Frank O. Wagner

Liste des Publications

Articles contribués
Articles apparus ou acceptés
Articles soumis à publication
Travaux en cours


  1. Frank O. Wagner. Stable groups. Lecture Notes of the London Mathematical Society 240.
    Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, GB, 309 + ix pp, 1997.
    ISBN 0-521-59839-7.
    Table des matières
    Errata et Addenda

  2. Frank O. Wagner. Simple Theories. Mathematics and Its Applications 503.
    Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, NL, 260 + x pp, 2000.
    ISBN 0-7923-6221-7.
    Table des matières
    Errata et Addenda

Articles contribués

  1. Frank O. Wagner. Relational structures and dimensions. Dans : R. Kaye et D. MacPherson (éds),
    Automorphism groups of first-order structures, pp. 153-180. Oxford University Press, Oxford, GB, 1994.

  2. Frank O. Wagner. Hyperstable theories. Dans : W. Hodges, M. Hyland, C. Steinhorn and J. Truss (éds),
    Logic: From Foundations to Applications (European Logic Colloquium 1993), pp. 483-514. Oxford University Press, Oxford, GB, 1996.

  3. Frank O. Wagner. Stable groups (A survey). Dans : Yu. L. Ershov, E. I. Khukhro, V. M. Levchuk, N. D. Podufalov (éds),
    Algebra. Proceedings of the IIIrd International Conference on Algebra, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 1993, pp. 273-285.
    Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, D, 1996.

  4. Frank O. Wagner. Minimal fields and bad fields in non-zero characteristic. Dans : A. G. Pinus, K. N. Ponomaryov (éds),
    Algebra and Model Theory 2. Proceedings of the 3rd International Summer School ``Intermediate Problems of
    Model Theory and of Universal Algebra'', Erlagol, Russia, 1999,
    pp. 160-163, 166.
    Novosibirsk State Tech. Univ., Novosibirsk, R, 1999.

  5. Frank O. Wagner. Stable Groups. Dans : M. Hazewinkel (éd), Handbook of Algebra, Vol. 2, pp. 277-318.
    Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, NL, 2000.

  6. Frank O. Wagner. Groups in simple theories. Dans: M. Baaz, S.-D. Friedman, J. Krajícek (éds), Logic Colloquium 2001,
    Lecture Notes in Logic 20, pp. 440-467. Assoc. for Symbolic Logic, A K Peters, Wellesley, USA, 2005.

  7. Olivier Roche et Frank O. Wagner. Bad fields with a torus of rank 1. Dans : L. Bélaire, Z. Chatzidakis, P. D'Aquino, M. Otero, F. Point et A. Wilkie (éds.), Model Theory and Applications. Proceedings of the Euro-conference in honour of A. Macintyre, Ravello 2002, pp. 367-378, Quaderni di Matematika, Seconda Università di Napoli, Caserta, 2005.

  8. Massoud Pourmahdian et Frank O. Wagner. A simple positive Robinson theory with Lstp ≠ stp. Dans : A. Enayat, I. Kalantari et M. Moniri (éds.), Logic in Teheran. Proceedings of the Workshop and Conference on Logic, Algebra, and Arithmetic, IPN 2003, pp. 270-283. Lecture Notes in Logic 26, Ass. for Symbolic Logic, A K Peters, Wellesley, USA, 2006.

  9. Ehud Hrushovski et Frank O. Wagner. Counting and Dimensions. Dans : Z. Chatzidakis et al (éds.), Model theory with Applications to Algebra and Analysis Vol. 2, pp. 161-176, London Math. Soc. LN 350, Cambridge University Press, 2008.

  10. T. Altinel, Th. Blossier, E. Jaligot, A. Martín Pizarro, A. Ould Houcine et F. O. Wagner (éds), Proceedings of Logicum Lugdunensis, Numéro Spécial du Journal de l'Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Cambridge University Press, 2008.

  11. Frank O. Wagner. Hrushovski's amalgamation construction. Dans : S. B. Cooper et al (éds.), Logic Colloquium 2006, pp. 361-373, Ass. Symb. Logic LN Logic 32, Cambridge University Press, 2009.

