Yoann Dabrowski

I am an assistant professor at Université Lyon 1 since September 2011, among the Probability and Mathematical Physics group.

Office: Braconnier 227

I coorganize the following conference Probably on Random Matrices.

Main Research Interests

  • Free Probability theory, especially the study of free stochastic differential equations, free entropy, free transport (conjecturally optimal).
  • Applications of free probability to von Neumann algebras.
  • Algebraic quantum field theory.
  • Publications and preprints

    Most of my articles can be found on Arxiv. Links to published versions or preprints can be found below.

    Free probability
    1. A non-commutative Path Space approach to stationary free Stochastic Differential Equations Arxiv:1006.4351
    2. A Free Stochastic Partial Differential Equation. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. Volume 50, Number 4 (2014), 1404-1455. (Slightly more general results with a worse exposition in the second older arxiv version Arxiv:1008.4742v2 )
    3. (with Philippe Biane) Concavification of free entropy. Advances in Mathematics Volume 234, 15 February 2013, Pages 667–696
    4. (with Ken Dykema and Kunal Mukherjee) The simplex of tracial quantum symmetric states Studia Mathematica 225 (2014), 203-218.
    5. Time Reversal of free diffusions I : Reversed Brownian motion, Reversed SDE and first order regularity of conjugate variables Arxiv:1402.4774
    6. Non-commutative Analytic functions relative to a covariance map : I. Generalized Haagerup products and analytic relations Arxiv:1503.05515
    7. A Laplace Principle for Hermitian Brownian Motion and Free Entropy Arxiv:1604.06420
    8. (with Alice Guionnet and Dima Shlyakhtenko) Free transport for convex potentials New Zealand Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 52 (2021), 259-359 .
    Continuous model theory and logic .
    1. Continuous model theories for von Neumann algebras Arxiv:1508.03202 (To appear in Journal of Functional Analysis)
    2. (with Marie Kerjean) Models of Linear Logic based on the Schwartz $\varepsilon$-product. Theory and applications of Categories, Volume 34 - 2019, 1440-1525
    Applications to von Neumann algebras, Subfactors.
    1. A Note about proving non-Γ under a finite non-microstates free Fisher information Assumption. Journal of Functional Analysis. Volume 258, Issue 11, 1 June 2010, Pages 3662–3674
    2. (with Adrian Ioana) Unbounded derivations, free dilations and indecomposability results for II_1 factors. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 368 (2016), no. 7, 4525-4560 ( Arxiv:1212.6425 )
    3. (with Stephen Curran and Dimitri Shlyakhtenko) Free analysis and planar algebras. Proceedings of the 2014 Maui and 2015 Qinhuangdao conferences in honour of Vaughan F.R. Jones’ 60th birthday p 115
    Functional Analysis related to Algebraic quantum field theory.
    1. (with Christian Brouder) Functional properties of Hörmander's space of distributions having a specified wavefront set. Communications in Mathematical Physics December 2014, Volume 332, Issue 3, pp 1345-1380
    2. Functional properties of Generalized Hörmander spaces of distributions I : Duality theory, completions and bornologifications Arxiv:1411.3012
    3. Functional properties of Generalized Hörmander spaces of distributions II : Multilinear maps and applications to spaces of functionals with wave front set conditions arXiv:1412.1749
    Probability theory.
    1. (with Alexander I. Bufetov and Yanqi Qiu ) Linear rigidity of stationary stochastic processes. Arxiv:1507.00670