Véronique Maume-Deschamps | Activities
    Against the unpredictability against the chaotic uncertainty of the future, the remedy lies in the ability to make and keep promises.
    Contre l'imprévisibilité, contre la chaotique incertitude de l'avenir, le remède se trouve dans la faculté de faire et de tenir des promesses.
Hannah Arendt (1958).

Short CV

Véronique Maume-Deschamps
Born in  Dijon (Cote d'Or, France) February, 20th 1972
Nationality: French
Maried, two children

A list of my publications : click here !
More informations about my research activities.
More informations (in french) about : teaching activities, responsabilities.

Dernière mise à jour : 23 sept. 2024.
Last update: Sept. 23th, 2024.