  12. Frank O. Wagner. Fields and Fusion: Hrushovski constructions and their definable groups. Dans: Masanori Itai (éd.), New developments of independence notions in model theory, pp. 27-40. RIMS Kôkyûroku 1718, Kyoto University, Japon, 2010. HAL

  13. Daniel Palacín et Frank O. Wagner. Elimination of Hyperimaginaries and Stable Independence in simple CM-trivial theories. Dans : Z. Chatzidakis et al (éds.), Recent Developments in Model Theory. Oléron 2011, pp. 541--551. Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 54(3), 2013. HAL

  14. Frank O. Wagner. Bad groups. Dans: Makoto Kikuchi (éd.) Mathematical Logic and its Applications, RIMS Kôkyûroku 2050, Kyoto University, Japon, 2017. HAL

  15. Frank O. Wagner. Automorphismes bornés dans les structures simples. Dans: Melvin Fitting, Massoud Pourmahdian, Adrian Rezus et Ali Sadegh Daghighi (éds.) Research Trends in Contemporary Logic, College Publications, à paraître. HAL

Articles apparus ou acceptés

  1. Frank O. Wagner. Subgroups of stable groups.
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, 55:151-156, 1990.

  2. Frank O. Wagner. Small stable groups and generics.
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, 56:1026-1037, 1991.

  3. Frank O. Wagner. À propos d'équations génériques.
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, 57: 548-554, 1992.

  4. Frank O. Wagner. More on R.
    Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 33:159-174, 1992.

  5. Bernhard Herwig, James G. Loveys, Anand Pillay, Predrag Tanovic et Frank O. Wagner.
    Stable theories without dense forking chains. Archive for Mathematical Logic, 31:297-303, 1992.

  6. Frank O. Wagner. Commutator conditions and splitting automorphisms for stable groups.
    Archive for Mathematical Logic, 32:223-228, 1993.

  7. Bruno P. Poizat et Frank O. Wagner. Sous-groupes périodiques d'un groupe stable.
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, 58:385-400, 1993.

  8. James G. Loveys et Frank O. Wagner. Le Canada semi-dry.
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 118:217-221, 1993

  9. Frank O. Wagner. Quasi-endomorphisms in small stable groups.
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, 58:1044-1051, 1993.

  10. Frank O. Wagner. Stable groups, mostly of finite exponent.
    Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 34:183-192, 1993.

  11. Frank O. Wagner. Nilpotent complements and Carter subgroups in stable R-groups.
    Archive for Mathematical Logic, 33:23-34, 1994.

  12. Frank O. Wagner. A note on defining groups in stable structures.
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, 59:575-578, 1994.

  13. Frank O. Wagner. The Fitting subgroup of a stable group.
    Journal of Algebra, 174:599-609, 1995.

  14. Frank O. Wagner. On the structure of stable groups.
    Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 89:85-92, 1997.

  15. Jamshid Derakhshan et Frank O. Wagner. Nilpotency in groups with chain conditions.
    Oxford Quarterly Journal (2), 48:453-468, 1997.

  16. Frank O. Wagner. Almost invariant families.
    Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 30:235-240, 1998.

  17. Frank O. Wagner. Small fields.
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, 63:995-1002, 1998.

  18. Anand Pillay, Thomas Scanlon et Frank O. Wagner. Supersimple fields and division rings.
    Mathematical Research Letters, 5:473-483, 1998.

  19. Frank O. Wagner. CM-triviality and stable groups.
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, 63:1473-1495, 1998.

  20. Frank O. Wagner. Nilpotency in groups with the minimal condition on centralizers.
    Journal of Algebra, 217:448-460, 1999.

  21. Khaled Jaber et Frank O. Wagner. Largesse et nilpotence.
    Communications in Algebra, 28(6):2869-2885, 2000.

  22. Oleg Belegradek, Ya'akov Peterzil et Frank O. Wagner. Quasi-o-minimal structures.
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, 65(3):1115-1132, 2000.

