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Curvature-dimension in Lyon 1

March 15-17 2017

Talks and mini course :

Mini course

Abstract : You can have a look here (here also) for more informations.

Talks from

Title: A gradient flow approach to the Boltzmann equation

Abstract: In this talk I will present a new point of view on the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation viewing it as the gradient flow of the entropy. This gradient flow structure relies on a new notion of distance between probability measures that takes the collision process between particles into account and takes over the role of the Wasserstein distance. As two applications of this point of view I will present a time-discrete variational approximation scheme for the homogeneous Boltzmann equation and a new and simple proof for the convergence of Kac's random walk to the Boltzmann equation.

Title: New results about the link between entropic and displacement interpolations

Abstract: After reviewing the notion of entropic interpolation, I shall discuss in which sense it can be used to provide a second order approximation of the classical displacement interpolation both in the smooth and in the non-smooth setting. The main application of this result is the second order differentiation formula on RCD spaces. From a work with Luca Tamanini.

Title: Ricci curvature bounds for discrete and quantum systems

Title: Some smooth applications of non-smooth Ricci curvature lower bounds.


Salle Fokko du Cloux

Wednesday, 15th Thursday, 16th Friday, 17th
11h-13h Cédric Villani 9h30-12h30 : Cédric Villani 9h30- 12h30 : Cédric Villani
13h-14h30 lunch 12h30-14h lunch 12h30-14h lunch
14h30-15h30 Andrea Mondino 14h-15h Jan Maas 14h-15h Matthias Erbar
15h15-16h15 Nicola Gigli

Participants :

  • Ivan Bardet (Lyon 1)
  • François Bolley (Paris 6)
  • Charles-Edouard Bréhier (Lyon 1)
  • Matthias Erbar (Bonn)
  • Baptiste Dieltiens (Lyon 1)
  • Louis Dupaigne (Lyon 1)
  • Max Fathi (Toulouse 3)
  • Dominik Forkert (IST Austria)
  • Ivan Gentil (Lyon 1)
  • Pierre Fougères (Toulouse 3)
  • Romain Gauchon (Lyon 1)
  • Nicola Gigli (Trieste)
  • Nathael Gozlan (Paris 5)
  • Arnaud Guillin (Clermont-Ferrand)
  • Asma Hasannezhad (Institut Mittag-Leffler)
  • Jason Ledwidge (Tübingen)
  • Christian Léonard (Paris-Ouest Nanterre)
  • Laurent Miclo (Toulouse 3)
  • Andrea Mondino (Warwick university)
  • Pierre Monmarché (ENPC)
  • Christophe Poquet (Lyon 1)
  • Luigia Ripani (Lyon 1)
  • Cambyse Rouzé (Cambridge)
  • Ulysse Serres (Lyon 1)
  • Mélanie Theillière (Lyon 1)
  • Cédric Villani (Lyon 1 and IHP)
  • Simon Zugmeyer (Lyon 1)

Organisateurs : I. Gentil, N. Gozlan et C. Léonard

Contact : Ivan Gentil

march-lyon.1489077450.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2017/03/09 17:37 de gentil

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