- S. Corteel: Overpartitions,
lattice paths and Rogers-Ramanujan identities
We define the notions of
successive ranks and generalized Durfee squares
for overpartitions.
We show how these combinatorial statistics give extensions to
overpartitions of combinatorial
interpretations in terms of lattice paths of the generalizations of the
Rogers-Ramanujan identities due to Burge, Andrews and Bressoud. Our
result includes the Andrews-Gordon identities, the generalization of
Gordon-Gollnitz identities and Gordon's theorems for overpartitions.
This is joint work with Olivier Mallet (Paris 7).
- D. Foata: Statistical
distributions on
signed words and permutations
Guo-Niu Han and I have been
various multivariable statistical distributions on signed
words and permutations of the B and D types, particularly
statistical distributions involving the length function
and the record values. My intention is to give an overview
on the techniques that have been used. See our three
papers on this subject (one to appear, the second
published, the third one submitted) that can be downloaded
from our home pages.
- M. Ishikawa: The refinements
of TSSCPP enumeration
We propose several formulas
refining the enumeration of
totally symmetric self-complementary plane partitions (abbreviated as
TSSCPP) of size n.
- C. Krattenthaler: Generalized
non-crossing partitions and the generalized cluster complex
I shall present the generalized
non-crossing partitions of
Drew Armstrong and the generalized cluster complex of Fomin and
Reading. Both of these combinatorial objects are associated to finite
reflection groups.
They are fascinating in many ways. In particular, they have
extremely interesting enumerative properties, some of which I will
mention. The main result of the talk will be a surprising relation
between the M\"obius function of the poset of generalized non-crossing
partitions and certain face numbers of the generalized cluster complex.
As yet,
there is no intrinsic understanding for this relation, my proof being
case-by-case (with, in fact, a gap to be filled in type D).
- J. Lovejoy: Constant terms,
jagged partitions, and partitions with difference
two at distance two
We exhibit some constant term
identities that involve generating
functions for "jagged partitions" and describe the partition-theoretic
implications. These are in terms of partitions where the number of
occurrences of j
and j+1 is at most 2. For example, we give interpretations of the
of the product in the first Rogers-Ramanujan identity as well as the
product in the Capparelli theorem.
- S. Okada: Special
polynomials associated with the Painlevé equations
The Painlevé equations are
non-linear ordinary differential
equations without movable branching points. There are families
of special polynomials, such as Yablonskii-Vorob'ev polynomials
and Umemura polynomials, associated with rational or algebraic
solutions of the Painlevé equations and their generalizations.
In this talk we discuss combinatorial properties and positivity
of these polynomials.
- H. Rosengren: Q-polynomials and
We will discuss Schur
Q-polynomials evaluated on a geometric progression,
or equivalently q-enumeration of marked shifted tableaux. We are
particularly interested in finding explicit formulas that remain
for q=1. We have found several such expressions involving determinants
and pfaffians of q-ultraspherical polynomials, and also as multiple
q-hypergeometric series.
- M. Schlosser: Elliptic
enumeration of nonintersecting lattice paths
I will present a proof of Frenkel
and Turaev's elliptic hypergeometric 10-V-9 summation by enumeration of
lattice paths
with respect to an elliptic (i.e., doubly periodic meromorphic) weight
function. This appears to be the first combinatorial proof of the
10-V-9 summation formula, and at the same time of some important
degenerate cases including Jackson's very-well-poised
balanced 8-phi-7 and Dougall's 7-F-6 summation. The computation of the
elliptic generating function for
selected families of nonintersecting lattice paths leads, via the
Gessel-Viennot theorem and an elliptic determinant
evaluation by Warnaar, to a multivariable extension of the 10-V-9
summation which turns out to be a special case of an
identity originally conjectured by Warnaar, subsequently proved by
Rosengren. I will also touch on related issues
such as elliptic Schur functions and the elliptic enumeration of
tableaux and plane partitions.
- D. Stanton: The cyclic
sieving phenomenon
The cyclic sieving phenomenon
(CSP) is an
explanation for why q being a root unity gives a
recognizable integer in many generating functions.
In this talk several known examples of the CSP will be given.
Moreover the conjectured enumeration of new plane partition
symmetry classes are offered. Connections to invariant
theory over finite fields will be discussed.
- S. O. Warnaar: Bisymmetric
functions, Macdonald polynomials and sl_3 basic hypergeometric series
In this talk I will describe a
new class of basic hypergeometric series labelled by the Lie algebra
sl_3. The summand of the sl_3 series depends on a pair of Macdonald
polynomials and a bisymmetric function related
to alternating sign matrices and sl_3 Selberg integrals.