Catalysis in the trace class and weak trace class ideals, (with Fedor Sukochev and Dmitriy Zanin),
Proceedings AMS 144, 2461-2471 (2016). Pulished version.
Quantum entanglement in high dimensions, Lecture notes from a winter school in Métabief (December 2014)
preliminary version.
Dvoretzky's theorem and the complexity of entanglement detection, (with Stanislaw Szarek), accepted
for QIP'16. Discrete Analysis 1, 20pp (2017),
Editorial introduction with link to arXiv version.
Universal gaps for XOR games from estimates on
tensor norm ratios, (with Ludovico Lami, Carlos Palazuelos, Stanislaw Szarek and Andreas Winter),
Communications in Mathematical Physics 375 (2020), 679-724, link to arXiv preprint.
Entangleability of cones, (with Ludovico Lami, Carlos Palazuelos and Martin Plávala), Geometric and Functional
Analysis 31 (2021), 181-205, link to arXiv preprint. Here is a video of a talk I gave at QPL'21.
Entanglement and superposition are equivalent concepts in any physical theory (with Ludovico Lami, Carlos Palazuelos and Martin Plávala),
Physical Review Letters 128 160402 (2022), link to arXiv preprint. This essentially subsumes the earlier preprint
"Universal entangleability of non-classical theories"
Principal angles between random subspaces and polynomials in two free projections, Confluentes Mathematici 13 (2021), n°2, 3-10 link to journal version.
Annihilating entanglement Between cones (with Alexander Müller-Hermes), Communications in Mathematical Physics 400, 931-976 (2023), link to arXiv preprint.
Asymptotic tensor powers of Banach spaces (with Alexander Müller-Hermes), to appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourier, link to arXiv preprint. See also our follow-up paper Limit formulas for norms of tensor power operators
Vers la conjecture de Kannan-Lovász-Simonovits, d'après Yuansi Chen, séminaire Bourbaki, exposé n°1192 (Astérisque, 2022), pdf version (in French)
Monogamy of entanglement between cones (with Alexander Müller-Hermes and Martin Plávala), Mathematische Annalen 391, 1591-1605 (2025) link to arXiv preprint.
About the primitivity index of a generic quantum channel (with Jing Bai), appendix to A generic quantum Wielandt’s inequality by Yifan Jia and Ángela Capel, Quantum 8, 1331 (2024).
Maximal exponent of the Lorentz cones (with Jing Bai), to appear in Comptes-Rendus de l'académie des sciences 362, 1379-1388 (2024), link to arXiv preprint.
Completely bounded norms of k-positive maps (with Kenneth Davidson, Alexander Müller-Hermes, Vern Paulsen and Mizanur Rahaman),
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 109, 6, Paper No. e12936 (2024) link to arXiv preprint
Optimal constants in concentration inequalities on the sphere and in the Gauss space (with Justin Jenkinson and Stanislaw Szarek), link to arXiv preprint
A characterization of inner product spaces via norming vectors (with Mathis Cavichioli), to appear in Canadian Mathematical Bulltin, link to arXiv preprint
Limit formulas for norms of tensor power operators (with Alexander Müller-Hermes), link to arXiv preprint
Other notes
These are notes I mostly wrote for myself, and share here in case somebody is interested.
A naive look at Schur-Weyl duality (Sep. 2018). An elementary proof (no representation theory) of easy versions of Schur-Weyl duality which appear in quantum
information theory.
Convex bodies with a dense projective orbit (Dec. 2018). There is a convex body with the property that the set of its projective images is dense in the
set of convex bodies.
The parallel repetition theorem (Dec. 2021). This is my own writing of the proof (by Holenstein) of Ran Raz' parallel repetition theorem.