read "superch2.m": # contains the list "listsuperchE2" and the variable "indicemax" (= the number # of terms of the list "listsuperchE2") # which are described and used in the procedure "superchamp" below. # The procedure "functLandau(n,imp)" computes the standard factorization # into primes of g(n) according to the scheme given in § 1.3 of the paper. # To get the numerical value, use "numvalueofg(n)". # n should satisfy 7 <= n <= 1073484873411753. If n <= 165, the algorithm # sometimes does not work. # "imp" is a printing variable between 0 and 9. If imp = 0, nothing is printed; # if imp = 1, are printed N = the superchampion preceding g(n), n, ell(g(n)), # the value of the fraction g(n)/N and its factorisation into primes. # For 2 <= imp <= 4, more parameters are printed. The values of imp # betwen 5 and 9 are used to print intermediate results. functLandau:=proc(n,imp) local temps,tempar,tN,tp1,tp2,tp3,tb1,tb2,tn,tgr, # time variable np1,np2,np3,nn1,nn2, # count the lengths of the lists i,gofnoverN,lis,Boverho,PI,PIf,pif,m,mf,nmlgofn,pom,gg,suff,omf, Bprime, # guessed value for B; called B' in the paper, see § 7.3 Bexact, # value of ben(g(n))+n-ell(g(n)) pmin; # the smallest prime dividing the superchampion N with v_p(N)=1 global rho, # parameter s.t. ell(N_rho) <= n < ell(N_rho^+) (cf. § 5.1) x1, # implicitely defined by x1/log(x1)=rho (cf. formula (28) x2, # implicitely defined by (x2^2-x2)/log(x2)=rho (cf. formula (28) pk, # the greatest prime factor of N_rho (noted p_k in the paper) listexpo, # the list where each term [p,alpha] gives the exponent alpha of the # prime p in the superchampion N_rho (for all p with alpha >= 2) lofN, # =ell(N_rho) which is <= n (by (32)) lofNprime,# =ell(N'_rho) > n; often, lofNprime=lofN+nextprime(pk) lprime, # lofNprime-lofN pprime, # quotient of Nprime_rho by N_rho; often, pprime=nextprime(pk) B, # an upper bound for ben(g(n)) + n -ell(g(n)) (cf. § 7.3 and (42)) Baug, # a slightly increased value of B to avoid rounding errors B1, # We assume Baug <= B1 in order to apply Proposition 2, § 6.1 listpref1,listpref2, # provisional values of "listpref" listpref, # list of the possible plain prefixes pi (ben(pi*N) <= B) # listpref is noted {curly D}(B) in the article. # Each plain prefix pi is represented by a list of 3 terms # [pi,ell(N*pi)-ell(N),ben(N*pi)] listprefnorm1, # provisional value of "listprefnorm" before "fight" § 7.7 listprefnorm; # list of possible normalized prefixes after "fight" # (noted {curly N}) § 7.9 # Each prefix PI is represented by a list of 6 numbers: # [PI,ell(N*PI)-ell(N),ben(N*PI),omega,p_{k+omega},pi] temps:=time();tempar:=temps; ################ # First step, determination of the superchampion N (cf. § 5.2) ################ superchamp(n); # computes N satisfying (32) : ell(N) <= n < ell(N') tN:=time()-tempar;tempar:=time(); # tN is the time of computation of N if imp >= 1 then pmin:=nextprime(listexpo[nops(listexpo)][1]); print(`N=`,op(impression(listexpo,pmin,pk))); fi; if imp >= 2 then print(`n=`,n,`ell(N)=`,lofN,`n-ell(N)=`,n-lofN); print(`rho=`,rho,`prime number corresponding to rho=`,pprime); fi; ################ # Second step : first determination of plain prefixes. # Bprime represents B' as described in § 7.3 ################ x2:=fsolve((t^2-t)/log(t)=rho,t=2...x1); # formula (28) B1:=min(x2^2-2.*x2,x1/2.-sqrt(x1)); # cf. (34) if n >= 10^10 then Bprime:=0.5*rho; # cf. § 7.3 for the choice of Bprime elif n >= 2485 then Bprime:=rho; else Bprime:=0.9999*B1-0.0001; # a little less than B1 fi; listpref1:=prefix(Bprime,imp); tp1:=time()-tempar;tempar:=time(); np1:=nops(listpref1); ################ # Third step: first upper bound for the benefit of g(n). ################ B:=majben(listpref1,n,imp); # cf. § 7.3 Baug:=1.0001*B+0.0001; # to avoid rounding errors tb1:=time()-tempar;tempar:=time(); tp2:=-1; tb2:=-1; np2:=-1; # initialization of these variables in case # of Baug <= Bprime if imp >= 3 then print(`time for N=`,tN,`time of 1st computation of prefixes=`,tp1, `number of prefixes=`,np1); Boverho:=B/rho; print(`first computation of B=`,B,`B/rho=`,evalf(Boverho,3),`time=`,tb1); fi; ################ # Fourth step : if the upper bound B is not good enough, we start again ################ if Baug > B1 then if imp >= 1 then print(`it does not work for n=`,n,`since B=`,B,`Baug=`,Baug, `are greater than B1=`,B1,`try an n > 165`); fi; return [false,`n=`,n,`B=`,B,`Baug=`,Baug,`B1=`,B1]; fi; # Now, we have Baug <= B1. if Baug > Bprime then # we have to compute again prefixes, cf. § 7.3 listpref2:=prefix(Baug,imp); tp2:=time()-tempar;tempar:=time(); np2:=nops(listpref2); B:=majben(listpref2,n,imp); Baug:=1.0001*B+0.0001; # to avoid rounding errors tb2:=time()-tempar;tempar:=time(); listpref:=shorten(listpref2,Baug); # removing the prefixes pi of "listpref2" # s.t. ben(N*pi) > Baug else listpref:=shorten(listpref1,Baug); # removing the prefixes pi of "listpref1" # s.t. ben(N*pi) > Baug fi; tp3:=time()-tempar;tempar:=time(); np3:=nops(listpref); if imp >= 3 then if tp2 < 0 then print(`no second computation of prefixes`); else print(`time of 2nd computation of prefixes=`,tp2,`number of prefixes=`,np2); print(`second computation of B=`,B,`time=`,tb2); fi: Boverho:=B/rho; print(`B=`,B,`B/rho=`,evalf(Boverho,3),`time of shortening`,tp3, `number of prefixes=`,np3); fi; ################ # Fifth step : construction of normalized prefixes (§ 7.6 and 7.7). ################ listprefnorm1:=prefnorm(listpref,n,imp); nn1:=nops(listprefnorm1); listprefnorm:=fight(listprefnorm1,pk,n,imp); # cf. § 7.9 tn:=time()-tempar; tempar:=time(); nn2:=nops(listprefnorm); if imp >= 3 then print(`time of computation of normalized prefixes=`,tn); print(`number of normalized prefixes=`,nn1,`after fight=`,nn2); fi; ################ # Sixth and last step : determination of the suffix and of g(n) ################ gofnoverN:=0; # cf. § 7.8 for i from 1 to nops(listprefnorm) do lis:=listprefnorm[i]; PI:=lis[1]; m:=n-lofN-lis[2]; pom:=lis[5]; gg:=Gpkm(pom,m,imp); if imp >= 4 then print(`Function G(p,m); omega=`,lis[4],`p=`,pom,`m=`,m,`G=`, ifactor(gg[1]),gg[2]); fi; if PI*gg[1] > gofnoverN then gofnoverN:=PI*gg[1]; PIf:=PI; pif:=lis[6]; suff:=PIf/pif*gg[1]; nmlgofn:=m-ellfrac(gg[1]); omf:=lis[4]; mf:=m; fi; od; tgr:=time()-tempar; if imp >= 4 then print(`time of computation of the suffix=`,tgr); Bexact:= evalf(n-lofN)-rho*log(evalf(gofnoverN)); Boverho:=Bexact/rho; print(`Bexact=ben(g(n))+n-ell(g(n))=`,Bexact, `Bexact/rho=`,evalf(Boverho,3)); fi; if imp >= 1 then print(`n=`,n,`g(n)/N=`,gofnoverN,`g(n)/N=`,ifactor(gofnoverN), `n-ell(g(n))=`,nmlgofn,`total time=`,time()-temps); fi; if imp >= 2 then print(`m=`,mf,`plain prefix=`,ifactor(pif),`omega=`,omf,`PI/pi=`, ifactor(PIf/pif),`suffix=`,ifactor(suff)); fi; gofnoverN; end; # of functLandau ell:=proc(p,k) if k=0 then 0 elif k > 0 then p^k else error "the variable k= %1 is non-positive for p= %2", k,p; fi; end; ellfrac:=proc(M) local S,liste,i; # computes the function "ell" for the fraction M if type(M,fraction) then ellfrac(numer(M))-ellfrac(denom(M)); elif type(M,integer) then liste:=op(2,ifactors(M)); S:=0; for i from 1 to nops(liste) do S:=S+ell(op(liste[i])); od; S; else error "bad type of M=%1",M; fi; end; cherche:=proc(liste,m,ini,ifi) local a,b,c; # "cherche" means look for; "liste" is a list of numbers in ascending order # If m >= liste[ifi], returns ifi; if m < liste[ini] returns "error"; # if not, returns c such that ini <= c < ifi and liste[c] <=m < liste[ifi]. # If the list is not-decreasing, returns the maximal such c if nops(liste)=0 or liste[ini] > m or ini <= 0 or ifi > nops(liste) then error "bad choice of m=%1, ini=%2, ifi=%3 or nopsliste=%4",m,ini,ifi,nops(liste); fi; if m >= liste[ifi] then return ifi; fi; a:=ini; b:=ifi; # here, liste[ini] <= m and liste[ifi] < m while b-a > 1 do c:=iquo(a+b,2); if liste[c] <= m then a:=c; else b:=c; fi; # liste[b] > m holds od; a; end; cherchez:=proc(liste,m,ini,ifi,j) local a,b,c; # it is the same procedure than the preceding one; # only, "liste" is a list of lists liste[i]=[a_i,b_i,c_i,...] # For j given, the numbers liste[i][j] are increasing or not-decreasing; # returns c such that ini<= c < ifi and liste[c][j] <= m < liste[c+1][j] # in the same conditions that in the preceding procedure if nops(liste)=0 or liste[ini][j] > m or ini <= 0 or ifi > nops(liste) then error "bad choice of m=%1, ini=%2, ifi=%3 or nopsliste=%4", m,ini,ifi,nops(liste); fi; if