Epistemological Problems

" The most significant problems of physics are not of mathematical deductive nature; most essential are those which
relate to the main principles."
A. Einstein (letter to Besso)

2014 : new questions .

Let us begin this page by a question : during twenty years I
have always been very deceived by the reading of works which are
supposed to inform the common run of people on science, the scientific
knowledge, the philosophy of sciences, etc... The dustbin often seemed
to me the only worthy place to receive these pages. However, I did not know
why. It is a breath of fresh air which I inspire, when per
moments, a text informs me on this path of the comprehension
of scientific knowledge, this path which always seemed to me bordered
of nauseous drains, muddy fields and other turpitudes.
It is owl to see a beautiful rainbow.
Some references:
An analysis of the situation.
" La chauve-souris et la chouette, petite spectroscopie de la
philosophie des sciences " in " La pierre de touche ",
Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond, (Gallimard 1996).
A poetic glance.
" Malicorne " of Hubert Reeves.
Concepts which emergent.
" La vérification " of Gilles-Gaston Granger (O Jacob 1992).
Not to confuse R4 and
In other words
Not to confuse and