Vincent Lerouvillois

Time and Places:

The seminar of PhD students takes place every two Monday mornings at 10:30 am at the Institut Camille Jordan of Lyon1 or at the ENS of Lyon in turn.


The talks last roughly 50 minutes plus 10 minutes for the questions. They must be accessible (at least during the first 30 minutes) to PhD students coming from all specialities.
If you want to give a talk or to join the mailing list of the ICJ, you can send an email to one of the organisers.

Organisers for the year 2019-2020:

  • Anatole Ertul (ICJ)
  • Corentin Fiorebe (ENS)
  • Mélanie Theillère (ICJ)


You can find the schedule of the oncoming talks as well as the past talks on this page.
