Chloe Audebert



2017 - 2018
  • Research project supervision, M1, Univ. Lyon 1.
  • Numerical linear algebra, L3, Univ. Lyon 1 (~36h).
2015 - 2016
  • Sequences and series of functions, series, generalised integrals, 2M360 FOAD, L2 – CNED, Univ. Paris VI UPMC (~20h).
2014 - 2015
  • Calculus, introduction to analysis and linear algebra, 1M003, L1, Univ. Paris VI UPMC (~72h).
  • Numerical resources for L1, WIMS (WWW Interactive Multipurpose Server) exercices development, Univ. Paris VI UPMC.
2013 - 2014
  • Calculus, introduction to analysis and linear algebra, 1M003, L1, Univ. Paris VI UPMC (~22h).
  • Series and integrals, linear algebra, 1M002, L1, Univ. Paris VI UPMC (~54h).
March 2018
  • Participation to ``MathaLyon'', Lyon, France.
October 2015
  • Presentation, “Raconte-moi ta thèse”, Fête de la science, Paris, France.
April 2015
  • Poster, Journée “Correspondances”, Projet PEPS-égalité “Correspondances de Langlands”, Paris, France.