Mikael de la Salle, thanks to Emmanuel Breuillard for the picture

Mikael de la Salle

CNRS senior researcher (Directeur de recherche) in Lyon, at Institut Camille Jordan.

Spending the academic year 2023-2024 at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, USA.

delasalle  @  math.univ-lyon1.fr
Office: 105


My research area is Functional analysis. Formerly worked in Paris (2006-2010) at Institut de Mathétiques de Jussieu and DMA, in Besançon (2010-2013) at Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Besançon and at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (2013-2021) at UMPA.

Editorial activity

I am part of the editorial board of the following journals

Reading webinar on the Connes-Kirchberg-Tsirelson problem

In spring 2020, together with Guillaume Aubrun (ICJ) and Omar Fawzi (LIP), we have been organizing a working group on the Connes-Kirchberg-Tsirelson problem and the announcement of its resolution in the negative by Zhengfeng Ji, Anand Natarajan, Thomas Vidick, John Wright and Henry Yuen. More information here.


All my papers but the first are on arXiv. Below is a direct link to them (last updated: november 2022).

Other texts

Raconte moi... la propriété (T)
Gazette des Mathématiciens 150 (2016), 57-61.

Analysis on simple Lie groups and lattices, written for the Proceedings of the ICM 2022 Preprint

I defended my habilitation à diriger des recherches on september, 15th 2016. The memoir, which can be downloaded here , is an expository text (in english) describing some of my research on the period 2010-2016.

My thesis, which was completed on septembre, 24th 2009, can also be downloaded here.

Courses (in french)

Cours d'analyse fonctionnelle de M1, donné à l'ENS de Lyon entre 2013 et 2015: Notes de cours et problèmes.

Cours de premaster (L3) Groupe fondamental et revetements, donné à l'ENS de Lyon entre 2018 et 2020: Notes de cours.


Ignacio Vergara.

Emilie Mai Elkiaer.

Guillaume Dumas.

Events organized