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Tuesday December 13th:
9h45-10h15: Welcoming coffee
10h15-11h15: M. Miyamoto,
C_2-cofiniteness of VOAs and orbifold theory,
11h30-12h30: P.-E. Caprace,
Contraction groups and linearity,
14h15-15h15: J. Morita,
Symmetries, Lie algebras and aperiodic orders,
15h30-16h30: P. Littelmann,
PBW degeneration: representations, flag varieties, polytopes and
combinatorics in type A and C,
17h00-18h00: B. Feigin,
Vertex operators for the toroidal (Ding-Iohara) algebras ,
Wednesday December 14th:
8h45-9h45: B. Leclerc,
Quantum Grothendieck rings and derived Hall algebras,
10h00-11h00: H. Sakai,
Ordinary differential equations on rational elliptic surfaces,
11h30-12h30: A. Nakayashiki,
Abel-Jacobi map and Schur functions,
14h15-15h15: P. Zinn-Justin,
Six-vertex and eight-vertex models on their combinatorial line,
15h30-16h30: P. van Moerbeke,
Non-intersecting Brownian motions, Domino tilings and critical processes,
17h00-18h00: F. Smirnov,
One-point functions for sine-Gordon model at finite temperature,
Thursday December 15th:
8h45-9h45: P. Fiebig,
On critical level representations of affine Kac-Moody algebras,
10h00-11h00: T. Nakashima,
Decorated geometric crystals, elementary characters and
monomial realizations of crystal bases,
11h30-12h30: D. Hernandez,
Asymptotic representations and Drinfeld rational fractions,
14h15-15h15: I. Gordon,
Equivalence for Cherednik algebras,
15h30-16h30: C. Gruson,
Representations of orthosymplectic Lie superalgebras,
17h00-18h00: M. Jimbo,
Fermions acting on local operators in the XXZ model: a review
Conference Dinner
Friday December 16th:
9h00-10h00: Y. Saito,
On Berenstein-Zelevinsky data in affine type A,
10h15-11h15: O. Schiffmann,
Double affine Hecke algebras and the cohomology of the
moduli space of torsion free sheaves on the plane,
11h30-12h30: H. Nakajima,
Coproduct on Yangian.