m >= liste[ifi][j] then return ifi; fi; a:=ini; b:=ifi; while b-a > 1 do c:=iquo(a+b,2); if liste[c][j] <= m then a:=c; else b:=c; fi; od; a; end; impression:=proc(liste,p1,p2) local i,nb,com,T,lisres,mot; # This procedure allows the printing of the factorization of superchampions. nb:=nops(liste); mot:=` ... `; if nb < 5 or liste[nb-2][2] > 2 then if p1=p2 then lisres:=[op(liste),p1]; elif p2=nextprime(p1) then lisres:=[op(liste),p1,p2]; else lisres:=[op(liste),p1,mot,p2]; fi; else com:=0; i:=1; while liste[i][2] > 2 do if liste[i][2] > liste[i+1][2] then com:=com+1; T[com]:=liste[i]; i:=i+1; elif liste[i][2] > liste[i+2][2] then com:=com+1; T[com]:=liste[i]; com:=com+1; T[com]:=liste[i+1]; i:=i+2; else com:=com+1; T[com]:=liste[i]; com:=com+1; T[com]:=mot; while liste[i][2]=liste[i+1][2] do i:=i+1; od; com:=com+1; T[com]:=liste[i]; i:=i+1; fi; od; com:=com+1; T[com]:=liste[i]; com:=com+1; T[com]:=mot; com:=com+1; T[com]:=liste[nb]; com:=com+1; T[com]:=p1; com:=com+1; T[com]:=mot; com:=com+1; T[com]:=p2; lisres:=[seq(T[icom],]; fi; lisres; end; superchamp:=proc(n) local i,aile,ii,q,alfaq,maxq,n0,ltab,pkp1,t,p,oldp,pmin; global pk,pprime,alfaprime,lofN,lofNprime,lprime,rho,alfa,listexpo,x1, nmaximum, # =1073484873411753 max value of n for this algo to compute g(n) indicemax,# =1360, number of terms of the list "listsuperchE2" listsuperchE2; # each element of this list is of the form [q,j,p,ell(N_\rho^+]; # rho=(q^{j+1}-q^j)/log q and p is the greatest prime s.t. # p/log p < rho. cf. The superchampion algorithm, § 5.2 # This procedure determines the two consecutive superchampion # numbers N and N' such that ell(N) <= n < ell(N') (formula (32). nmaximum:=listsuperchE2[indicemax][4]-1; if n < 7 or n > nmaximum then error "IMPOSSIBLE,n=%1 is not in the interval [ 7 .. %2]",n,nmaximum; fi; # We determine the two consecutive elements of listsuperchE2 sandwiching n i:=cherchez(listsuperchE2,n,1,indicemax,4); q:=listsuperchE2[i+1][1]; alfaq:=listsuperchE2[i+1][2]; aile:=listsuperchE2[i+1][4]-q^(alfaq-1)*(q-1); if aile <= n then # here, n is just a little smaller than listsuperchE2[i+1][4] rho:=evalf(q^(alfaq-1)*(q-1)/log(q)); # and rho belongs to the set E' pk:=listsuperchE2[i+1][3]; pkp1:=nextprime(pk); pprime:=q; alfaprime:=alfaq-1; lofN:=aile; lofNprime:=listsuperchE2[i+1][4]; lprime:=lofNprime-lofN; x1:=fsolve(t/log(t)=rho,t=0.9999*evalf(pk)..1.0001*evalf(pkp1)); else n0:=listsuperchE2[i][4]; oldp:=listsuperchE2[i][3]; p:=nextprime(oldp); n0:=n0+p; while n0 <= n do oldp:=p; p:=nextprime(p); n0:=n0+p; od; lofNprime:=n0; lofN:=n0-p; lprime:=lofNprime-lofN; pk:=oldp; pprime:=p; x1:=evalf(pprime); rho:=x1/log(x1); alfaprime:=0; fi; maxq:=0; # computation of "listexpo" for ii from 1 to i do q:=listsuperchE2[ii][1]; alfa[q]:=listsuperchE2[ii][2]; if q > maxq then maxq:=q; fi; od; q:=2; ii:=0; while q <= maxq do ii:=ii+1; ltab[ii]:=[q,alfa[q]]; q:=nextprime(q); od; pmin:=q; listexpo:=[ltab[iii] $iii=1..ii]; [n,lofN,lofNprime,n-lofN,lprime,pmin,pk,rho,x1,pprime,listexpo]; end; evalN:=proc() local p,alpha,S,N,palpha,k; global pk,listexpo; # computes (for small n's) the numerical value of N, the greatest superchampion # such that ell(N) <= n. This proc is not used in the computation of g(n) N:=1; S:=0; for k from 1 to nops(listexpo) do p:=listexpo[k][1]; alpha:=listexpo[k][2]; palpha:=p^alpha; N:=N*palpha; S:=S+palpha; od; while p < pk do p:=nextprime(p); N:=N*p; S:=S+p; od; [S,N]; end; numvalueofg:=proc(n) local gofnoverN; # computes the number g(n), for small n's gofnoverN:=functLandau(n,0); evalN()[2]*gofnoverN; end; superchampp:=proc(x) local i,aile,aileprime,S,p,p1,q,alfaq; global listsuperchE2; # Let p be the greatest prime <= x (supposed to be an integer). # This proc computes S=ell(N), where N is the greatest superchampion # such that its greatest prime factor is p. # This proc is not used in the computation of g(n) i:=cherchez(listsuperchE2,x,1,nops(listsuperchE2),3); aile:=listsuperchE2[i][4]; q:=listsuperchE2[i+1][1];alfaq:=listsuperchE2[i+1][2]; aileprime:=listsuperchE2[i+1][4]-q^(alfaq-1)*(q-1); p1:=listsuperchE2[i][3]; p:=nextprime(p1); S:=aile; while p <= x do S:=S+p; p:=nextprime(p); od: S; end; elaguage:=proc(liste) local comp,icom,a,maxl,i,T; # elaguage means pruning. Each term of "liste" is a list of at least 2 # elements : [a[1],a[2],...]