Equivalence between the Einsteinian and post-Newtonian theories of gravitation


The goal of this reflexion is to highlight the equivalence between two models, conceptually very different, of the gravitation. It is necessary to hear the word equivalence in the restricted meaning of predictive equivalence (i.e. any observation or experimentation which validates one, validates the other and vice versa). In fact we will show that they are equivalent in, a priori, a little more strong meaning : the equations are mathematically locally equivalent. We will finish obviously by an epistemological consequence known but seldom taken into account: even if a theory is validated by the observations and the experimentations, that is not enough to validate the subjacent concepts of this theory. In the example that we will develop, two theories of the gravitation, predictive equivalents, validated with an extraordinary precision, rest on paradoxical definitions of the concept of space-time. In one of the theories "space-time " is curved with a non trivial curvature, in the other "space-time " is flat.

" The rigorous equivalence - and rather paradoxical - between the simplest Newtonian cosmological model and the model of Friedmann with space curvarture is evoked... "

J.-M. Souriau

Technical and Epistemological aspects: and Here the summary of this second paper:

What can teach us the gravitation on the space-time?

In the Twenties, models of universe were built within the framework of general relativity. In the Thirties, one realized that such models could also be built within the Newtonian framework by taking account of special relativity.
We expose initially the principles for the construction of these two types of models and we present their mathematical equivalence (in the general framework, without the usual assumption of null pressure). In one of these theories, the space-time is curved, in the other, it is flat. This apparent contradiction underlines the difficulty in drawing from these theories (which are in fact theories for the movement) conclusions about the nature or properties of the space-time.
We present also the equivalence of the local gravitational models built in these two theoretical frameworks (Einsteinian and Newtonian) and we show why the use of these two frameworks is inevitable when one wants to confront general relativity with the observations, and useful for the understanding of the committed concepts.
Finally we examine the general problem of the relation between physical reality and mathematical model and we recall the positions of Galileo and Einstein on the truth of their theories.

Is the Space time Curves And Flat?

" general relativity is a synthesis between the Newtonian gravitation and special relativity."

J.-p. Luminet