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Statistical Mechanics, random planar geometry and interacting random walks

June 6 -- 9, 2017

The conference will cover a large spectrum of topics including discrete models of statistical physics, random geometry, self-interacting processes and processes in random media, and their relations with field theory. This conference is part of the semester ProbaLYon funded by the LABEX MILYON .

The conference will be held in LYON at the Institut Camille Jordan from Tuesday June 6th to Friday June 9th 2017 .

Practical information here

Invited Speakers

  • Michael Aizenman (Princeton)
  • Roland Bauerschmidt (Harvard)
  • Francesco Caravenna (Milano Bicocca)
  • Pietro Caputo (Roma Tre)
  • Alessandro Giuliani (Roma Tre)
  • Clément Hongler (Lausanne)
  • Gady Kozma (Weizmann)
  • Hubert Lacoin (IMPA)
  • Benoît Laslier (Paris 7)
  • Titus Lupu (ETH Zürich)
  • Ioan Manoelscu (Friburg)
  • Ori Gurel­-Gurevich (Hebrew university, Jerusalem)
  • Yuval Peres (Microsoft)
  • Gabor Pete (Rényi and Budapest University)
  • Alejandro Ramírez (Santiago)
  • Rémi Rhodes (Marne la vallée)
  • Yinon Spinka (Tel Aviv)
  • Pierre Tarrès (Dauphine & Shangaï)
  • Cristina Toninelli (Paris 7)
  • Balint Töth (Bristol/Budapest)
  • Yvan Velenik (Genève)
  • Wendelin Werner (ETH Zürich)

Registration and support

For organization purposes, we need to know the number of participants: if you plan to participate, please register before May, 5th here:

Graduate students, postdocs and early career researchers are encouraged to apply. Some financial support is available. Junior participants who wish to apply for financial support should do so before April 15th. and should arrange for a short support letter to be sent by e-mail by their supervisor to the organizers.


Funding for this conference is provided by LABEX MILYON (ANR-10- LABX-0070) of Université de Lyon, within the program "Investissements d'Avenir" (ANR-11-IDEX-0007) operated by the French National Research Agency (ANR).

Organizers and contacts
Administrative help: Carine Sevestre,

Last Modification: 2017/01/30