My main topics of interest are:
- Multivariate time series analysis;
- Non and semi parametric models;
- Estimation of dependence structures;
- Wavelets and applications;
- Multiple testing;
- Generalized regressions;
- Classification of functional data.
My application field deals among others with neurosciences: functional MRI, EEG and MEG recordings.
List of publications on HAL: <link>.
Articles in journals with reviewing committee
I. Gannaz (2023). Asymptotic normality of wavelet covariances and of multivariate wavelet Whittle estimators. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Vol 155, pp 485-534. <link> (prebublication) |
M. Amovin-Assagba, I. Gannaz, J. Jacques (2022). Outlier detection in multivariate functional data through a contaminated mixture model. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol 174, pp. 107496. <link> (prépublication) |
J.-B. Aubin, I. Gannaz, S. Leoni, A. Rolland (2022). Deepest Voting: a new way of electing. Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol 116, pp 1-16. <link> (prebublication) |
S. Achard, M. Clausel, I. Gannaz, F. Roueff (2020). New results on approximate Hilbert pairs of wavelet filters with common factor structure. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Vol 49, N°3, pp 1025-1045. <link> (prebublication) |
S. Achard, I. Gannaz (2019). Wavelet-based multivariate Whittle estimation, comparison with Fourier : multiwave. Journal of Statistical Software, Vol 69, N°6, pp 1-31. <link> [Software]. |
S. Achard, I. Gannaz (2016). Multivariate wavelet Whittle estimation in long-range dependence. Journal of Time Series Analysis, Vol 37, pp 476-512. <link> (prebublication). |
I. Gannaz (2013). Wavelet penalized likelihood estimation in generalized functional models. TEST, Vol 22, N°1, pp 122-158. <link> (prebublication). |
I. Gannaz, O. Wintenberger (2010). Adaptive density estimation under weak dependence. ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, Vol 14, pp 151-172. <link> (prebublication). |
I. Gannaz (2007). Robust estimation and wavelet thresholding in partially linear models. Statistics and Computing, Vol 17, N° 4, pp 293-310. <link> (prepublication). |
Conference proceedings
S. Achard, I. Gannaz, K. Polisano (2022). Génération de modèles graphiques. In GRETSI 2022. <link> |
M. Amovin-Assagba, J. Jacques, I. Gannaz, F. Fossi, J. Mozul (2020). Détection d'anomalies dans des données fonctionnelles multivariées. 52èmes Journées de Statistiques de la SFdS. <link> (in french) |
S. Achard, P. Borgnat, I. Gannaz, M. Roux (2019). Wavelet-based graph inference using multiple testing. In Wavelets and Sparsity XVIII (Vol. 11138, p. 1113811). International Society for Optics and Photonics. <link> |
I. Gannaz, S. Achard, M. Clausel, F. Roueff (2017). Analytic wavelets for multivariate time series analysis. In Wavelets and Sparsity XVII (Vol. 10394, p. 103941X). International Society for Optics and Photonics. <link> |
I. Gannaz, S. Achard, M. Clausel, F. Roueff (2017). Ondelettes analytiques, application à l’analyse des processus multivariés à longue mémoire. In GRETSI 2017.<link> (in french) |
F. Millioz, I. Gannaz (2017). Estimation des paramètres d’un bruit gaussien généralisé basée sur le kurtosis des statistiques minimales. In GRETSI 2017. <link> (in french) |
I. Gannaz (2014). Classification of EEG recordings in auditory brain activity via a logistic functional linear regression model. Contributions in infinite-dimensional statistics and related topics, International Workshop on Functional and Operatorial Statistics. <link> <pdf> |
I. Gannaz (2012). Estimation par ondelettes dans des modèles fonctionnels généralisés. 44èmes Journées de Statistique de la SFDS. (in french) |
Book chapters
S. Achard, I. Gannaz (2018) Wavelet Whittle Estimation in Multivariate Time Series Models: Application to fMRI Data. In: Bertail P., Blanke D., Cornillon PA., Matzner-Løber E. (eds) Nonparametric Statistics. ISNPS 2016. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 250. Springer, Cham |
Estimation par ondelettes dans les modèles partiellement linéaires. 2007, thèse de l'université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, sous la direction d'Anestis Antoniadis. (in french) <pdf> |
Software |
I. Gannaz and M. Roux (2019), R-package TestCor: FWER and FDR controlling procedures for multiple correlation tests.
S. Achard and I. Gannaz (2016), R-package multiwave: estimation of
multivariate long-memory models parameters.
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Dernière mise à jour : 17/11/2022