Very often I give talks at the blackboard, but not always. Here you
can find some slides of some recent talks.
Variational Mean Field Games
This is a talk that I gave several time since 2015. Here is the
latest version (Imperial College, March 2017). It includes results
from my works with P. Cardaliaguet and A. Mészáros, A. Prosinski,
and from a survey with J.-D. Benamou and G. Carlier.
I also have a new talk on time-discretization and on the
estimates one gets from it (Rome, MFG, 2017).
Crowd motion and density constraints
I used to give talks on this topic around 2010/12 and then I started
again recently, with a more survey-oriented presentation. Here is one of the most complete version
(SMAI 2017, structured as a survey on the subject; warning: heavy
file, 8MB).
Also have a look at a classical version
(USTC, Hefei, April 2012), and at a
shortened but recent version (Munich, May 2018). Based on joint works
with B. Maury, A. Roudneff-Chupin, and J. Venel.
A version including connections with MFG and some preliminaries about
motion with diffusion (Beijing, July 2013).
A more introductory talk for an audience more oriented to control and
complex systems, with active and passive crowds.
Continuous Wardrop Equilibria
Another talk I gave often around 2008/10 and less often now, about
continuous models for traffic congestion. Here is the
latest version (INDAM, November 2016). Based on joint works with
G. Carlier, C. Jimenez, F. Benmansour, G. Peyré, L. Brasco, V. Vespri.
Branched Transport and its approximation
Phase-field approximation of branched transport:
the latest version (Durham, March 2017;
based on a joint work with E. Oudet, but this version also includes reference to the improvements obtained in the PhD of A. Monteil).
A fractal optimization problem: talk in
Muenster, March 2017 (work in progress with P. Pegon and Q. Xia).
Other talks
Applications of semi-disctete Optimal Transport
This is a talk I gave in Pisa, in the OT 2018 conference, based on
joint works with Q. Mérigot and other collaborators
(B. Klartag, C.Sarrazin, F. Stra) Slides of November 2018 (sorry, they contain
a picture of my daughter to apologize for my short stay at the conference).
A survey on the applications of optimal transport
This is a talk I gave in Manchester, with special attention to the
applications to economics and finance. Slides of July 6 2017.
Knothe transport
A talk I only gave twice about the connections between the
Knothe-Rosenblatt transport map and optimal transport (joint work with
G. Carlier and A. Galichon + PhD thesis by N. Bonnotte).
Version presented in Grenoble, October 2013.
Optimal location problems
I worked on this topic (related to optimal quantization of measures)
years ago, essentially with A. Brancolini, G. Buttazzo and
E. Stepanov.
A talk on the asymptotical issues (presented
at PGMO opening days, ENSTA, September 2012).
Urban equilibria
A Talk on urban equilibrium models and displacement convexity.
Slides, Imperial November 2015.
(paper in collaboration with A. Blanchet and P. Mossay).
Regularity in the Monge optimal transport problem
About the regularity of optimal maps for the cost
║x-y║. Talk presented in Pisa,
November 2012. After this talk, a collaboration started with
X.-J. Wang and Q.-R. Li, who had essentially the same results.