- Group schemes, root systems, and related representations
- Publications of the project -
P. Gille, E. Neher, C. Ruether,
The norm functor over schemes
, preprint (2024).
C. Ruether,
Triality over schemes
, European Journal of Mathematics 10, 69 (2024).
L. Bary-Soroker, D. Garzoni, V. Matei,
On the irreducibility of f(2^n,3^m,X) and other such polynomials
, to appear in Mathematische Zeitschrift.
P. Gille,
Loop torsors and Abhyankar lemma
, preprint (2024).
Zhenghui Li, Yanshuai Qin, with an appendix by Veronika Ertl,
On p-torsions of geometric Brauer groups lemma
, preprint (2024).
P. Gille, R. Parimala,
Local-global principle for over semiglobal fields
, preprint (2024).
C. Lupu, V. Matei,
On some rational zeta series involving Ζ(2n) and binomial coefficients
, preprint (2024).
V. Chernousov, P. Gille, A. Pianzola
Loop torsors. theory and applications
, preprint (2024).
Zhenghui Li,
Duality for Arithmetic p-adic Pro-étale Cohomology of Analytic Spaces
, preprint (2024).
M. Barcau, V. Paşol, G.C. Țurcas,
Composing Bridges
, Information and Computation (2025).