


Modern approaches to the invariant subspace problem, by Isabelle Chalendar and Jonathan R. Partington, Cambridge University Press, 2011.

Journaux internationaux avec comité de lecture


[62] I. Chalendar, P. Gorkin and J.R. Partington. Inner functions and Operator theory, North-Western European Journal of Mathematics, accepted.

[61] I. Chalendar, J. Esterle and J.R. Partington. Dichotomy results for norm estimates in operator semigroups, In Semigroups meet complex analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Mathematical Physics. Birkha\"user, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, accepted.

[60] I. Chalendar and J.R. Partington. Phragm\'en-Lindel\"of principles for generalized analytic functions on unbounded domains, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, accepted.

[59] I. Chalendar, E. Gallardo and J.R. Partington. Weighted composition operators on the Dirichlet space: boundedness and spectral properties, Mathematische Annalen, accepted.

[58] C. Avicou, I. Chalendar and J.R. Partington. A class of quasicontractive semigroups acting on Hardy and Dirichlet space, Journal of Evolution Equations, accepted.

[57] I. Chalendar, S. Garcia, W. Ross and D. Timotin. An extremal problem for characteristic functions, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, to appear.

[56] I. Chalendar and J.R. Partington. Norm estimates for weighted composition operators on spaces of holomorphic functions, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 8,1087-1095 (2014) .

[55] I. Chalendar and D. Timotin. Commutation relations for truncated Toeplitz operators, Operators and Matrices, 8, No 3, 877-888 (2014).

[54] I. Chalendar, Gorkin, P. and Partington, J.R. Prime and Semiprime Inner Functions, J. London Math. Soc. 88, No 2, 779-800 (2013).

[53] I. Chalendar and Partington, J.R. , An overview of some recent developments on the Invariant Subspace Problem, Concrete Operators, 1 (2012), 1-10.

[52] I. Chalendar, E. Fricain, M. Gürdal and M. Karaev, Compactness and Berezin symbols, Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (Szeged), 78, No. 1-2, 315-329 (2012).

[51] I. Chalendar, P. Gorkin and J.R. Partington, The group of invariants of an inner function with finite spectrum, J. Math. Anal. and Appl., 389 (2012), 1259-1267.

[50] I. Chalendar, P. Gorkin and J.R. Partington, Determination of inner functions by their value sets on the circle, Computational Methods and Function Theory, vol. 11, n.1 (2011).

[49] I. Chalendar, J. Esterle and J.R. Partington, Boundary values of analytic semigroups and associated norm estimates, Proceedings of Banach Algebras 2009, Banach Center Publications 91 (2010), 87--103.

[48] Baranov, A., Chalendar, I., Fricain, E. Mashreghi, J. and Timotin, D. Bounded symbols and reproducing kernel thesis for truncated Toeplitz operators. J. Funct. Anal. 259 (2010), no. 10, 2673--2701.

[47] Chalendar, I, Fricain, E. and Timotin D. Embeddings theorems for Müntz spaces, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 61 (2011), no. 6, 2291--2311.

[46] Bendaoud, Z., Chalendar, I., Esterle, J. and Partington, J.R. Distances between elements of a semigroup and estimates for derivatives. Acta Mathematica Sinica, 26 (2010), 2239-2254.

[45] Chalendar, I., Gorkin, P. and Partington, J.R. Boundary interpolation and approximation by infinite Blashcke products. Mathematica Scandinavica, 107 (2010), 305-319.

[44] Chalendar, I., Partington, J.R. and Pozzi, E. Multivariable weighted composition operators: lack of point Spectrum, and cyclic vectors. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 202, Birkhäuser (2010), 63-85.

[43] Chalendar, I., Fricain, E. and Timotin, D On an extremal problem of Garcia and Ross. Operator and matrices, Vol. 3, no 4 (2009), 541-546.

[42] Chalendar, I., Gorkin, P. and Partington, J.R. Numerical ranges of restricted shifts and unitary dilations. Operator and matrices, vol 3 no 2 (2009), 271--281.

[41] Chalendar, I., E. Fricain, A.~I. Popov, D. Timotin and V.~G. Troitsky Finitely strictly singular operators between James spaces, J. Funct. Anal., Vol 256, n.4 (2009), 1258-1268.

[40] Chalendar, E. Fricain and D. Timotin, A note on the stability of linear combinations of algebraic operators., Extracta Mathematicae, Vol. 23, n.1 (2008), 43-48.

