Dynamical Models in Systems Biology

Samuel Bernard bernard@math.univ-lyon1.fr

September 3th, 2019

What is a dynamical model?

A dynamical model is a mathematical or computer model where the variables, or quantities of interest, vary in time.

difference equations

\[ \overbrace{x_{t+1}}^{\text{dynamical variable}} = \overbrace{f(x_t)}^{\text{update rule}}. \]

For example, the famous logistic map for the growth of a population with \(f(x) = x(1-x)\)

\[ x_{t+1} = \overbrace{r}^{\text{growth rate}} x_t \overbrace{( 1 - x_t )}^{\text{limiting factor}}. \]

What is a dynamical model?

A dynamical model is a mathematical or computer model where the variables, or quantities of interest, vary in time.

Ordinary Differential Equations

An ordinary differential equation is an equation that sets a relationship between a set of variables and their derivatives with respect to continuous independent variable (here the independent variable is time \(t\)).

\[\begin{align*} \overbrace{\frac{dx}{dt}}^{\text{rate of change}} = \overbrace{f(x)}^{\text{rule of change}}. \end{align*}\]

The Lotka-Volterra model was developed to study predator-prey interaction.

\[\begin{align*} \frac{dx}{dt} & = \overbrace{y x}^{\text{harvest term}} - \overbrace{a}^{\text{death rate}} x, \quad \text{predator}, \\ \frac{dy}{dt} & = \overbrace{b}^{\text{growth rate}} y - \overbrace{x y}^{\text{harvest term}}, \quad \text{prey}. \end{align*}\]

Model parameters

Dynamical models include dynamical variables and constant model parameters.

Logistic map \[ \color{red}{x_{t+1}} = \color{blue}{r} \color{red}{x_t} ( 1 - \color{red}{x_t} ). \]

Lotka-Volterra \[\begin{align*} \frac{d\color{red}{x}}{dt} & = \color{red}{y} \color{red}{x} - \color{blue}{a} \color{red}{x}, \\ \frac{d\color{red}{y}}{dt} & = \color{blue}{b} \color{red}{y} - \color{red}{x} \color{red}{y}. \end{align*}\]

Dynamical variables are observed quantities: gene expression, cell count, fluorescence intensity, transmembrane potential

Model parameters are determined by the biochemical, biological or physiological properties of the system: binding affinities, division rates, protein stability

Estimating parameter values given a model and experimental data is the subject of the session Inferring model parameters.

Other formalisms

Other dynamical modeling formalisms include

Other formalisms

Other dynamical modeling formalisms include

Other formalisms

Other dynamical modeling formalisms include

Modelling-centric workflow

Modeling with motifs

Motifs are small blocks of regulation that can be used to distill all the complexity of biology into simple parametric term.

Loss/death/degradation rate

Constant production rate.

Production refers to a supply of the species that does not depend directly on its concentration


Example: a protein with initial concentration \(x_0\) is degraded at a rate \(k = 0.1\) per hour, and is synthesized at a rate \(b\) per hour,

\[dx/dt = b - kx,\] \[x(0) = x_0.\]

Proliferation/reproduction/synthesis rate

Parameter \(h\) is a cooperativity coefficient, also called Hill coefficient. High Hill coefficients can lead to complex dynamics such as oscillations and bistability.

Simulating Dynamical Systems

All major programming languages offer some numerical solvers:

User-friendliness may vary.

Example 1 Birth/death model

Here is the simplest ODE model we can think of, the linear birth-death ODE model,

A species (e.g. mRNA, protein, drug, cell population) has

The ODE is for the concentration \(x\) of the species

\[ \frac{dx}{dt} = b + rx - kx. \]

Birth/death model code

birthDeath <- function(Time, State, Pars) {
  with(as.list(c(State, Pars)), {
    deathRate         <- k * x
    productionRate    <- b 
    proliferationRate <- r * x

    dxdt     <- productionRate + proliferationRate - deathRate

pars  <- c(k  = 0.5,     # per day, death rate 
           b  = 0.2,     # individuals per day, production from outside source
           r  = 0.1 )    # per day proliferation (or reproduction) rate

y0  <- c(x = 1.0)
timespan <- seq(0, 20, by = 0.1)
birthDeath.sol <- ode(y0, timespan, birthDeath, pars)

Birth/death model solution

Birth/death model

Birth/death model

Example 2 Lotka-Volterra

Two species: preys and predators.

The prey (with density \(y\))

Example 2 Lotka-Volterra

The predator density

The two ODEs for the predator density and the prey density

\[\begin{align*} \frac{dx}{dt} & = x ( y - a ) \\ \frac{dy}{dt} & = y ( b - x) \end{align*}\]

Lotka-Volterra code

LotkaVolterra <- function(Time, State, Pars) {
  with(as.list(c(State, Pars)), {
    killingRate       <- Prey * Predator
    preyGrowthRate    <- rGrowth * Prey
    predatorDeathRate <- rDeath * Predator

    dPreydt     <- preyGrowthRate - killingRate
    dPredatordt <- killingRate - predatorDeathRate

    return(list(c(dPreydt, dPredatordt)))

pars  <- c(rGrowth  = 0.5,    # per day, growth rate of prey
           rDeath   = 0.2 )   # per day, death rate of predator

y0  <- c(Prey = 10, Predator = 2)
timespan <- seq(0, 200, by = 1)
LotkaVolterra.sol <- ode(y0, timespan, LotkaVolterra, pars)

Lotka-Volterra solution

Lotka-Volterra dynamics

Lotka-Volterra dynamics

Example 3 A negative feedback loop (Goodwin model)

Here we take mRNA concentration \(X\), a protein product concentration \(Y\) and a modified protein complex acting as a repressor concentration \(Z\).

