Sunday 28 March
20h30 Dinner at Bouchon aux Vins, 62 rue Mercière, 69002 Lyon - (Métro D - Arrêt Bellecour)
Monday 29 March
Morning session: Salle Fokko du Cloux - 1st floor
9h30 -
10h30 Arun Ram - Lecture
1: Quantum groups and Lyndon words
10h30 - 11h00 Coffee break
11h00 - 11h30 Philippe Nadeau
- Polynomials around the Razumov Stroganov
11h30 - 12h15 Arvind Ayyer
and Volker Strehl -
Combinatorial properties of an asymmetric exclusion process
12h15 - 13h45 Lunch
13h45 - 15h15 Visit at Parc de la Tête d'Or, if weather is nice.
Afternoon session: Amphi Jordan - ground floor
15h30 - 16h30
Alain Lascoux -
Lecture 1: Key
polynomials (Demazure characters) for type A,B,C,D
16h30 - 17h00 Valentin Féray
- Asymptotic of characters of symmetric groups
and limit shape of Young diagrams
17h00 - 17h30 Coffee break
17h30 - 18h00 Florent Hivert
- The Sage-Combinat Project: Status and future
18h00 - 18h30 Matthieu Deneufchâtel
- Asymptotic of Selberg-like integrals: the
unitary case and the binomial transform
Tuesday 30 March
Morning session: Salle Fokko du Cloux - 1st floor
- 10h30 Arun Ram
- Lecture
2: Graded quiver algebras and their representations
10h30 - 11h00 Coffee break
11h00 - 11h30 Roberta Fulci
- Models and refined models for Coxeter groups of type B and D
11h30 - 12h00 Christian Stump
- A cyclic sieving phenomenon in
Catalan combinatorics
12h00 - 12h30 Thomas Feierl -
Asymptotics for reflectable lattice walks in a Weylchamber of type B
12h30 - 14h00 Lunch
Afternoon session: Amphi Jordan - ground floor
15h00 - 16h00
Alain Lascoux -
Lecture 2: Key
polynomials (Demazure characters) for type A,B,C,D
16h00 - 16h30 Masao Ishikawa
- A partial proof of Okada's conjecture for
double-tailed diamonds
16h30 - 17h00 Coffee break
17h00 - 17h30 Matthieu Josuat-Vergès
- Genocchi numbers and alternative
17h30 - 18h00 Jang Soo Kim - Some results on permutation tableaux
Wednesday 31 March
Morning session: Salle Fokko du Cloux - 1st floor
- 10h00 Arun Ram
- Lecture
3: Indexings of canonical bases: Lyndon words, MV
polytopes and the path model
- 10h45 Anne Schilling
and Nicolas Thiery - Sorting monoids on Coxeter groups
10h45 - 11h15 Coffee break
11h15 - 12h15 Alain Lascoux
- Lecture 3:
Key polynomials (Demazure characters) for
type A,B,C,D
12h15 - 12h45 Ricardo Mamede
- On the full interval of linear
expansion of a skew Schur function
12h45 - 14h30 Buffet at the Institut Camille Jordan
In the afternoon a student of Jiang Zeng will defend his Ph.D thesis. This might interest some of you:
15h30 - 16h30
Hilarion Louis Martin - PhD Thesis defense: Étude du tableau d'Euler sur les produits en couronne