
Since February 2022, I am a doctoral student in applied mathematics as part of the Inria Dracula team. Under the supervision of Thomas Lepoutre, my thesis focuses on the mathematical modeling of bird feather formation, with a particular emphasis on the interaction between propagation, instruction, and self-organization. My work is part of the ANR project titled Plume, led by Marie Manceau.

To contact me :

Addresses :

  • Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, 43 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918.
  • INRIA, Batiment CEI-2, 56 Boulevard NIELS BOHR

My research area focuses on the mathematical modelling of biological phenomena, with particular emphasis on the emergence of spatially periodic stationary patterns and the analysis of travelling waves for reaction-diffusion PDE systems and non-linear kinetic models. These systems may exhibit certain peculiarities, such as non-local interactions, biased diffusion or the addition of a structural variable.


[6] M. Estavoyer, M. Dufeu, G. Ranson, S. Lefort, T. Voeltzel, V. Maguer-Satta, O. Gandrillon, T. Lepoutre : Modeling relaxation experiments with a mechanistic model of gene expression , Accepted for publication in BMC Bioinformatics, 2024

[5] Maxime Estavoyer and Thomas Lepoutre : Travelling waves for a fast reaction limit of a discrete coagulation-fragmentation model with diffusion and proliferation, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2024

[4] M. Estavoyer, M. Barnajee, N. Torres, V. Volpert, L. Pujo-Menjouet : Influence of dating applications on the chances for singles to form couples and vice versa: a mathematical approach, Preprint, 2024

[2] B. Jumentier, C-C. Barrot, M. Estavoyer, J. Tost, B. Heude, O. François, J. Lepeule : High-Dimensional Mediation Analysis: A New Method Applied to Maternal Smoking, Placental DNA Methylation, and Birth Outcomes, Environmental health perspectives, 2023

[1] Maxime Estavoyer and Olivier François : Theoretical Analysis of Principal Components in an Umbrella Model of Intraspecific Evolution, Theoretical Population Biology, 2022


[3] V. Calvez, A. El Abdouni, M. Estavoyer, I. Madrid, J. Olivier, M. Tournus : Regime switching on the propagation speed of travelling waves of some size-structured Myxobacteria population models, Accepted for publication in ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys, 2024