- Group schemes, root systems, and related representations |
On generalized Hitchin fibrations
Moments of quadratic L-functions over function fields
Quantitative bounds related to an isogeny criterion for elliptic curves, Number Theory Seminar (Imar).
Locally imprimitive points on elliptic curves, Number Theory Seminar (Imar).
Diophantine tuples and elliptic curves.
Lectures on Azumaya algebras, Fall 2024.
Applications of finiteness conjecture on groups with good reduction.
Integral Springer theorem for quadratic lattices over Dedekind domains., Number Theory Seminar (Imar).
Algebraic groups as automorphism groups of varieties, Algebraic Geometry Seminar (Imar).
Constructing 2-dimensional Lubin-Tate formal groups over p-adic integers, Number Theory Seminar (Imar).
Lectures on Azumaya algebras, Winter 2025.
Stacks Reading Group, Spring 2025.
Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry Week.