ARTICLES PUBLIES ou ACCEPTES (Published or Accepted Papers)
I. STATISTIQUE MATHEMATIQUE (Mathematical Statistics)
  1. Ciuperca G. "Right-censored models by the expectile method", accepted for Lifetime Data Analysis.
  2. Ciuperca G. "Smoothed empirical likelihood estimation and automatic variable selection for an expectile high-dimensional model with possibly missing response variable", accepted for Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods.
  3. Ciuperca G., Maciak M., Pesta M., "Real-time changepoint detection method in a nonlinear expectile model", Metrika, Vol. 87, No.2, 105-131, 2024.
  4. Alcaraz A., Ciuperca G., "Automatic selection by penalized asymmetric Lq-norm in a high-dimensional model with grouped variables", Statistics, Vol 57, No. 5, 1202-1238, 2023.
  5. Ciuperca G., Dulac N. "Multiple change-points estimation in linear regression models via an adaptive LASSO expectile loss function", Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, Vol 16, No. 3, 16-38, 2022.
  6. Ciuperca G., "Real-time detection of a change-point in a linear expectile model", Statistical Papers, Vol. 63, No.4, 1323-1367, 2022.
  7. Ciuperca G., "Automatic variable selection in a linear model on massive data", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation , Vol. 51, No.9, 4937-4956, 2022.
  8. Ciuperca G., "Variable selection in high-dimensional linear model with possibly asymmetric errors" , Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol 155, Article 107112, 2021.
  9. Ciuperca G., "Adaptive elastic-net selection in a quantile model with diverging number of variable groups", Statistics, Vol. 54, No.5, p. 1147-1170, 2020.
  10. Ciuperca G., Maciak M., "Change-point detection in a linear model by adaptive fused quantile method", Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Vol 47, No. 2, p.425-463, 2020.
  11. Ciuperca G., Maciak M.,Wahl F., "Detection of similar successive groups in a model with diverging number of variable groups", Sequential Analysis, Vol. 39, No.1, p. 92-114, 2020.
  12. Ciuperca G., Maciak M., "Change-point Detection by the Quantile LASSO Method", Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 14, No.1, Art. 11, 38 pages, 2020.
  13. Ciuperca G., "Adaptive group LASSO selection in quantile models", Statistical Papers, Vol. 60, No.1, p. 173-197, 2019.
  14. Ciuperca G., "Test by adaptive LASSO quantile method for real-time detection of a change-point", Metrika, Vol. 81, No.6, p. 689-720, 2018.
  15. Ciuperca G., "Real time change-point detection in a nonlinear quantile model", Sequential Analysis, Vol. 36, No.1, p. 1-23, 2017.
  16. Ciuperca G., "Estimation in a change-point nonlinear quantile model", Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 46, No.12, p. 6017-6034, 2017.
  17. Ciuperca G., "Adaptive Fused LASSO in Grouped Quantile Regression", Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, Vol. 11, No.1, p. 107-125, 2017.
  18. Ciuperca G., Salloum Z., "Empirical likelihood test for high-dimensional two-sample model", Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 178, p. 37-60, 2016.
  19. Ciuperca G., "Adaptive LASSO model selection in a multiphase quantile regression", Statistics, Vol. 50, No. 5, p. 1100-1131, 2016.
  20. Ciuperca G., "Real time change-point detection in a model by adaptive LASSO and CUSUM", Journal de la Société Francaise de Statistique, Vol. 156, No. 4, p. 113-132, 2015.
  21. Ciuperca G., "Model selection in high-dimensional quantile regression with seamless L0 penalty", Statistics and Probability Letters, Vol. 107, p. 313-323, 2015.
  22. Ciuperca G., Salloum Z., "Empirical likelihood test in a posteriori change-point nonlinear model", Metrika , Vol. 78, No. 8, p. 919-952, 2015.
  23. Ciuperca G., "Model selection by LASSO methods in a change-point model", Statistical Papers, Vol. 55, No. 2, p. 349-374, 2014.
  24. Ciuperca G., "Quantile regression in high-dimension with breaking", Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications (JSTA), Vol.12, No.3, p. 288-305, 2013.
  25. Ciuperca G., "Two tests for sequential detection of a change-point in a nonlinear model", Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference , Vol. 143, Issue 10, p. 1621-1834, 2013.
  26. Ciuperca G., "Empirical likelihood for nonlinear model with missing responses", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol. 83, No. 4, p. 737-756, 2013.
  27. Ciuperca G., "The S-estimator in change-point random model with long memory", Statistics, Vol. 46, No. 6, p. 697--718, 2012.
  28. Ciuperca G., "A general criterion to determinate the number of change-points", Statistics and Probability Letters, Vol. 81, No. 8, p. 1267--1275, 2011.
  29. Ciuperca G., Girardin V., Lhote L., "Computation and estimation of generalized entropy rates for denombrable Markov chains", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 57, No. 7, p. 4026--4034, 2011.
  30. Ciuperca G., "Asymptotic behaviour of the LS estimator in a nonlinear model with long memory",  Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Vol. 40, p. 193-203, 2011.
  31. Ciuperca G., "Penalized least absolute deviations estimation for nonlinear model with change-points", Statistical Papers, Vol. 52, No. 2, p. 371-390, 2011.
  32. Ciuperca G., "Estimating nonlinear model with and without change-points by the LAD method", Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics , Vol. 63, No. 4, p. 717-743, 2011.
  33. Ciuperca G., Mercadier C.,"Semi-parametric estimation for heavy tailed distributions" , Extremes , Vol. 13, No. 1,p. 55-87, 2010.
  34. Ciuperca G., "The M-estimator in a multi-phase random regression model", Statistics and Probability Letters , Vol. 79, No. 5, p. 573--580, 2009.
  35. Ciuperca G., Dapzol N., "Maximum Likelihood Estimator in a Multi-phase Random Regression Model", Statistics, Vol. 42, No. 4, p. 363--381, 2008.
  36. Ciuperca G., Girardin V.,"Estimation of the entropy rate of a countable Markov Chain", Communications in Statistics- Theory and Methods, Vol. 36, N° 14, p. 2493--2508, 2007.
  37. Ciuperca G., "Maximum Likelihood Estimator in a two-phase Nonlinear Random Regression Model", Statistics and Decision, Vol. 22, No. 4, p. 335--349, 2004.
  38. Ciuperca G., Ridolfi A., Idier J., "Penalized Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Normal Mixtures",  Scandinavian Journal of Statistics,Vol. 30, N° 1, p. 45--59, 2003.
  39. Ciuperca G., "Likelihood Ratio Statistic for Exponential Mixtures", Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Vol. 54, N° 3, p. 585--594, 2002.
  40. Ciuperca G., "Sur le test de maximum de vraisemblance pour le mélange de populations", C.R.A.S., Série I,Tome 328, N° 4, Février 1999.


