Curriculum vitae


Higher studies followed at the University of Lyon, France (1982-1995)

1985 : Licence of mathematics (B.Sc.)

Certificates: differential calculus, integral calculus, numerical analysis, topology, normed linear spaces, analytical functions (summa cum laude, top student)

1986 : Master of mathematics (M.Sc., first year)

Certificates: commutative algebra, non-commutative algebra, functional analysis, differential geometry, probability and statistics (summa cum laude, top student)

1987 : “Agrégation” of mathematics

Option: probability and statistics (rank: 14)

1988 : Master of mathematics (M.Sc., second year)

Certificates: analysis and probability, geometry (summa cum laude, top student)
Research report entitled On the regularity of the solution of Monge-Ampère equation

1992 : Doctoral thesis (Ph.D.), area of Probability

Thesis entitled Study of the trajectories of the primitive of Brownian motion (in French)

Composition of the jury:
J. Brossard, University of Grenoble
A. Goldman, University of Lyon
J.-F. Gall, University of Paris
E. Pardoux, University of Aix-Marseille
Abstract    Thesis

1995 : “Habilitation à diriger des recherches”, area of Probability

Thesis entitled Probabilistic and analytical studies of a class of functionals related to the primitive of Brownian motion (in French)

Composition of the jury:
J. Brossard, University of Grenoble
A. Goldman, University of Lyon
J.-P. Imhof, University of Geneva
J.-F. Gall, University of Paris
P. McGill, University of Lyon
E. Pardoux, University of Aix-Marseille
B. Roynette, University of Nancy
M. Yor, University of Paris
Abstract    Thesis

Professional positions

1987/1988 : Teacher at the School of the Military Applications of Atomic Energy of Cherbourg (EAMEA) as a scientist during the National Service.

1988-1990 : Teacher-Researcher at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 in a temporary position of teacher-researcher.

1990-2007 : Teacher at the National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon (INSA) in position of professor “agrégé”.

Since 2007 : Teacher-Researcher at the National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon (INSA) in position of associate professor.

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Curriculum vitæ



Interview with Cédric Villani, Vincent Borrelli and myself, 2016