I am a Assistant Professor at Institut Camille Jordan (ICJ), University Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (UCBL), member of the team "Modélisation mathématique et Calcul Scientifique" (MMCS).

I am also a member of the Institut rhônealpin des systèmes complexes (IXXI).

Research Interests

I'm interested in different problems of mathematical modeling and in solving numerical problems. My domains of interest are numerical methods for wave phenomena modeling in one hand and building and studying models for phenomena in human sciences on the other hand.

Keywords: Mathematical Modelling - Numerical Analysis - High-Order Methods - High Performance Computing

Numerical Methods for Waves Equations:
(software Montjoie)
- Time and Space High-Order Methods
- Hybrid Meshes
- Absorbing Boundary Conditions
- Reverse Time Migration
Modelling in Human Sciences:
- Language dynamic and competition
- Voting Models
- Delayed Differential Equations

The list of my publications and the corresponding preprints are available on this page.
The list of my communications is available on this page.