. "liste" is supposed to be ordered so that # the first element of its terms are in increasing order. # This procedure removes of "list" the terms a st there exists an other term # b satisfying a[1] < b[1] a[2] >= b[2]. comp:=nops(liste); if comp <= 1 then return liste fi; T[comp] :=liste[comp]; # the greatest term cannot be taken off icom:=comp; maxl:=T[comp][2]; for i from comp -1 by -1 to 1 do a:=liste[i]; if a[2] < maxl then # here the term a is kept icom:=icom-1; T[icom]:=a; maxl:=a[2]; fi; od; [seq(T[scom],scom=icom..comp)]; end; fusionelaguage:=proc(na,A,nb,B) local ic,C,ia,ib,maxl,nc,res; # The terms of the two lists A and B of length na and nb have the same form # [a_i,a'_i,...] and [b_j,b'_j,...]. In each of these two lists # the two first elements are ordered in increasing order, i.e. they satisfy # a_i < a_{i+1}, a'_i < a'_{i+1}, b_j < b_{j+1} and b'_j < b'_{j+1}. # One supposes that the first elements a_i and b_j are all distinct. # The lists A and B are merged, yielding a new list C=[...,[c_k,c'_k,...],...] # with c_k < c_{k+1} . Further, the list C is pruned, i.e. the # element C[i]=[c_i,c'_i,...] for which there exists C[j] with i < j, # c_i < c_j and c'_i >= c'_j is taken off. if na=0 then return B; fi; if nb=0 then return A; fi; ia:=na; ib:=nb; nc:=na+nb; ic:=nc+1; maxl:=infinity; while ia > 0 and ib > 0 do if A[ia][1] < B[ib][1] then if B[ib][2] < maxl then ic:=ic-1; C[ic]:=B[ib]; maxl:=B[ib][2]; fi; ib:=ib-1; else if A[ia][2] < maxl then ic:=ic-1; C[ic]:=A[ia]; maxl:=A[ia][2]; fi; ia:=ia-1; fi; od; # at the end of the above loop, ia and ib cannot vanish simultaneously if ia=0 then while B[ib][2] >= maxl and ib >= 1 do ib:=ib-1;od; res:= [seq(B[ibb],ibb=1..ib),seq([icc],]; # if ib = 0, seq(B[ibb],ibb=1..ib) is empty. else # here, ib=0 while A[ia][2] >= maxl and ia >= 1 do ia:=ia-1;od; res:= [seq(A[iaa],iaa=1..ia),seq(C[icc],]; fi; res; end; prefix:=proc(Bprime,imp) local p,j,U,compD,compU,icom,beta,pbeta, alpha,palpha,b,delta,listel,lisD,lisU,rhologp,p2mp,lisUp,ti; global pk,listexpo,rho,x1; # This procedure computes the set D(B') as explained in the paper § 7.2. # All the computed prefixes have the form pi=U/V satisfying (44) # Note that more prefixes can exist, if Bprime is > B1. # Each prefix is saved in the form [g,lg,ben]; g is an element of U_j # or D_j, lg=ell(Ng)-ell(N), and ben=ben(gN) <= Bprime. # B' is supposed to be >= 0. If imp >= 9, partial results are printed. ti:=time(); lisD:=[[1,0,0.]]; # 1 is the only element of D_0 compD:=1; # compD counts the elements of D_0, D_1,... for j from 1 to nops(listexpo) do # here we consider the primes < x_2 listel:=listexpo[j]; p:=listel[1]; # p is equal to p_j alpha:=listel[2]; # alpha is v_p(N) palpha:=p^alpha; rhologp:=rho*log(evalf(p)); compU:=compD; # compD is the number of elements of D_{j-1} # First, we put all the elements of D_{j-1} in U_j so that # compU is equal to compD. # Considering the exponents greater than alpha beta:=alpha+1; pbeta:=palpha*p; b:=evalf(pbeta-palpha)-rhologp; #b is ben(Np^gamma) with gamma=beta-alpha while b <= Bprime do # if b > Bprime, then (54) cannot hold for icom from 1 to compD do delta:=lisD[icom]; # delta runs over D_j if b+delta[3] <= Bprime then # this is formula (54) compU:=compU+1; # we add a new element to set U_j U[compU]:=[pbeta/palpha*delta[1],delta[2]+pbeta-palpha,b+delta[3]]; fi; od; beta:=beta+1; pbeta:=pbeta*p; b:=evalf(pbeta-palpha)-evalf(beta-alpha)*rhologp; # by Lemma 3, b is increasing on beta od; # Now, the exponents smaller than alpha beta:=alpha-1; pbeta:=palpha/p; b:=evalf(pbeta-palpha)+rhologp; #b is ben(Np^gamma) with gamma=beta-alpha <0 while b <= Bprime and beta >= 0 do for icom from 1 to compD do delta:=lisD[icom]; # delta runs over D_j if b+delta[3] <= Bprime then compU:=compU+1; # we add a new element to set U_j U[compU]:=[pbeta/palpha*delta[1],delta[2]+ell(p,beta)-palpha,b+delta[3]]; fi; od; beta:=beta-1; pbeta:=pbeta/p; b:=evalf(ell(p,beta)-palpha)-evalf(beta-alpha)*rhologp; od; # the computation of U_j is over if compU > compD then # computation of D_j lisU:=[op(lisD), seq(U[icom],icom=compD+1..compU)]; # lisU