About me

I defended my PhD, which was supervised by Bertrand Maury, the 6th december 2012. We developed a finite element fictitious domain method on cartesian meshes to simulate the motion of immersed rigid bodies. The method seeks a smooth extension of the fluid solution in order to recover the optimal order of error, even though the fluid mesh is not fitted to the rigid bodies geometry. The manuscript and the slides of the defense can be downloaded from here (in french).
After my PhD, I did a one year post doc at Inria Paris-Rocquencourt in the REO team on the nasal airflow in collaboration with the surgeon Stéphane Liwarek.
Next, I did a post doc at Inria Paris-Rocquencourt in the REO team working with Miguel Fernandez. We have developed a finite element fictitious domain method using a Nitsche-XFEM formulation in order to simulate fluid-structure interactions on a fixed fluid mesh and linear finite elements while being able to capture strong discontinuities in the pressure and weak ones in the fluid velocity.
I went to Milano in Italy where I did a one year post doc at the Politecnico di Milano at the MOX laboratory. I worked there on a joint project with the companies ENI S.p.A and MOXOFF S.r.L. about the simulation of faults reactivation.
I am currently working at the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 in Lyon at the Institut Camille Jordan as a research engineer.
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Institut Camille Jordan
Bâtiment Braconnier
43, boulevard du 11 novembre 1918
F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France