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Chers, on me dit que la charte fondant l'Universite Technologique de l'Université de Tampere (Finlande) vient d'être signée aujourd'hui et que de ce fait au 21 Décembre 2009 les membres de cette institution jusqu'ici fonctionnaire de l'Etat finlandais seront membre d'une institution privée. Ce n'est pas clairement dit dans le texte; il faut decrypter; mais pour un français c'est un exercice facile. Ce qui arrive aux autres…


Charter of the TUT foundation will be signed on 9 February 02.02.2009 12:49

The charter of the foundation of Tampere University of Technology (TUT) will be signed in the Main Building of the University on Monday, 9 February 2009 at 13.00.

Minister of Education and Science Henna Virkkunen, her predecessor Sari Sarkomaa, representatives of the private financiers and the Board of Tampere University of Technology will be present at the event.

Speakers: Rector Markku Kivikoski, TUT Minister of Education and Science Henna Virkkunen Board Chair Ole Johansson, Federation of Finnish Technology Industries Board Chair Timo Salli, Tampere Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Board of Tampere University of Technology (TUT) decided on Monday 10 November 2008 that TUT will adopt the university foundation model starting on 1 January 2010, provided that the government makes a favourable decision concerning its own portion of the funding. News of the government’s positive decision to fund the foundation was received in mid-November, after the government’s Cabinet Committee on Economic Policy had discussed the matter. The government will donate the University EUR 125 million, since the government is committed to funding university foundations with the same 5:2 ratio as the Aalto University. TUT’s own goal is to accumulate a EUR 50 million capital for the foundation. By the end of 2008 the University had already accumulated 60 per cent of this sum.

The process has advanced rapidly in spite of the difficult economic situation. This shows that TUT has strong support from industry and government to go ahead with the foundation. Rector Markku Kivikoski believes that the form of a foundation will bring TUT more flexibility in interacting with the rest of society, as well as more freedom to invest in new openings in research and the quality of teaching. “Through its own financial instruments, a foundation university has more independent financial leeway than an institution under public law. In addition, this kind of independence has a positive influence on TUT’s image, when competing for good researchers, teachers and students”, says Kivikoski.

Tampere University of Technology was founded in 1965. The University conducts scientific research in technology and architecture and provides higher education within these fields. Leading-edge fields of research at TUT are signal processing based technologies, nanophotonics, biotechnology, and intelligent mobile machines and hydraulic systems. TUT works in close collaboration with industry and is a much sought-after cooperation partner. Practically all Masters of Science in Technology or Architecture and Doctors of Technology or Philosophy who graduate from TUT find employment, predominantly in the service of business life.

pageautrepays.txt · Dernière modification: 2010/01/08 12:02 (modification externe)