is the set U_j lisU:=sort(lisU,proc(a,b) evalb(a[1] < b[1]) end); lisD:=elaguage(lisU); # lisD is the set D_j after pruning U_j compD:=nops(lisD); # compD is the number of elements of D_j if imp >= 6 then print(`p=`,p,`alpha=`,alpha,`number of terms of lists=`, compU,compD, `time=`, time()-ti); ti:=time(); fi; fi; od; # Now we consider the primes between x_2 and sqrt(x_1) (with exponent 1 in N); # thanks to the condition Bprime < B1, one does not divide and one multiplies # only one time by these primes. (cf. Proposition 4, (2)) p:=nextprime(p); # p is the smallest prime s.t. alpha=v_p(N)=1 rhologp:=rho*log(evalf(p)); p2mp:=p^2-p; b:=evalf(p2mp)-rhologp; # b is increasing on p cf. § 7.5 while b <= Bprime and p <= pk do compU:=0; # here, we construct the set U_j in two parts. The first part contains # the multiples of p. The second part is D_{j-1}. These two parts are # sorted by merging and in the same time pruned by the procedure # "fusionelaguage". for icom from 1 to compD do if b+lisD[icom][3] <= Bprime then compU:=compU+1; U[compU]:=lisD[icom]; fi; od; lisUp:=[seq(U[icom],icom=1..compU)]; lisUp:=map(x->[x[1]*p,x[2]+p2mp,x[3]+b],lisUp); # the first part of U_j lisD:=fusionelaguage(compD,lisD,compU,lisUp); compD:=nops(lisD); if imp >= 6 then print(`p=`,p,`alpha=`,1,`nb of terms of lists=`,compU,compD, `time=`, time()-ti); ti:=time(); fi; p:=nextprime(p); rhologp:=rho*log(evalf(p)); p2mp:=p^2-p; b:=evalf(p2mp)-rhologp; od; lisD; end; majben:=proc(liste,n,imp) local i,imax,omega,nmlofN,lm,Pom,Som,benom, delta,ldelta,bendelta,benM,lM,pf,pfi,omegamin,omegamax,bi,imaxB; global pk,lofN,x1,B,rho; # this procedure computes B such that ben(g(n))+n-ell(g(n)) <= B # by the method described in the paper, § 7.3. "liste" is a list of prefixes # containing [1,0,0.]. First we compute the products # of the primes close to p_k. nmlofN:=n-lofN; # First the non-negative omega's omega:=0; Pom[0]:=1; Som[0]:=0; benom[0]:=0.; pfi:=pk; pf:=evalf(pfi); lm:=liste[1][2]; # liste[1] is the smallest prefix of "liste". "omegamax" is the greatest # integer s.t. ell(N*delta_omegamax) <= n. while lm +Som[omega] <= nmlofN do omega:=omega+1; pfi:=nextprime(pfi); pf:=evalf(pfi); Pom[omega]:=Pom[omega-1]*pfi; # Pom[omega]=p_{k+1}...p_{k+omega} Som[omega]:=Som[omega-1]+pfi; # Som[omega]=ell(Pom[omega]) benom[omega]:=benom[omega-1]+pf-rho*log(pf); # =ben(N*Pom[omega]) od; omegamax:=omega-1; # if delta=liste[1] is the smallest prefix, # "omegamax" is the greatest index s.t. ell(N*delta_omegamax) <= n. # Now, the negative omega's. omega:=0; pfi:=pk; pf:=evalf(pfi); lm:=liste[nops(liste)][2]; while lm +Som[omega] > nmlofN and pf >= 1.0001*sqrt(x1) do # the 2nd condition ensures that the prime factors of any prefix are smaller # than the prime factors of delta/delta_omega. if sqrt(x1) <= pf < 1.0001 # sqrt(x1), we may forget a prefix, but no importance. omega:=omega-1; Pom[omega]:=Pom[omega+1]/pfi; # =1/(p_k p_{k-1}...p_{k+omega+1} Som[omega]:=Som[omega+1]-pfi; # Som[omega]=ell(Pom[omega])=S_omega benom[omega]:=benom[omega+1]+rho*log(pf)-pf; # =ben(N*Pom[omega]) pfi:=prevprime(pfi); pf:=evalf(pfi); od; omegamin:=omega; # the smallest omega to be used to construct delta_omega imax:=cherchez(liste,nmlofN-Som[omegamin],1,nops(liste),2); # imax is the index of the greatest prefix delta s.t. # ell(delta*N) <= ell(N/(p_k...p_{k+omegamin+1}; # imax is equal to nops(liste) unless we exit from the "while" loop # with "pfi" small and lm+Som[omega] > nmlofN. This is very unlikely to # happen. If imax < nops(liste), we forget the elements of "liste" # of index > imax in the computation of the benefit. # End of precomputation; now, computation of B omega:=omegamax; # the initial value of B is ben M +n-ell(M) with M=delta_omega where # delta is the smallest prefix of "liste". It always exists provided that # the prefix [1,0,0.] is in "liste". B:=liste[1][3]+benom[omega]+evalf(nmlofN-liste[1][2]-Som[omega]); imaxB:=1; for i from 2 to imax do delta:=liste[i][1]; # delta is the current prefix ldelta:=liste[i][2]; # ldelta=ell(delta*N)-ell(N) bendelta:=liste[i][3]; # bendelta=ben(delta*N); # computation of omega while ldelta+Som[omega] > nmlofN do