[39] Chalendar, N. Chevrot and J.R. Partington, Nearly invariant subspaces for backward shifts on vector-valued Hardy spaces, Journal of Operator Theory, Vol. 63, n.2 (2010), 101-114.

[38] Chalendar, I. and Partington, J.R. Invariant subspaces for products of Bishop operators, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 74 (2008), 717--725.

[37] Chalendar, I. and Partington, J.R. Doubly-invariant subspaces for the shift on the vector-valued Sobolev spaces of the disc and annulus, Integral Equations Operator Theory, Vol. 61 (2008), 149-158.

[36] Chalendar, I.,A. Flattot and N. Guillotin-Plantard. On the spectrum of multivariable weighted composition operators. Archiv der Mathematik, Vol. 90, n. 4 (2008), 353-359.

[35] Chalendar, I., Chevrot, N. and Partington, J.Invariant subspaces for the shift on the vector-valued L2 space of an annulus, Journal of Operator Theory, Vol. 61, n.2 (2009), 313-330.

[34] Chalendar, I. and Partington, J. Application of moment problems to the overcompleteness of sequences Math. Scand., Vol. 101 (2007), 249-260.

[33] Chalendar, I., Flattot, A. and Partington, J. The method of minimal vectors applied to weighted composition operators Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 171, Birkhäuser (2007), 89-105.

[32] Chalendar and Partington, J. Multivariable approximate Carleman-type theorems for complex measures , Annals of Probability 2007, Vol. 35, No. 1, 384-396.

[31] Chalendar, I. and Partington, J. Variations on Lomonosov's theorem via the technique of minimal vectors , Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), vol. 71 (2005), 603-617.

[30] Chalendar, I., Fricain, E. and Partington, J. Overcompleteness of sequences of reproducing kernels in model spaces, Integral Equations Operator Theory, vol. 56 (2006), 45-56.

[29] Chalendar, I. and Partington, J. An image problem for compact operators , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 134 (2006), 1391-1396.

[28] Chalendar, I., Partington, J. and Smith. R. $L\sp 1$ factorizations, moment problems and invariant subspaces , Studia Mathematica, Vol. 167 (2005), 183-194.

[27] Chalendar, I., Habsieger, L., Partington, J. and Ransford T. Approximate Carleman theorems and a Denjoy-Carleman maximum principles, Arch. Math. (Basel), Vol. 83 (2004) 88-96.

[26] Chalendar, I. and Partington, J. Convergence properties of minimal vectors for normal operators and weighted shifts, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005), 501-510.

[25] Chalendar, I The operator-valued Poisson kernel and its applications, Irish Math. Soc. Bulletin, Vol. 51 (2003) 21-44.

[24] Chalendar, I., Fricain, E. and Timotin, D. Functional models and asymptotically orthonormal sequences , Annales de l'Institut Fourier, Vol. 53 (5) (2003) 1527-1549.

[23] Chalendar, I. and Partington, J.R. Constrained approximation and invariant subspaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl., Vol. 280 (2003) 176-187.

[22] Chalendar, I., Partington, J. and Smith, M. Approximation in reflexive Banach spaces and applications to the invariant subspace problem, Proc. A. M. S., Vol. 132 (2004), 1133-1142.

[21] Chalendar, I. and Partington, J.R. On the structure of invariant subspaces for isometric composition operators on $H^2 (D)$ and $H^2 (C_+)$, Arch. Math. (Basel), Vol. 81 (2003) 193-207.

[20] Chalendar, I. and Partington, J.R. Spectral density for multiplication operators with applications to factorization of $L^1$ functions, J. Operator Theory, Vol. 50 (2003) 411-422.

[19] Cassier, G. and Chalendar, I. and Chevreau, B. A mapping theorem for the boundary set $X_T$ of an absolutely continuous contraction $T$, J. Operator Theory, Vol. 50 (2003) 331-343.

[18] Chalendar, I., Leblond, J. and Partington, J.R. Approximation problems in some holomorphic spaces, with applications., Systems, Approximation, Singular Integral Operators, and Related Topics, Proceedings of IWOTA 2001. eds. Alexander A. Borichev and Nikolai K. Nikolski, Birkauser.

[17] Chalendar, I.; Mortini, R. When do finite Blaschke products commute ? Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. , Vol. 64 (2001) 189-200.

[16] Chalendar, I. and Partington, J.R. $L^1$ factorizations for some perturbations of the unilateral shift. Note aux C.R.A.S. , Tome 332, Série I, N.2, p.115-119 (2001).