  23. Bruno Poizat et Frank O. Wagner. Liftez les Sylows ! - Une suite à ``Sous-groupes périodiques
    d'un groupe stable''. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 65(2):703-704, 2000.

  24. David Evans et Frank O. Wagner. Supersimple w-categorical groups and theories.
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, 65(2):767-776, 2000.

  25. Françoise Point et Frank O. Wagner. Essentially periodic ordered groups.
    Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 105(1-3):261-291, 2000.

  26. Frank O. Wagner. Minimal fields.
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, 65(4):1833-1835, 2000.

  27. Steven Buechler, Anand Pillay et Frank O. Wagner. Supersimple theories.
    Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 14:109-124, 2001. pdf

  28. Frank O. Wagner. Hyperdefinable groups in simple theories.
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, 1(1):152-172, 2001.

  29. Frank O. Wagner. Fields of finite Morley Rank.
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, 66(2):703-706, 2001.

  30. Itay Ben-Yaacov, Ivan Tomasic et Frank O. Wagner. The group configuration in simple theories
    and its applications (survey). Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 8:283-298, 2002.

  31. Enrique Casanovas et Frank O. Wagner. Local supersimplicity and related concepts.
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, 67(2):744-758, 2002.

  32. Ziv Shami et Frank O. Wagner. The binding group in simple theories.
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, 67(3):1016-1024, 2002.

  33. Frank O. Wagner. Bad fields in positive characteristic.
    Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 35:499-502, 2003.

  34. Oleg Belegradek, Viktor Verbovskiy et Frank O. Wagner. Coset-minimal groups.
    Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 121:113-143, 2003. pdf

  35. Frank O. Wagner. Small profinite m-stable groups.
    Fundamenta Mathematicæ, 176:181-191, 2003.

  36. Ivan Tomasic et Frank O. Wagner. Applications of the group configuration theorem in simple theories.
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, 3(2):239-255, 2003.

  37. Enrique Casanovas et Frank O. Wagner. The free roots of the complete graph.
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 132:1543-1548, 2004. pdf

  38. Frank O. Wagner. Some remarks on one-basedness in simple theories. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 69(1):34-38, 2004.

  39. Itay Ben-Yaacov et Frank O. Wagner. On almost orthogonality in simple theories.
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, 69(2):398-408, 2004.

  40. Itay Ben-Yaacov, Ivan Tomasic et Frank O. Wagner. Constructing an almost hyperdefinable group.
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, 4(2):181-212, 2005.

  41. Frank O. Wagner. Subsimple groups. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 70(4):1365-1370, 2005.

  42. Jamshid Derakhshan et Frank O. Wagner. Skew linear unipotent groups. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 38:447-449, 2006.

  43. Krzysztof Krupinski et Frank O. Wagner. Small profinite groups and rings. Journal of Algebra, 306:494-506, 2006.

  44. Amador Martín Pizarro et Frank O. Wagner. Supersimplicity and quadratic extensions. Archive for Mathematical Logic, 48:55-61, 2009.

  45. Andreas Baudisch, Martin Hils, Amador Martín Pizarro et Frank O. Wagner. Die böse Farbe. Journal de l'Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, 8(3):415-443, 2009. Traduction anglaise

  46. Itay Kaplan, Thomas Scanlon et Frank O. Wagner. Artin-Schreier extensions in dependent and simple fields. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 185:141-154, 2011.

  47. Frank O. Wagner. Propriétés résiduelles des groupes supersimples. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 76(2):361-367, 2011. HAL

  48. Thomas Blossier, Amador Martín Pizarro et Frank O. Wagner. On variants of CM-triviality. Fundamenta Mathematicæ, 219:253-262, 2012. HAL

  49. Daniel Palacín et Frank O. Wagner. Ample thoughts. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 78(2):489-510, 2013. HAL

  50. Krzsyztof Krupinski et Frank O. Wagner. Small, nm-stable compact G-groups. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 194(2):907--933, 2013. HAL

