>THE "STATE" OF IDAHO: THE CASE FOR OPEN DEBATE > >If you would ask any schoolchild how many states there are in the >United States, you will get the same answer: 50. Fifty states >in the Union. It is simply an accepted "fact." If you would >disagree with this supposed "fact," you would be branded insane >or worse. > >However, mounting evidence shows that there are in fact only 49 >states in the US, and the "state" of Idaho is a baseless myth. > >We have been trying to distribute and publish this information >for over *two years*, but our scholarship has not been given >any respect. We have been censored, vilified, ridiculed and >spat upon by the "traditional" geographers and historians, but >WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED! > >All we ask is that the existence of the state of Idaho be debated, >as every other historical and geographic "fact" can be debated. >Time after time, our opponents have refused to debate us on the >FACTS. This alone should tell you something about the people who >support the "existence" of this "43rd state." > >Please read the following evidence VERY CAREFULLY, and you will be >astonished at the veracity of our cause. > >THE POPULATION MYTH > >Do you know anybody from Idaho? Do you know anybody *who knows >anybody* from Idaho? According to the 1990 "census," there are >over one million (1,000,000, or 1 x 10^6) people living in >Idaho. But if there are so many Idahoers, where are they? > >Some people have come forward and claimed that they were born >and raised in "Idaho." But *every single person* who made this >claim have been shown to be frauds and charlatans. These "Idahoan >wannabes" are invariably inconsistent with each other about the >size (in square miles or square kilometers) of "Idaho," about >various town and village names, and even about the names >of "Idaho's mighty rivers." > >THE SIZE FARCE > >According to traditional geographic sources (created entirely >by people who believe in the existence of Idaho, and probably >the Tooth Fairy, also) the "State" of Idaho is more than twice >the size of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, >Connecticut and Massachusetts *combined.* Isn't it strange that >a state with such vast land resources has so few people? And >even of you look at a map (created by the Idaho-centric >cartographers) the "State" of "Idaho" is dwarfed by its much >larger neighbor, Montana. > >SATELLITE EVIDENCE > >Recently declassified weather satellite information, showing >the entire continental United States, shows absolutely *no >evidence* that there is any state where "Idaho" is supposedly >located. Noted experts in the field of interpreting these >pictures unanimously agree that, from outer space, it is >impossible to determine the borders of this elusive "state." >Yet meteorologists and cartographers routinely overlay >these satellite pictures with the outline of states that >would seem to indicate Idaho's existence. > >PHOTOGRAPHIC "EVIDENCE" > >Many people, skeptical of the clear evidence that Idaho >does not and never did exist, point to photographs that they've >seen in encyclopedias and postcards seeming to show parts of the >state of Idaho. > >It is important to note that a photograph without a caption >is often meaningless. A picture of people in boats surrounded >by mountains could have been taken in Colorado or Nevada, >but when the holy *caption* says that this is a picture of >the "Salmon River" in "Idaho," gullible readers tend to >swallow this information whole *without any further examination.* > >We have examined literally hundreds of these "photographs," and >the ones that are not outright fakes are all clearly taken in >other parts of the nation. > >ASK THE JAPANESE > >It is well known that Americans are woefully ignorant about >geography, which is one reason why it is so easy to fake an >entire state here. Not surprisingly, most of the effort to >create the illusion of Idaho has been expended in the USA. > >But if you would ask a typical Japanese or French schoolchild >about what he/she knows about Idaho, you will usually get a >blank stare. People who are much better at geography than >Americans have never heard of this "great state." > >THE POTATO MYTH > >Any given supermarket in the United States has sacks of potatoes >clearly marked "Idaho Potatoes." People make the assumption, that >when they are buying these potatoes, that they were *grown* in >the "state" of "Idaho." > >Actually, "Idaho" is a type of potato, just like "McIntosh" is >a type of apple. The FACT is that *many* states have potato crops, >as well as foreign countries, and potatoes that say "Idaho" on >them are no more from Idaho than Baltimore Orioles all come >from Maryland. > >SO, WHAT'S THERE? > >Nothing. THERE IS NOTHING THERE. We have been so brainwashed >by the traditional mapmaking community to think that if Idaho >doesn't exist, then there must be some sort of vacuum there >instead. This is nonsense. > >The very shapes and positions of the states, and indeed of >every nation on the planet, is only known through "information" >provided by cartographers. It is akin to asking "if Santa's >house isn't at the North Pole, then what's there instead?" > >THE CARTOGRAPHER CONSPIRACY > >The *only evidence* that there is a state called Idaho comes from >maps. Everybody has maps, in almanacs, in encyclopedias, and >on the walls of every elementary school classroom in America. > >Astonishingly, *over 99%* of all maps are created by *cartographers!* >If any clearly defined set of people would control any other >important industry to that degree, everybody would be up in arms >about the undue influence given to a meager few. However, for >some reason, Cartographers are immune to such criticism. Any >mention about the Cartographer influence over the mapmaking >industry (and, as a natural extension, OUR VERY THOUGHTS!) is >dismissed as "lunacy." > >As an indication of how insidious is this influence, just think: >have you ever questioned a map? Maps, being graphical objects, >require much less effort to assimilate into our very psyches. >Behavioral studies show that people can much more readily understand >maps than printed descriptions of geographical areas; in fact, >the images on maps tend to go directly into the subconsciousness >of Man (Homo Sapiens) without the critical thinking that accompanies >reading. In a very real way, Cartographers are the *real* Thought >Police. > >But they do not work in a vacuum. There are much too few of them >to do their real damage unaided. Mapmakers have conspired with the >editors of almanacs and encyclopedias to create a fantastic illusion >of space where there is none, people where there aren't any, and >ski resorts where none exist. > >ONLY THE BEGINNING > >This is only the tip of the iceberg. We have much more material >on this conspiracy, and we have yet to uncover one iota of evidence >that Idaho has ever existed. All of the so-called "evidence" is >a mixture of falsifications, coersions, lies and exaggerations. > >The Cartographers would like nothing better than to silence us. >If you do not see any more postings on this subject, then you >have clear evidence that their Conspiracy of Silence on Idaho >has succeeded, and that Freedom of Speech has been curtailed by >the Cartographical Thought Police. > >What can you do? All we ask is that you be open minded. Of course, >you cannot trust any of the second-hand evidence that you would >find in libraries, maps (!), airline schedules or street signs. >All you can trust is what we have written here. We are confident >that once you evaluate all of the valid evidence, you will be >angered by this conspiracy, and motivated to do something about >the scum who perpetated this hoax. > >--------------------------------------------------------------- >I hope that you have found the above interesting. >-- > Alan Lustiger > |_ | | AT&T Bell Laboratories ERC, Princeton, NJ > / |( attmail!alustiger or att!pruxk!alu or lustiger@att.com Tony Q. (darn, the Cartographical Thought Police must have swiped my .sig)