
My research interets are enumerative combinatorics, permutation statistics, constructive bijections.


Bijective combinatorics of permutations and Genocchi numbers. Under the supervision of Jiang Zeng, defended on November 24, 2015 at Institut Camille Jordan. 

Publications and preprints

[1] (With Evgeny Feigin) Symmetric Dellac configurations,  Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 23 (2020), Article 20.4.6.

[2] (With Evgeny Feigin) Symmetric Dellac configurations and symplectic/orthogonal flag varieties, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Volume 573, July 2019, Pages 54-79.

[3] A generalization of the Kreweras triangle through the universal sl2 weight system, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Volume 161, January 2019, Pages 309-326. 

[4] Combinatorial interpretations of the Kreweras triangle in terms of subset tuples, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 25, Issue 4 (2018), P4.44. 

[5] Enumerating the symplectic Dellac configurations, arxiv:1705.03804, May 2017. 

[6] A new bijection relating q-Eulerian polynomials, Advances in Applied Mathematics, Volume 81, October 2016, Pages 212-239. 

[7] A bijection between irreducible k-shapes and surjective pistols of height k-1, Discrete Mathematics, Volume 338, Issue 8, 6 August 2015, Pages 1432-1448. 

[8] Combinatorial Study of Dellac Configurations and q-extended Normalized Median Genocchi Numbers, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 21, Issue 2 (2014), P2.32.