Degradation and production rates of the protein and the repressor are set to the value \(\beta\) and the mRNA degradation rate to \(\alpha\).

Using the negative feedback motif, we can write down the mRNA synthesis rate as

\[ f(Z) = k_0 \frac{K^h}{K^h + Z^h}. \]

Goodwin model equation

Diagram of the Goodwin network. Arrow heads denote positive effect and “tee” heads denote negative effects.

Diagram of the Goodwin network. Arrow heads denote positive effect and “tee” heads denote negative effects.

We obtain a set of three ODEs \[\begin{align*} \frac{dX}{dt} & = f(Z) - \alpha X, \\ \frac{dY}{dt} & = \beta ( X - Y ), \\ \frac{dZ}{dt} & = \beta ( Y - Z ). \end{align*}\]

Goodwin model code

Goodwin <- function(Time, State, Pars) {
  with(as.list(c(State, Pars)), {
    mRNAproductionRate <- k0*K^h/(K^h + Z^h)
    mRNAdegradationRate    <- alpha * X

    dXdt <- mRNAproductionRate - mRNAdegradationRate
    dYdt <- beta * ( X - Y )
    dZdt <- beta * ( Y - Z )

    return(list(c(dXdt, dYdt, dZdt)))

pars  <- c(k0      = 2,    # transcripts per hour, max mRNA synthesis rate
           alpha   = 1.0,  # per hour, mRNA degradation rate
           beta    = 1.0,  # per hour, kinetic rate
           K       = 1,    # mmol, half-repression concentration
           h       = 20 )  # no unit, Hill coefficient  

y0  <- c(X = 1, Y = 0, Z = 0)
timespan <- seq(0, 20, by = 0.1)
Goodwin.sol <- ode(y0, timespan, Goodwin, pars)

Goodwin model solution

Solution of the Goodwin model. Solutions are oscillatory.

Solution of the Goodwin model. Solutions are oscillatory.

Applet for Goodwin model


Example 4 A positive feedback loop

Positive feedback loop are inherently unstable. They do occur in irreversible events such as mitosis, birth giving, differentiation and lineage choice, etc.

The positive feedback loop rests on the positive loop motif for the production of the species with concentration \(X\). \[\begin{align*} g(X) = k_0 \frac{X^h}{K^h + X^h}, \end{align*}\] where the Hill coefficient \(h > 1\).

\[ \frac{dX}{dt} = g(X) - a X. \]

Steady states: \(a X = g(X)\).

Bistability codes

Bistability <- function(Time, State, Pars) {
  with(as.list(c(State, Pars)), {

    mRNAproductionRate <- k0*X^h/(K^h + X^h)
    mRNAdegradationRate    <- a * X

    dXdt <- mRNAproductionRate - mRNAdegradationRate


pars  <- c(k0      = 2,    # transcripts per hour, max mRNA synthesis rate
           a       = 1.0,  # per hour, mRNA degradation rate
           K       = 1,    # mmol, half-repression concentration
           h       = 20 )  # no unit, Hill coefficient

y0  <- c(X = 1.1)
timespan <- seq(0, 20, by = 0.1)
Bistability.sol1 <- ode( c(X = 0.9), timespan, Bistability, pars)
Bistability.sol2 <- ode( c(X = 1.1), timespan, Bistability, pars)
Bistability.sol3 <- ode( c(X = 1.0), timespan, Bistability, pars)

Bistability solutions

plot(Bistability.sol1, Bistability.sol2, Bistability.sol3)
Solutions to the bistability model

Solutions to the bistability model

Example 5 The logistic map

The logistic map is the difference equation \[ x_{t+1} = r x_t ( 1 - x_t ), \] for \(t=0,1,...\), with the initial condition \(x_0\) given. The R codes to solve the logistic map follow the same lines as ODE models, except that the we use the iteration method.

Logistic map codes

LogisticMap <- function(Time, State, Pars) {
  with(as.list(c(State, Pars)), {

    xiter     <- r * x * ( 1 - x )


pars  <- c(r  = 3.76 )     # basal growth parameter

y0  <- c(x = 0.2)
timespan <- seq(0, 50, by = 1)
LogisticMap.sol <- ode(y0, timespan, LogisticMap, pars, method = "iteration")

Logistic map solution

Logistic map time series

Logistic map time series

Logistic map road to chaos

Period doubling bifurcation road to chaos in the logistic map

Period doubling bifurcation road to chaos in the logistic map
