He has obtained his Doctorat in June 2003 : 

"Des matrices de Pauli aux bruits quantiques".

He is now Maître de Conférence at Orsay University.

His personal page.

Ameur DHAHRI  :  

He has obtained his Doctorat in July 2007 :
"Contributions aux approches hamiltoniennes et markoviennes des systèmes quantiques ouverts".

He is now Professor at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées et de Techhnologie (Insat), Tunis.


He has obtained his Doctorat in June 2008 :
"Existence, unicité et approximation des équations de Schrödinger stochastiques"

He has obtained the E.A.D.S.  Price "Thèse de l'année 2008 en Mathématiques et interactions".

He is now Maître de Conférences at Toulouse University.

His personal page.


He has obtained his Doctorat in March 2009 :
"Etats aléatoires, théorie quantique de l'information et probabilités libres"

He is now Chargé de Recherche at the C.N.R.S., Toulouse.

His personal page.


He has started his PhD in september 2009. He is working on
continuous-time limit of classical repeated interaction systems and
on classical noise produced by quantum systems.