PhD student
Institut Camille Jordan
Rudy Rodsphon



[2] (joint with D. Perrot) An equivariant index theorem for hypoelliptic operators, arXiv

[1] Zeta functions, excision in cyclic cohomology and index problems, to appear in Journal of Functional Analysis arXiv


My Thesis (introduction in French, body in English) and the Introduction in English.

Invited talks in conferences

19.09.2014 - An equivariant index theorem for hypoelliptic operators, Noncommutative Geometry Trimester, Hausdorff Institute, Bonn

04.09.2014 - An equivariant index theorem for hypoelliptic operators, Journées du sud en Géométrie Non Commutative, Albi

03.09.2014 - Une introduction à la théorie de l'indice, Journées du sud en Géométrie Non Commutative, Toulouse

05.06.2014 - An equivariant index theorem for hypoelliptic operators, K-theory and Index Theory, ANR Kind conference, Université Metz

15.05.2013 - Autour de la théorie de l'indice, colloque Inter'Actions, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand

Talks in seminars

06.02.2014 - Fonctions zêta et opérateurs hypoelliptiques, Université de Montpellier

30.01.2014 - Zeta functions and hypoelliptic operators, University of Goettingen

10.07.2013 - Zeta functions, excision in cyclic cohomology and index theo- rems, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand