Related mathematicians
Olga Azenhas, Olivier Brunat, Nathan Chapelier-Laget, Maria Chlouveraki, Maciej Dołęga, Olivier Dudas, Matthew Fayers, Iain Gordon, Jérémie Guilhot, Gerhard Hiss, Nicolas Jacon, Alexander Kleshchev, Cédric Lecouvey, Peter Littelmann, Andrew Mathas, Philippe Nadeau, Emily Norton, Loic Poulain d'Andecy, Salim Rostam, Gerhard Röhrle, Peng Shan, Jay Taylor, Donna Testerman, Jean-Yves Thibon, Jacinta Torres.
Mathematical links
- ICJ seminar Combinatoire et Théorie des nombres
- ANR projects CORTIPOM and COMBINé
- Groupe de travail Combinatoire Algébrique of the GDR Informatique Fondamentale et ses Mathématiques
- International Research Network Representation Theory associated with the RT Algèbre
- SPP project Combinatorial Synergies
- Network Algebras and Representation Theory in Germany
- SFB-TRR project Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Application
Other links
- A music suggestion.
- Some essential news.