
Since 2018 I've been the director of Institut Henri Poincaré, and the scientific manager of LabEx CARMIN, which publishes research level maths videos on


ANR project NABUCO (PI: Jean-François Coulombel, head of local partner: Frédéric Lagoutière).

Academic, mathematical journals

Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse.
Journal de l'École Polytechnique.

Raising public awareness

Brèves de maths (in French, issued from Mathematics of Planet Earth initiative).
Images des mathématiques (in French).
Raising Public Awareness committee of the European Mathematical Society.

Research management issues

`Appel de Jussieu' regarding publication policies.
Report (from working group led by John Ball) of the International Council for Science on bibliometrics and open access issues.
Paper on Diamond Model of Open Access Publishing.

Past events and projects

ANR project BoND: Boundaries, Numerics, Dispersion.
Equadiff2015 Conference.
Conference REvISitiNg DEcadES of conseRvation laws.
Lagrange Days on October 18-19 2013 at CIRM, Luminy (France).
GDR MOAD ( MOdelling, Asymptotics, Non-linear dynamics).
60th birthday of Michelle Schatzman.
HYP2006 Conference.
ACI Project Mathematical Modeling of Traffic Flow.
ACI Propagating phase boundaries and capillary fluids.
  Workshops Diffuse interface models 2004, 2002.

Last update: 28/01/2023