Probabilistic Methods in Quantum Mechanics
Lyon, 14-16 May 2012

This workshop is dedicated to
all probabilistic methods that have
interactions or applications in Quantum Physics, with particular focus
on Quantum Noises, Quantum
Information Theory, Quantum Trajectories, Free Probability Theory,
Large Random Matrices. We also hope to have many interactions with
Operator Algebra Theory, Operator Space Theory and Convex Analysis.
The workshop will take place at the Institut Camille Jordan of Lyon 1. The workshop starts on Monday 14th May at 9 a.m and finishes on Wenesday 16th May at 6 p.m. Participants can arrive sunday evening and leave thursday morning.
Stéphane Attal (University Lyon 1)
Guillaume Aubrun (University Lyon 1)
Teodor Banica (University Cergy)
Alexander Belton (Lancaster University)
Tristan Benoist (E.N.S. Paris)
François Chapon (University Toulouse)
Benoit Collins (C.N.R.S Lyon 1)
Jason Crann (Carleton University)
Mickael de la Salle (C.N.R.S. Besançon)
Julien Deschamps (University Lyon 1)
Yoann Dabrowski (University Lyon 1)
Motohisa Fukuda (Technische
Universität München)
Uwe Franz (University Besançon)
Dragi Karevski (University Nancy)
Claus Koestler (Aberystwyth University)
Camille Male (E.N.S. Lyon)
Ion Nechita (University Toulouse)
Clément Pellegrini (University Toulouse)
Gilles Pisier (Texas A&M University)
René Schott (IECN University Nancy)
Yanqi Qiu (University Paris 6)
Karol Życzkowski (Jagiellonian University, Cracow)
Practical Informations
The workshop will take place at the Institut Camille Jordan of Lyon 1. The workshop starts on Monday 14th May at 9 a.m and finishes on Wenesday 16th May at 6 p.m. Participants can arrive sunday evening and leave thursday morning.
Invited speakers
Time TablePractical Informations
- Stéphane Attal
- Ion Nechita
- Clément Pellegrini