Dr. Xinxin CHEN
Maître de Conférence à Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
ICJ (UMR 5208), Bureau 244, Bâtiment Braconnier, 43 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918,
69622 Villeurbanne cedex
xchen AT math.univ-lyon1.fr
+33 (0)
Research interests
Branching Brownian motion and related models
Random walks in random environment on trees/graphs
Infinite particles systems and their fixed points
BQR 2014.
ANR/FNS MALIN- Marches aléatoires en interaction 2017-2020. Membre.
Publications and preprints
They can be found here
Chen, X., He, H. and Mallein, B. (2020),
Branching Brownian motion conditioned on small maximum, preprint arXiv:2007.00405.
Chen, X. and Ma, C. (2019),
On the tail distribution of the solution to some distribution equation, preprint arXiv:1903.10755
Chen, X. and He, H. (2020+),
Lower deviation and moderate deviation probabilities for maximum of a branching random walk,
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. Probab. Statist., (to appear)
Chen, X. and He, H. (2019),
On large deviation probabilities for empirical distribution of supercritical branching random walks with unbounded displacements,
Prob. Theory and Rel. Fields, 175(1-2), pp. 255-307.
Chen, X. and Guillotin-Plantard, N. (2019),
Branching processes in correlated random environment,
Electronic Communication of Probability, 24(7), 13pp.
Chen, X., Madaule, T. and Mallein, B. (2019),
On the trajectory of an individual chosen according to supercritical Gibbs measure in the branching random walk,
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 129(10), pp. 3821-3858.
Andreoletti, P. and Chen, X. (2018),
Range and critical generations of a random walk on Galton-Watson trees,
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. Probab. Statist. 54(1), pp. 466-513.
Chen, X. and Zeng, X. (2018),
Speed of vertex reinforced jump process on Galton-Watson trees,
Journal of Theoretical Probability, 31(2), pp. 1166-1211.
Chen, X. and Miermont, G. (2017),
Long Brownian bridges in hyperbolic spaces converge to Brownian trees,
Electronic Journal of Probability, 22(58), 15 pp.
Chen, X. (2015),
A necessary and sufficient condition for the non-trivial limit of the derivative martingale in a branching random walk,
Advances of Applied Probability, 47(3), pp. 741-760.
Chen, X. (2015),
Scaling limit of the path leading to the leftmost particle in a branching random walk,
Theory of Probability and its Applications, 59(4), pp. 567-589.
Chen, X. (2013),
Waiting times for particles in a branching Brownian motion to reach the rightmost position,
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 123(8), pp. 3153-3182.
Chen, X. (2013),
Convergence rate of the limit theorem of a Galton-Watson tree with neutral mutations,
Statistics and Probability Letters 83, pp. 588-595.
Ongoing Works
Randomly biased random walk on G-W tree in the sub-diffusive or diffusive case and Multi-type branching process. (with Loïc de Raphélis)
Randomly biased random walk on G-W tree in the slow movement regime. (with Pierre Andreoletti)
Inhomogeneous branching Brownian motion. (with Lisa Hartung, Hui He and Bastien Mallein)
Extremal process of BBM viewed as a fixed point of some infinite particle system. (with Christophe Garban and Atul Shekhar)
Current courses
Past courses and TA
- Markov chain (2014-2019, CM+TD+TP), Probability (CM+TD)
- Statistics (2019, TD)
- Fundamentals of mathematics II (2018-2020, TD)
- Probability (2016-2018, TD)
- Algebra III (2016-2017, TD)
- Stochastic processes and statistics (2014-2015, TD)
- Complex analysis (2014, TD)
- Measure and Integration (2014, 2018-2020, TD)
- Algebra I (2014, TD)