Download in the same directory the MAPLE code file
and the three data files:
the list "lisSA300" of SA numbers whose largest prime factor is < 300
the list "lisCA300" of CA numbers whose largest prime factor is < 300
the list "lisGA1" of the 18408 proper GA1 numbers up to 10^60, as
given by the
procedure "algo3GA1" of the file "computationGA1.mpl" is
Open a MAPLE sheet and type
read "lisSA300.m":
read "lisCA300.m":
read "lis10p60.m":
read "computationGA1.mpl":
You will display the factorization of GA1 numbers up to x
where x is an integer less than or equal to 10^60.
The last digit 6 is
a printing parameter.