  42. Rouby, C., Thomas-Danguin, T., Vigouroux, M, Ciuperca G., Jiang T., Alexanian, J., Barges, M., Gallice, I., Demolis, M., Degraix, J.L., Sicard, G. "The Lyon Clinical Olfactory Test: validation and measurement of hyposmia and anosmia in healthy and demented populations", International Journal of Otolaryngology, vol. 2011, 9 pages, doi:10.1155/2011/203805, 2011.
  43. V. Chambon, N. Franck, E. Koechlin, E. Fakra, G. Ciuperca, J.-M. Azorin, C. Farrer , "The architecture of cognitive control in schizophrenia", Brain, 131, p. 962--970, 2008.
  44. A. Plesa, G. Ciuperca, V. Louvet, L. Pujo-Menjouet, S. Génieys, C. Dumontet, X. Thomas, V. Volpert "Diagnostics of the AML with immunophenotypical data" , Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena , Vol. 1 No. 2, p. 104--123, 2006.
  45. Bel L., Bellanger L., Bonneau V, Ciuperca G., Dacunha-Castelle D., Deniau C., Ghattas B., Misiti M., Misiti Y., Oppenheim G., Poggi J.M., Tomassone R., "Eléments de comparaison de prévisions statistiques des pics d'ozone",  Revue de Statistique Appliquée, XLVII(3), p. 7--25, 1999.
  46. Bel L., Bellanger L., Ciuperca G., Dacunha-Castelle D., Gilibert E., Jakubowicz P., Oppenheim G., Tomassone R., "On Forecasting Ozone Episodes in the Paris Area",  Biometrical Letters, Vol. 35, N° 1, p. 37--66, 1998.
  47. Ciuperca G., "A method to treat the dynamical Statistical Models",  Journal of Biological Systems, Vol. 6, N° 4, p. 357--375, 1998.
  48. Ciuperca G., "Influence de la matrice de covariances dans des modèles décrits par un système d'équations différentielles",  Revue de Statistique Appliquée,XLVI(2), p. 59--81, 1998.
  49. Ciuperca G., Tomassone R., Flandrois J.P., "Use of mathematics and statistics in nutrition modelling", Ann. Zootech, 45, p. 143--152, 1996.

ARTICLES SOUMIS, EN REVISION (In Revision or Submitted Papers)

  1. Ciuperca G., "Right-censored models on massive data", soumis, voir une version sur arxiv,.

ACTES DE CONGRES (Conference Proceedings)

  1. Ciuperca G., "Nonparametric and Parametric Methods for Change-Point Detection in Parametric Models", Nonparametric Statistics. ISNPS 2016. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (Bertail P., Blanke D., Cornillon PA., Matzner-Løber E. (eds)), vol 250. p. 337-356, 2018
  2. Ciuperca G., "Sélection de modèle par des méthodes de type LASSO dans un modèle avec change-points", 44èmes Journées de Statistique, 21-25 mai 2012, Bruxelles. voir ici .
  3. Ciuperca G., "Estimation robuste dans un modèle paramétrique avec rupture", 41èmes Journées de Statistique, 25-29 mai 2009, Bordeaux. voir HAL-INRIA.
  4. Ciuperca G., Girardin V., "On the estimation of the entropy rate of finite Markov chains ", XIth International Symposium on ASMDA (Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis),17-20 May 2005, Brest, France.
  5. Ciuperca G., "Estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance pénalisé pour des mélanges de densités dégénérées", 33èmes Journées de Statistique A.S.U., 14-18 mai 2001, Nantes.
  6. Ciuperca G.,"Prévision de la concentration d'ozone dans la région parisienne", XXIXèmes Journées de Statistique, 26-30 mai 1997, Carcassonne.

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