[15] Chalendar, I. and Partington, J.R. Interpolation between Hardy spaces on circular domains with applications to approximation. Arch. Math. (Basel), Vol. 78 (2002) 223-232.

[14] Cassier, G.; Chalendar, I. The group of the invariants of a finite Blaschke product. Complex variables 42 (2000) 193--206.

[13] Chalendar, I.; Kellay, K.; Ransford, T. Binomial sums, moments and invariant subspaces. Israel Math. J. 115 (2000), 303--320.

[12] Chalendar, I.; Partington, J.R. Approximation problems and representations of Hardy spaces in circular domains. Studia Math. 136 (1999), no. 3, 255--269.

[11] Chalendar, I.; Esterle, J. Le problème du sous-espace invariant. In. Development of Mathematics 1950-2000 édités par Jean-Paul Pier, Birkhaüser (Bale), 2000.

[10] Cassier, G.; Chalendar, I.; Chevreau, B. Some mapping theorems for the class ${A}\sb {m,n}$. Proc. London Math. Soc. 79 (1999), no. 1, 222--240.

[9] Cassier, G.; Chalendar, I.; Chevreau, B. New examples of contractions illustrating membership and non-membership in the classes ${A}\sb {m,n}$. Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 64 (1998), no. 3-4, 707--731.

[8] Chalendar, I. Localized $L\sp 1$-factorization for absolutely continuous contractions. Banach algebras '97 (Blaubeuren), 79--86, de Gruyter, Berlin, 1998.

[7] Chalendar, I.; Esterle, J. $L\sp 1$-factorization for $C\sb {00}$-contractions with isometric functional calculus. J. Funct. Anal. 154 (1998), no. 1, 174--194.

[6] Chalendar, I. A note on hyperinvariant subspaces for operators acting on a Banach space. Arch. Math. (Basel) 70 (1998), no. 5, 399--406.

[5] Chalendar, I. Hyperinvariant subspaces for compact perturbations of operators whose spectrum has a Dini-smooth exposed arc. Indiana Univ. Math. J. 46 (1997), no. 4, 1125--1136.

[4] Chalendar, Isabelle; Jaeck, Frédéric On the contractions in the classes $\bold A\sb {n,m}$. J. Operator Theory 38 (1997), no. 2, 265--296.

[3] Chalendar, Isabelle Hyperinvariant subspaces for certain compact perturbations of an operator. J. Operator Theory 36 (1996), no. 1, 147--156.

[2] Chalendar, Isabelle Techniques d'algèbres duales et sous-espaces invariants. (French) [Dual algebra techniques and invariant subspaces] With a preface in Romanian by Bernard Chevreau. Monografii Matematice [Mathematical Monographs], 55. Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara, Facultatea de Matematica, Timisoara, 1995. iv+94 pp.

[1] Chalendar, I. Représentations isométriques de ${\cal H}\sp \infty(G)$. (Isometric representations of ${\cal H}\sp \infty(G)$). (French) An. Univ. Timis., Ser. Mat.-Inform. 33, No.1, 19-44 (1995).


[4] C. Avicou, I. Chalendar and J. R. Partington. Analyticity and compactness of semigroups of composition operators.

[3] I. Chalendar, J. Esterle and J. R. Partington. Lower estimates near the origin for functional calculus on operator semigroups.

[2] Chalendar, I, Fricain, E. and Timotin, D. , A short note on the Feichtinger Conjecture preprint, 2011.

[1] Chalendar, I. and Partington, J.R. The cyclic vectors and invariant subspaces of rational Bishop operators.


[5] Chalendar, I. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Lyon I, spécialité Mathématiques Pures, Outils d'Analyse Complexe et Fonctionnelle pour le problème du sous-espace invariant, 2001.

[4] Henry Helson. Et les séries de Fourier devinrent Analyse harmonique. Leçons de mathématiques d'aujourd'hui. CASSINI, Paris, 2000.

[3] Techniques d'analyse complexe appliquées au problème des moments et au problème du sous-espace invariant Revue de l'association Femmes et Mathématique . Forum des Jeunes Mathématiciennes, 1999.

[2] Chalendar, I. Thèse présentée à l'Université Bordeaux I, spécialité Mathématiques Pures, Autour du problème du sous-espace et théorie des algèbres duales.

[1] Algèbres duales et classes $\bold A\sb {n,m}$. Revue de l'association Femmes et Mathématique (supplément au numéro 2). Premier Forum des Jeunes Mathématiciennes, 7-10, 1996.

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