omega:=omega-1; od; benM:=bendelta+benom[omega]; # by formula (6.5), benM=ben M. lM:=ldelta+Som[omega]; # lM=ell(M)-ell(N) bi:=benM+evalf(nmlofN-lM); # bi is equal to ben M +n-ell(M) with M=delta_omega if bi < B then B:=bi; imaxB:=i; fi; od; if imp >= 8 then print(`B=`,B, `imaxB=`,imaxB,liste[imaxB],`nmlofN=`,nmlofN); fi; B; end; shorten:=proc(liste,maj) local i,com,T; # "liste" is a list of plain prefixes. Each term of "liste" is a list of 3 # elements [g,lg,ben]. The terms of "liste" with ben > maj are crossed out. com:=0; for i from 1 to nops(liste) do if liste[i][3] <= maj then com:=com+1; T[com]:=liste[i]; fi; od; [seq(T[icom],]; end; prefnorm:=proc(liste,n,imp) local t1dim,sqrtx1,di,i,ii,omega,nmlofN,lm,Pom, Som,benom,pfi,pf,unmoinsrhosurt1,omegamin,omegamax,comPI,T,PI,lPI, benPI,diPI,pi,lipn,pfin,sqrtx1aug; global pk,lofN,x1,B,Baug,rho,t1; # "liste" is the list of plain prefixes D(Baug) whose benefit is <= Baug. # We apply (7.36) which asserts that ell(N*pi) is at most # n-Som[omega] and at least n-Som[omega]-di with di=B/(1-rho/t1). # (replacing B by Baug and t1 by t1dim will eventually increase {curly N}) # For each possible omega, we look for the elements "pi" of "liste" # satisfying the above inequalities. # First we compute the sums S_omega almost in the same # way than in procedure "majben". Each possible normalized prefix # is represented by a list of 6 elements # [PI,ell(PI*N)-ell(N),ben(PI*N),omega,p_{k+omega},pi] t1:=fsolve(B+t11-rho*log(t11)=0,t11=0.9999*rho..1.0001*x1); # cf. § 7.6, (69) t1dim:=0.9999*t1-0.0001; # to avoid round off errors sqrtx1aug:=1.0001*sqrt(x1); if t1dim <= sqrtx1aug then # very unlikely to happen error "t1dim=%1 is smaller than sqrt(x1)=%2; t1=%3",t1dim,sqrtx1,t1; fi; unmoinsrhosurt1:=1.-rho/t1dim; di:=ceil(Baug/unmoinsrhosurt1); nmlofN:=n-lofN; # computation of omegamax omega:=0; Pom[0]:=1; Som[0]:=0; benom[0]:=0.; pfi:=pk; pf:=evalf(pfi); pfin[0]:=pk; lm:=liste[1][2]; while lm +Som[omega] <= nmlofN do omega:=omega+1; pfi:=nextprime(pfi); pfin[omega]:=pfi; pf:=evalf(pfi);# pfin[omega]=p_{k+omega} Pom[omega]:=Pom[omega-1]*pfi; # Pom[omega]=p_{k+1}...p_{k+omega} Som[omega]:=Som[omega-1]+pfi; # Som[omega]=ell(Pom[omega])=S_omega benom[omega]:=benom[omega-1]+pf-rho*log(pf); # =ben(N*Pom[omega]) od; omegamax:=omega-1; # computation of omegamin omega:=0; pfi:=pk; pf:=evalf(pfi); lm:=liste[nops(liste)][2]; while lm +Som[omega] > nmlofN -di and pf >= t1dim do # formula (77) omega:=omega-1; Pom[omega]:=Pom[omega+1]/pfi; # =1/(p_k p_{k-1}...p_{k+omega+1} Som[omega]:=Som[omega+1]-pfi; # Som[omega]=ell(Pom[omega]) benom[omega]:=benom[omega+1]+rho*log(pf)-pf; # =ben(N*Pom[omega]) pfi:=prevprime(pfi); pfin[omega]:=pfi; pf:=evalf(pfi); od; omegamin:=omega; comPI:=0; for omega from omegamin to omegamax do i:=cherchez(liste,nmlofN-Som[omega],1,nops(liste),2); ii:=i; while ii >= 1 and liste[ii][2] >= nmlofN-Som[omega]-di do lPI:=liste[ii][2]+Som[omega]; # lPI=ell(PI*N)-ell(N) benPI:=liste[ii][3]+benom[omega]; # benPI=ben(PI*N) diPI:=ceil((Baug-benPI)/unmoinsrhosurt1); if lPI >= nmlofN-diPI then # this condition comes from formula (77). pi:=liste[ii][1]; PI:=pi*Pom[omega]; # PI is a new normalized prefix comPI:=comPI+1; T[comPI]:=[PI,lPI,benPI,omega,pfin[omega],pi]; if pfin[omega+1]-(nmlofN-lPI) < sqrtx1aug then error "there is a problem with the normalized prefix %1",T[comPI]; fi; # very unlikely to happen, cf. (80) and § 7.8. fi; ii:=ii-1; od; od; lipn:=[seq(T[icom],icom=1..comPI)]; if imp >= 8 then print(`list of normalized prefixes=`,lipn,`card=`,nops(lipn)); fi; lipn; end; fight:=proc(liste,pk,n,imp) local nmlofN,sui,omax,omin,om,pfin,i,m,p,PI,T,TT, lisT,lisTord,mini,maxi,bou,compt,lisTT; global lofN; # this procedure eliminates some normalized prefixes as explained in § 7.9 # "liste" is a list of normalized prefixes. Each prefix is represented # by a list of 6 elements [PI,ell(PI*N)-ell(N),ben(PI*N),omega,pfin[omega],pi] if nops(liste) <= 1 then return liste; fi; nmlofN:=n-lofN; # construction of pfin sui:=op(map(x->x[4],liste)); omin:=min(sui); omax:=max(sui); pfin[0]:=pk; for om from 0 to omax do pfin[om+1]:=nextprime(pfin[om]); od; for om from 0 by -1 to omin+2 do pfin[om-1]:=prevprime(pfin[om]); od; # ordering of "liste" on