Root Systems and Quotients of Deformations of Simple Singularities . Journal of Algebra 526 (2019) pp. 382-422.
Deformations of Inhomogeneous Simple Singularities and Quiver Representations . 2018. Accepted for publication in Algebras and Representation Theory.
Inhomogeneous Kleinian singularities and quivers . Banach Center Publications 113 (2017), 87-94.
Singularity and Lie Theory . Ph.D thesis (2017). University Claude Bernard Lyon 1.
Talks and posters
Poster for the JSPS Summer Program, 12/06/15, Sokendai, Japan.
Talk during the Kobe-Lyon Summer School on Quivers, 27/07/15, Kobe, Japan.
Talk during the ANR GéoLie days, 11-13/01/2016, Saint-Etienne, France.
Poster for the conference "Non-commutative crepant resolution, Ulrich module and
generalization of the McKay correspondence", 13-17/06/16, RIMS, Kyoto, Japan.
Poster for the 50th Seminar Sophus Lie, 25/09/16 à 01/10/16, Będlewo, Poland.
Talk during the Dijon - Basel Seminar, 11-12/09/17, Dijon, France.
Talk during the 7th French - Swiss Workshop on Algebraic Geometry, 8-12/01/18,
Charmey, Switzerland.