  51. Frank O. Wagner. Quelques réflexions inévitables. Archive for Mathematical Logic, 52(1):159-171, 2013. HAL

  52. Krzysztof Krupiński, Predrag Tanović et Frank O. Wagner. Around Podewski's Conjecture. Fundamenta Mathematicæ, 222:175-193, 2013. HAL

  53. Daniel Palacín et Frank O. Wagner. Rigidity, internality and analysability. Fundamenta Mathematicæ, 224:53-65, 2014. HAL

  54. Thomas Blossier, Amador Martín Pizarro et Frank O. Wagner. Géométries relatives. Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 17:229-258, 2015. HAL

  55. Jean-Cyrille Massicot et Frank O. Wagner. Approximate subgroups. Journal de l'École Polytechnique, 2:55-63, 2015. HAL

  56. Frank O. Wagner. Plus ultra. Journal of Mathematical Logic, 15(2), 2015, 23pp. HAL, DOI

  57. Thomas Blossier, Amador Martín Pizarro et Frank O. Wagner. À la recherche du tore perdu. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 81(1):1-31, 2016. HAL

  58. Daniel Palacín et Frank O. Wagner. A Fitting Theorem for Simple Theories. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 48:472-482, 2016. HAL

  59. Frank O. Wagner. The right angle to look at orthogonal sets. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 81(4):1298-1314, 2016. HAL

  60. Darío García et Frank O. Wagner. Unimodularity unified. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 82(3):1051-1065, 2017. HAL

  61. Jan Dobrowolski et Frank O. Wagner. ω-categorical groups and rings of finite burden. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 236:801-839, 2020. HAL SharedIt

  62. Khaled Jaber et Frank O. Wagner. Largeness and equational probability in groups. Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal, 27(1):1-17, 2020. HAL

  63. Frank O. Wagner. Dimensional groups and fields. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 85(3):918-936, 2020. HAL

  64. Itaï Ben Yaacov et Frank O. Wagner. A metric version of Schlichting's Theorem. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 85(4):1607-1613, 2020. HAL

  65. Arturo Rodriguez Fanlo, Frank O. Wagner. Rough Approximate subgroups. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic à paraître). arXiv.

Autres articles

  1. Oleg Belegradek, Françoise Point et Frank O. Wagner. A quasi-o-minimal group
    without the exchange property.
    MSRI Preprint # 1998-051, 1998.

  2. Frank O. Wagner. Minimal fields. Model Theory at St Catherine's College
    Kobe Institute, August 1998,
    Proceedings, Tokai University, 1999.

  3. Frank O. Wagner. Groups of finite Morley rank. Model Theory at St Catherine's College
    Kobe Institute, August 1998,
    Proceedings, Tokai University, 1999.

  4. Frank O. Wagner. On matrix rings in simple theories. Model Theory at St Catherine's College
    Kobe Institute, August 1998,
    Proceedings, Tokai University, 1999.

  5. Frank O. Wagner. Simple theories and hyperimaginaries. Model Theory at St Catherine's College
    Kobe Institute, August 1998,
    Proceedings, Tokai University, 1999.

  6. Frank O. Wagner. Minimal fields and bad fields in non-zero characteristic.
    Model Theory at Yamanakako, July 1999, Proceedings, Tokai University, 2000.

  7. Thomas Blossier, Amador Martín Pizarro et Frank O. Wagner. Relative Geometric Configurations.
    Model Theory and its Applications to Algebra, Proceedings, RIMS 2008.

Articles soumis à publication

  1. Ulla Karhumäki et Frank O. Wagner. Finite-dimensional pseudofinite groups of small dimension, without CFSG. HAL

  2. Adrien Deloro et Frank O. Wagner. Endogenies and linearisation. HAL

  3. Tuna Altınel, Ayşe Berkman et Frank O. Wagner. Sharply 2-transitive groups of finite Morley rank. HAL

Travaux en cours

  1. Frank O. Wagner. dp-minimal groups. HAL

  2. . Frank O. Wagner. Finite dimensional soluble groups HAL

    Frank O. Wagner

    Institut Camille Jordan
    Institut universitaire de France