the increasing values of "maxi" for i from 1 to nops(liste) do PI:=liste[i][1]; om:=liste[i][4]; p:=pfin[om+1]; m:=nmlofN-liste[i][2]; maxi:=PI*p/(p-m); # this is the upper bound g''(PI,n) of § 7.9 and (90) T[i]:=[op(liste[i]),maxi]; od; lisT:=[seq(T[ii],ii=1..nops(liste))]; lisTord:=sort(lisT,proc(a,b) evalb(a[7] > b[7]) end); PI:=lisTord[1][1]; om:=lisTord[1][4]; p:=pfin[om+1]; m:=nmlofN-lisTord[1][2]; mini:=PI*p/nextprime(p-m-1); bou:=true; compt:=1; TT[compt]:=lisTord[1]; # the 1st element of lisTord cannot be killed for i from 2 to nops(liste) while bou do if lisTord[i][7] < mini then bou:=false; else compt:=compt+1; TT[compt]:=lisTord[i]; PI:=lisTord[i][1]; om:=lisTord[i][4]; p:=pfin[om+1]; m:=nmlofN-lisTord[i][2]; mini:=max(mini,PI*p/nextprime(p-m-1)); fi; od; lisTT:=[seq(TT[icompt],icompt=1..compt)]; lisTT:=map(x->[x[ii] $ ii=1..6],lisTT); if imp >= 8 then print(`ordered list of normalized prefixes=`,lisTord,evalf(lisTord), `after fight`,lisTT); fi; lisTT; end; mj:=proc(j,K,r) local a; global S; # This short procedure calculates m_j(P_r) defined in the article, (103). if j <= r then a:=S[K+j]-S[K]-S[r]+S[r-j]; else a:=infinity; fi; a; end; Gcomb:=proc(pk,Mmax,imp) # imp is a printing parameter. If imp < 5 nothing is printed. # This procedure computes G(pk,m) for m even, 0 <= m <= Mmax <= pkp1-3 # where pk is a prime and pkp1 is the prime following pk. # The result is returned in a table GG[m]. Mmax is supposed not too large. # First, we compute the primes P[1],...,P[K]=pk,...,P[Rhat] # This procedure uses the combinatorial method explained in the article, § 8.1 # By induction on r and j, H(j,P[r],m) is saved in the memory HH[j,m]. local pkp1,P,r,Rhat,K,i,j,j1,mj1,m,bou,maxP,maxPgen,pkjr, GG,HH,pro,rmes,mmes,nu, tem,ti; # variables used for the time global S; tem:=time(); ti:=tem; # initialization of the time if not isprime(pk) then error "pk=%1 is not prime",pk;fi; pkp1:=nextprime(pk); if Mmax > pkp1-3 then error "Mmax=%1 is too big",Mmax; fi; if Mmax < pkp1-pk then for m from 0 by 2 to Mmax do GG[m]:=1; od; return GG; fi; # Determination of P[1] (cf. (8.7)) P[1]:=nextprime(pkp1-Mmax-1); r:=1; # Note that Mmax >= pkp1-pk implies P[1] <= pk. # Determination of the primes P[r], r=1..K while P[r] < pk do r:=r+1; P[r]:=nextprime(P[r-1]); od; K:=r; # here, we have P[K]=pk # Determination of large primes. # These primes are limited to P[Rhat] (cf. § 8.4) Rhat:=K+10; # 10 seems a reasonnable value. for r from K+1 to Rhat+1 do P[r]:=nextprime(P[r-1]); od; # P[Rhat+1] will only be used to compute maxPgen S[0]:=0; #S is the sommatory function of P[r]. for r from 1 to Rhat do S[r]:=S[r-1]+P[r]; od; if imp >= 6 then print(`Function Gcomb, pk=`,pk,`Mmax=`,Mmax,`Rhat=`,Rhat, `K=`,K,`P[K]=`,P[K],`small primes=`, [P[r1] $ r1=1..K-1], `large primes=`, [P[r1] $ r1=K+1..Rhat], `time of computation of the primes=`,time()-ti); ti:=time(); fi; pro:=1; # computation of the product pro:=P[K+1]...P[Rhat] for r from K+1 to Rhat do pro:=pro*P[r]; od; # The boolean variable "bou" will be used to eventually start again the # "while" loop, if maxPgen (= rhs of (109)) is not large enough. bou:=true; while bou do for m from 0 by 2 to Mmax do HH[0,m]:=1; od; # formula (108) for r from 1 to Rhat do # computation by induction of H(j,p[r],m)=HH[j,m] for j from min(Rhat-K,r) by -1 to max(1,r-K) do j1:=j-1; mj1:=mj(j,K,r-1); pkjr:=P[K+j]-P[r]; for m from mj(j,K,r) by 2 to min(Mmax,mj1-2) do HH[j,m]:= P[r]*HH[j1,m-pkjr]; # formula (107) od; for m from mj1 by 2 to Mmax do HH[j,m]:= min(HH[j,m],P[r]*HH[j1,m-pkjr]); # formula (106) od; od; # (j) if imp >= 8 then print(`r=`,r,`time=`,time()-ti,time()-tem); ti:=time(); fi; od; # (r) # Determination of maxPgen. This parameter is an upper bound # for the large primes (cf. formula (109)). maxPgen:=0; for m from 0 by 2 to Mmax do GG[m]:=pro/HH[Rhat-K,m]; # computation of G(pk,m) by formula (102) if GG[m] > 1 then maxP:=min(m+pk,floor(GG[m]*m/(GG[m]-1))); # maximum for m else maxP:=m+pk; # maximum for m fi; maxPgen:=max(maxPgen,maxP); # maximum for all m's od; # (m) # If maxPgen >= P[Rhat+1], P[Rhat+1] can occur, we have to continue. if maxPgen < P[Rhat+1] then bou:=false; # the computation is over if imp >= 5 then