocco), May 23-26 2011

8) G. Buscaglia, I.S. Ciuperca, E. Dalissier, M. Jai "A new cavitation model in lubrication. Part 2: Numerical results" , International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources, Saidia (Marocco), May 23-26 2011

9) R. Ausas, M. Jai, I.S. Ciuperca G. Buscaglia "A new cavitation model for the simulation of piston-ring lubrication" , Mecanica Computational, vol. XXX, pp. 193-208, Rosario(Argentina) November 2011

10) I.S. Ciuperca, M. Jai, J.I. Tello, "An equilibrium problem in lubrication using the Elrod-Adams model" , International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources, Granada (Spain), April 23-26 2011

11) I.S. Ciuperca, M. Jai, "Uniqueness and asymptotic behaviour of a 1D Elrod-Adams problem" , au 7e colloque sur les tendances des applications en mathematiques Tunisie, Algerie, Maroc, Tanger (Maroc), 4 - 8 Mai 2015