Convex Duality and Applications in PDEs and Game Theory

A doctoral course at GSSI, L'aquila, February 14th to 22nd, 2023.


6 classes of 2h (approx) each, scheduled on
  • Feb 14, 11am-1pm
  • Feb 15, 11am-1pm
  • Feb 15, 3pm-5pm
  • Feb 16, 11am-1pm
  • Feb 17, 3pm-5pm
  • Feb 22, 11am-1pm
  • Program

  • 1) Introduction to convex analysis
    Convex and lsc functions. Subdifferentials, Fenchel-Legendre transforms. f**=f.
  • 2) Duality in convex optimization
    The dual of a convex optimization problem with linear constraints. Saddle points. The Uzawa algorithm. Fenchel-Rockafellar duality with proof of the strong duality.
  • 3) Regularity via duality in calculus of variations and PDEs
    Minimal flow problems with divergence constraints and their dual. Sobolev regularity for the p-Laplacian, the Laplacian, and more degenerate equations.
  • 4) The optimal transport problem
    Monge and Kantorovich formulations of the OT problem. Duality. Economic interpretations of the dual potentials as prices.
  • 5) Wardrop equilibria
    Stationary traffic problems on networks. The Braess paradox. Relations between optimizers and equilibria via duality. The continuous case
  • 6) Variational Mean Field Games
    An introduction to MFG. Optimal control, value function, and Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Congestion MFG, their variational formulation and their dual. Connection with the Benamou-Brenier formula.
  • References and Teaching Material

    Most of the material covered during the course can be found in these notes, which have been taken frrom a book (on the calculus of variations) in preparation. The structure into sections and chapters of the notes does not reflect the structure of the 6 classes. The refences inside the notes can also be useful.

    For some subjects, more complete notes can be found here:
    regularity via duality
    continuous Wardrop equilibria
    My book Optimal Transport for Applied Mathematicians (OTAM, see
    here or here for a non-official version) can also be a reference for some topics.