print(`P[Rhat+1]=`,P[Rhat+1],`is > maxPgen=`,maxPgen, `Rhat-K=`,Rhat-K,`real increment=`, cherche([P[r1] $ r1=K..Rhat+1],maxPgen,1,Rhat+2-K)-1, `the computation is over`,`time=`,time()-ti); ti:=time(); fi; else if imp >= 5 then print(`P[Rhat+1]=`,P[Rhat+1],`is <= maxPgen=`,maxPgen, `we start again with more primes`,`time=`,time()-ti); ti:=time(); fi; r:=Rhat+1; # We have to add primes while P[r] <= maxPgen do pro:=pro*P[r]; S[r]:=S[r-1]+P[r]; r:=r+1; P[r]:=nextprime(P[r-1]); od; # here, P[r] > maxPgen holds Rhat:=r-1; fi; # If maxPgen was too small, we start again the loop on "bou" od; # (bou) if imp >= 5 then # we measure the largest prime which has been used rmes:=K+1; for m from 0 by 2 to Mmax do nu:=numer(GG[m]); for r from rmes+1 to Rhat do if irem(nu,P[r])=0 then rmes:=r; mmes:=m; fi; od; # (r) od; # (m) print(`pmaxreel=`,P[rmes],`increm=`,rmes-K,`mmes=`,mmes,`total time=`, time()-tem); fi; GG; end; listediffprem:=[1,3,2,5,4,11,6,29,8,97,14,127,18,541,20,907,22,1151,34,1361, 36,9587,44,15727,52,19661,72,31469,86,156007,96,360749,112,370373,114,492227, 118,1349651,132,1357333,148,2010881,154,4652507,180,17051887,210,20831533, 220,47326913,222,122164969,234,189695893,248,191913031,250,387096383, 282,436273291,288,1294268779,292,1453168433,320,2300942869, 336,3842611109,354,4302407713,382,10726905041,384,20678048681, 394,22367085353,456,25056082543,464,42652618807,468,127976335139, 474,182226896713,486,241160624629,490,297501076289,500,303371455741, 514,304599509051,516,416608696337,532,461690510543,534,614487454057, 540,738832928467,582,1346294311331,588,1408695494197,602,1968188557063, 652,2614941711251]; # The number following 468 is wrong in the table of Riesel's book diffprem:=[]; for i from 1 by 2 to nops(listediffprem) do diffprem:=[op(diffprem),[listediffprem[i],listediffprem[i+1]]]; od: deltaprem:=proc(x) local a; global diffprem; # returns the largest gap between two consecutive primes not exceeding x if not type(x,integer) then error "bad choice of x=%1",x fi; a:=cherchez(diffprem,x,1,54,2); diffprem[a][1]; end; Gpkm:=proc(pk,m,imp) local mm,G1,G2,delta1max,maxd,maxdelta,pkp1,pkp2,q,d,oldd, Gprov,Gpr,Gout,mot,bou,qhat,delta,pkp1mmm,dmax; # This procedure computes G(pk,m) as explained in the article, § 9. if not isprime(pk) then error "pk=%1 is not prime",pk;fi; pkp1:=nextprime(pk); if m > pkp1-3 or m < 0 or not type(m,integer) then error "m=%1 is wrong",m; fi; if m < pkp1-pk then return [1,[`m is smaller than p_{k+1}-p_k`]]; fi; mm:=m-irem(m,2); # mm is the greatest even number <= m pkp1mmm:=pkp1-mm; if isprime(pkp1mmm) then return [pkp1/(pkp1mmm),[`p_{k+1}-m is prime, delta=0`]]; fi; pkp2:=nextprime(pkp1); delta1max:=2*trunc(1.275*log(evalf(pk))^2); # delta1max is an upper bound for delta_1(pk) defined in the paper, cf. (117) if irem(m,9,'qq')=0 then maxdelta:=2*qq-2 else maxdelta:=2*qq; fi; # here, maxdelta is the greatest even integer < 2m/9, cf. (112) maxdelta:=min(maxdelta,delta1max); maxd:=pkp2-pkp1+3*maxdelta/2; maxd:=maxd+irem(maxd,2); # maxd is even # maxd is an upper bound for the d's for which we need to calculate G(pkp1,d) G1:=Gcomb(pkp1,maxd,imp); q:=nextprime(pkp1mmm); # here, we are sure that pkp1-mm is not prime # q is the smallest prime which may occur in the denominator of G(pk,m) d:=q-pkp1mmm; bou:=false; Gprov:=1; while d <= maxdelta and not bou do Gpr:=pkp1/q*G1[d]; # formula (113) if Gpr > Gprov then Gprov:=Gpr; dmax:=d; fi; bou:=evalb(G1[d] >= 1+d/pkp1); # formula (111) q:=nextprime(q); oldd:=d; d:=q-pkp1mmm; od; if bou then # here, we have found delta delta:=oldd; qhat:=iquo(pkp1*pkp2*(pkp1mmm+delta),(pkp1+delta)*(pkp1-3*delta/2)); while q <= qhat do Gpr:=pkp1/q*G1[d]; # formula (113) if Gpr > Gprov then Gprov:=Gpr; dmax:=d; fi; q:=nextprime(q); d:=q-pkp1mmm; od; # we expect that dmax=delta often holds; below, we check that if dmax < delta then mot:=`exceptionnal case one`; elif dmax > delta then mot:=`exceptionnal case two`; else mot:=``; fi; Gout:=[Gprov,[`maxd=`,maxd,`delta=`,delta,mot]]; else # here, we have not found delta if mm > 9*delta1max/2 then mot:=`We should have found delta`; else mot:=``; fi; G2:=Gcomb(pk,mm,imp); Gprov:=G2[mm]; Gout:=[Gprov,[`maxm=`,mm,`delta not found`,mot]]; fi; Gout; end;