Vincent Lerouvillois

I am currently a PhD student supervised by Fabio Toninelli, at the Institut Camille Jordan (Lyon 1 university). I am part of the PSPM team of this laboratory.

Research interests:

I am working on random interface growth models coming from Statistical Physicis.
More precisely, I am interested in hydrodynamic limits (evolution of the macroscopic interface) and fluctuations of these models supposedly belonging to the AKPZ university class.


  1. [arXiv] [arXiv]Hydrodynamic Limit of a (2+1)-Dimensional Crystal Growth Model in the Anisotropic KPZ Class (2019), Electronic Journal of Probability Volume 25 (2020), paper no. 76.
  2. [arXiv] Hydrodynamic limit for a 2D interlaced particle process (2020), joint work with Fabio Toninelli, pre-print.


  • Address :

  • Bureau 100, Bâtiment Braconnier
  • Institut Camille Jordan
  • UniversitĂ© Claude Bernard, Lyon 1
  • 43 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918
  • F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex
  • Email :
