Articles publiés / Peer-reviewed papers
Modulated equations of Hamiltonian PDEs and dispersive shocks (hal-02365963),
coauteurs / co-authors : Colin Mietka, L. Miguel Rodrigues.
Nonlinearity, 34, No. 1, pp. 578–641 (2021).
Stability of periodic waves in Hamiltonian PDEs of either long wavelength or small amplitude (hal-01590731),
coauteurs / co-authors : Colin Mietka, L. Miguel Rodrigues.
Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 69, No. 2, pp.545–619 (2020).
Long wave asymptotics for the Euler–Korteweg system (hal-01221714),
coauteur / co-author : David Chiron.
Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, 34, No. 1, pp.245–304 (2018).
Co-periodic stability of periodic waves in some Hamiltonian PDEs (hal-01147784),
coauteurs / co-authors : Colin Mietka, L. Miguel Rodrigues.
Nonlinearity, 29, No. 11, pp.3241 (2016).
Slow modulations of periodic waves in Hamiltonian PDEs, with application to capillary fluids (hal-00804222),
coauteurs / co-authors : Pascal Noble, L. Miguel Rodrigues.
Journal of Nonlinear Science, 24, No. 4, pp.711-768 (2014).
Jump conditions and dynamic surface tension at permeable interfaces such as the inner core boundary,
coauteurs / co-authors : Frédéric Chambat, Yanick Ricard.
Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 346, No. 5-6, pp.110–118 (2014).
Planar traveling waves in capillary fluids (hal-00686048),
Differential Integral Equations, 26, No. 3-4, 433-478 (2013).
On the amplitude equations for weakly nonlinear surface waves (hal-00607348),
coauteur / co-author : Jean-François Coulombel.
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 205, No. 3, 871-925 (2012).
On a phase field model for solid-liquid phase transitions (hal-00549828),
coauteurs / co-authors : Laurent Chupin, Didier Jamet, Julien Vovelle.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 32, No. 6, 1997-2025 (2012).
Ill-posedness of nonlocal Burgers equations (hal-00491136),
coauteurs / co-authors : Jean-François Coulombel, Nikolay Tzvetkov.
Advances in Mathematics, 227, No. 6, 2220-2240 (2011).
Spectral transverse instability of solitary waves in Korteweg fluids, (hal-00342400),
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 361, No. 2, 338-357 (2010).
Local well-posedness of nonlocal Burgers equations (hal-00282893),
Differential Integral Equations, 22, No. 3-4, 303-320 (2009).
Weakly nonlinear surface waves and subsonic phase boundaries (hal-00280774),
coauteur / co-author : Massimiliano Rosini
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 57, No. 3-4, 1463-1484 (2009).
Transition to instability of planar viscous shock fronts I: the refined stability condition,
coauteurs / co-authors : Denis Serre & Kevin Zumbrun
Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen, 27, No. 1, 11-30 (2008).
On the well-posedness of the Euler-Korteweg model in several space dimensions,
coauteurs / co-authors : Raphaël Danchin & Stéphane Descombes
Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 56, No. 4, 1499–1579 (2007).
Measure valued solutions to conservation laws motivated by traffic modeling,
coauteurs / co-authors : Rinaldo Colombo & Piotr Gwiazda
Proceedings of The Royal Society of London. Series A., 462, No. 2070, 1791–1803 (2006).
Well-posedness of one-dimensional Korteweg models,
coauteurs / co-authors : Raphaël Danchin & Stéphane Descombes
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 59, 1-35 (2006).
Structure of Korteweg models and stability of diffuse interfaces,
coauteurs / co-authors : Raphaël Danchin, Stéphane Descombes & Didier Jamet.
Interfaces Free Boundaries, 7, 371-414 (2005).
Effects of surface tension on the stability of dynamical liquid-vapor interfaces,
coauteur / co-author : Heinrich Freistühler
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 174, No. 1, 111-150 (2004).
Nonlinear stability of semi-discrete shock waves,
coauteurs / co-authors : Pierre Huot & Frédéric Rousset
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 35 No.3, 639–707 (2003).
An n-populations model for traffic flow,
coauteur / co-author : Rinaldo Colombo
European Journal on Applied Mathematics, 14, 587–612 (2003).
Boundary conditions for Euler equations,
coauteurs / co-authors : Jean-François Coulombel & Stéphane Aubert
AIAA Journal, 41 No.1, 56–63 (2003).
Note on a paper by Robinet, Gressier, Casalis and Moschetta,
coauteurs / co-authors : Jean-François Coulombel & Denis Serre
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 469, 401-405 (2002).
Generic types and transitions in hyperbolic initial-boundary value problems,
coauteurs / co-authors : Frédéric Rousset, Denis Serre & Kevin Zumbrun
Proceedings A of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 132 No.5, 1073–1104 (2002).
Stability of semi-discrete shock profiles by means of an Evans function in infinite dimensions,
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 14 No.3, 613–674 (2002).
Existence of semi-discrete shocks,
coauteurs / co-authors : Pierre Huot
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 8, 163–190 (2002).
Linear stability of propagating liquid-vapor interfaces in capillary fluids,
Physica D. 155, 235–273 (2001).
Alternate Evans functions and viscous shock waves,
coauteurs / co-authors : Denis Serre & Kevin Zumbrun,
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 32 No.5, 929–962 (2001).
Sur la stabilité de profils semidiscrets au moyen d’une fonction d’Evans en dimension infinie,
Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris, Série I. 329, 377–382 (1999).
Stability of subsonic planar phase boundaries in a van der Waals fluid,
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis. 150 No. 1, 23–55 (1999).
Nonuniqueness of phase transitions near the Maxwell line,
Proceedings of the A.M.S. 127 No. 4, 1183-1190 (1999).
Stability of multi-dimensional phase transitions in a van der Waals fluid,
Nonlinear Analysis T.M.A. 31 No. 1/2, 243-263 (1998).
Semi-discrete shock profiles for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws,
Physica D 115, 109-123 (1998).
On a representation formula for B. Temple systems,
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 27, 1503-1519 (1996).
Compacité par compensation pour une classe de systèmes hyperboliques de p lois de conservation (p>=3),
coauteurs / co-authors : D. Serre, Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 10, 557-579 (1994).