$(jeu22) $(ven23) $(sam24) $(pausecafe) $(abstract)

9:15-10:15 Gregory Cherlin
Genericity, Generosity, and Tori ()

10:45-11:45 Alex Usvyatsov
Categoricity for uncountable
continuous theories
12:00-13:00 Martin Ziegler
Red Fields()
14:30-15:30 David Evans
Expansions of fields by
angular functions
15:45-16:45 Franck Benoist
Model theory of Hasse fields and
application to algebraic geometry

17:15-18:15 Adrien Deloro
How to recognize PSL2(K)
(among other groups of finite Morley rank)

9:15-10:15 Anand Pillay
Return of generix ()

10:45-11:45 Guillaume Malod
Complete problems in Valiant's theory. ()
12:00-13:00 Boris Zilber
Quantum Zariski geometries and
14:30-15:30 Martin Hils
Mauvais corps en caractéristique 0 ()
15:45-16:45 John Wilson
Characterizations of solubility
for finite groups.

17:15-18:15 Zoé Chatzidakis
Algebraic dynamics over function fields
and model theory of difference varieties.
Problèmes de dynamique sur des corps de fonctions,
théorie des modèles des corps de différence.

9:15-10:15 Zlil Sela
Free and hyperbolic groups
are stable.

10:45-11:45 Assaf Hasson
On Zilber's Dichotomy in 1-dimensional
reducts of o-minimal structures.
12:00-13:00 Olivier Frécon
Conjugaison des sous-groupes de Carter dans
les groupes de rang de Morley fini.
14:30-15:30 Ehud Hrushovski
On Grothendieck rings and interpretations ()
15:45-16:45 Christian Michaux
Deux ou trois choses
que je ne sais pas sur (IN, +,V_2)

17:15-18:15 Alexandre Borovik
Linear and permutation groups of finite Morley rank.