Personal website of Octave Lacourte


I am currently a third year PhD student in the Algebra-Geometry-Logic research team of the Institut Camille Jordan, in University Lyon 1 Claude Bernard. My advisor is Yves de Cornulier and I work on some abelianization of group with dynimical origin in particular on the group of interval exchange transformations (IET), its subgroups and its generalizations.

I was a representative of PhD students to the Head of ICJ from october 2018 to june 2020. If you are a PhD student at ICJ (or a future one) and have any questions about the life in the Lab or, problems during your thesis, do not hesitate to send an email to the current representatives. You can find their contact here.

I am also parto of the parity comission since January 2020.

I defend my PhD on Tuesday 8th June 2021 at the Institut Camille Jordan. You can find my manuscript here and the slides (in french) of my defense there (For the movie inside the slides it is over here).
photo perso


  • Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
    Bât. Braconnier, Bureau 109E
    43 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918
    69 622 Villeurbanne cedex

  • lacourte[at]math[dot]univ-lyon1[dot]fr