
Actes de congrès / Proceedings

Amplitude equations for weakly nonlinear surface waves in variational problems (hal-01208479),
coauteur / co-author : Jean-François Coulombel.
In Colombini, F. and Del Santo, D. and Lannes, D. Shocks, Singularities and Oscillations in Nonlinear Optics and Fluid Mechanics,
Rome, Italy. Springer INdAM Series (2015).

Stability of periodic waves in Hamiltonian PDEs,
coauteurs / co-authors : Pascal Noble, L. Miguel Rodrigues.
GDR Analyse des EDP (2013).

Ondes de surface faiblement non-linéaires,
coauteurs / co-authors : Jean-François Coulombel, Nikolay Tzvetkov.
Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications (2011-2012), Exp. No. 38, 13 p.

Multi-d shock waves and surface waves,
coauteur / co-author : Jean-François Coulombel.
Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, A.M.S. 67, 3-23 (2009).
Hyperbolic problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications, University of Maryland (2008).

Stability issues in the Euler-Korteweg model,
coauteurs / co-authors : Raphaël Danchin, Stéphane Descombes & Didier Jamet.
Contemporary Mathematics, A.M.S. 426, 103-127 (2007).
Proceedings of the Summer Research Conference on Control Methods in PDE-Dynamical Systems, Snowbird (2005).

On Korteweg models for fluids exhibiting phase changes,
coauteurs / co-authors : Raphaël Danchin, Stéphane Descombes & Didier Jamet.
Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems, Osaka, Yokohama Publishers (2004).

On the stability of large amplitude semi-discrete shock profiles by means of an Evans function in infinite dimensions,
VIIIème congrès international sur les problèmes hyperboliques, Magdeburg (2000). International Series of Numerical Mathematics 140, 149–158 (2001).

Multi-dimensional stability of propagating phase boundaries,
VIIème congrès international sur les problèmes hyperboliques, Zürich (1998). International Series of Numerical Mathematics 129, 41-45 (1999).

Compensated compactness for a class of hyperbolic systems of p conservation laws with p>=3,
coauteur / co-author : D. Serre, Journées de Metz, Metz (1992). Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series 296, 3-11 (1993).

Existence of solutions for a class of hyperbolic systems of three conservation laws,
coauteur / co-author : D. Serre, IVème congrès international sur les problèmes hyperboliques, Taormina (1992). Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics 43, 56-61 (1993).