Current PhD students

In Lyon

  • Annette Dumas
    Subject: MFG with jumps.
    funded by U. Lyon 1. Annette will defend on Sept 26, 2024 (committee: A. Briani, P. Cardaliaguet, S. Masnou, N. Oudjane, N. Pustelnik, F. Santambrogio, F. Silva) and mowe as a postdoc to Dauphine, to work with I. Waldspurger

  • Thibault Caillet
    Third year, funded by U. Lyon 1. Thibault works on non-linear estimates in the JKO scheme, in particular for Wp-gradient flows.

  • Fanch Coudreuse
    Second year, funded by the ERC project EYAWKAJKOS, co-supervised with I. Gentil. Fanch works on functional inequalities to be proven via the JKO scheme, and estimates on the JKO scheme itself.

  • Kexin Lin
    First year, funded by the ERC project EYAWKAJKOS. Kexin works on the gradient flow of the total variation in W2>/SUB>.

  • Sofiane Cherf
    First year, funded by ENS Lyon, co-supervised with A Baradat. Sofiane works on the JKO scheme for the Muksat problem.

  • In Orsay

  • Nicolas Masson
    First year, funded by ENS Paris, co-supervised with B. Maury. Nicolas works on macroscopic crowd motion models and in particular on their variants.

  • Past PhD students

  • Clement Sarrazin
    Subject: Lagrangian approximation of congested MFG
    funded by U. Paris-Sud, co-supervised with Q. Mérigot. Clément defended on January 4, 2022 (committee: J. Bigot, D. Bourne, Y. Brenier, Q. Mérigot, F. Santambrogio, I. Waldspurger).
    Clément is now postdoc in Goettingen with B. Schmitzer.

  • Alexey Kroshnin
    cotutelle with IITP Moscow, co-supervised with A. Soboloevskii, funded by IITP and by the French Embassy in Russia. Alexey defended on October 21, 2021 (committee: E. Cazelles, J. Delon, L. De Pascale, I. Gentil, A. Kolesnikov, F. Santambrogio, A. Soboloevskii, A. Suvorikova).
    Alewey is now postdoc at WIAS berlin.

  • Hugo Lavenant
    Subject: Optimizal curves and maps in the Wasserstein space
    Hugo defended on May 24, 2019 (committee: Y. Brenier, P. Cardaliaguet, Q. Mérigot, F. Santambrogio, K.-T. Sturm, D. Tonon; referees: P. Cardaliaguet, G. Savaré).
    Hugo is now assistant professor in Bocconi University, Milan.

  • Samer Dweik
    Subject: Transport and control problems with boundary costs: regularity and summability of optimal and equilibrium densities
    Samer defended on July 12, 2018 (committee: P. Cannarsa, N. Igbida, C. Jimenez, P. Pansu, P. Rybka, F. Santambrogio; referees: P. Cannarsa, L. de Pascale).
    Samer is now assistant professor at Qatar University.

  • Paul Pegon
    Subject: Branched transport and fractal structures
    Paul defended on November 21st, 2017 (committee: J.-F. Babadjian, S. Masnou, J.-M. Morel, S. Rigot, F. Santambrogio, B. Wirth; referees: S. Masnou and B. Wirth).
    Paul is now Maître de conférences in Paris-Dauphine.

  • Antonin Monteil
    Co-supervised with R. Ignat in Orsay.
    Subject: Approximations elliptiques d'énergies singulières, en transport branché et micro-magnétisme
    Antonin defended on December 7th, 2015 (committee: F. Bethuel, R. Ignat, E. Oudet, P. Mironescu, E. Sandier, F. Santambrogio; referees: F. Bethuel and R. Jerrard).
    Antonin is now Maître de conférences in Paris Est Créteil.

  • Alpár-Richard Mészáros
    Subject: Mean Field Games with density constraints
    Alpár defended on September 10th, 2015 (committee: Y. Brenier, G. Carlier, B. Nazaret, B. Maury, F. Santambrogio, F. Silva; referees: G. Carlier and W. Gangbo).
    He is now associate professor in Durham, UK.

  • Jean Louet
    Subject: Transport problems with gradient penalization
    Jean defended his thesis on July 2nd, 2014 (committee: G. Bouchitté, B. Merlet, F. Santambrogio, S. Serfaty, A. Trouvé, Q. Xia; referees: G. Bouchitté and S. Serfaty).
    He is now teacher for Classes Préparatoires at Lycée Hoches, Versailles.

  • Nicolas Bonnotte
    In cotutelle with SNS Pisa (co-advisor : L. Ambrosio)
    Subject: Méthodes unidimensionnelles et d'évolution pour le transport optimal
    Nicolas defended his thesis on December 16th, 2013 (committee: L. Ambrosio, J.-D. Benamou, J.-A. Carrillo, N. Gigli, B. Maury, F. Santambrogio; referees: J.-D. Benamou, J.-A. Carrillo).
    He is now working in the private sector in the Paris area.

  • Lorenzo Brasco
    Co-supervised with G. Buttazzo and G. Carlier, cotutelle Università di Pisa - Université Paris-Dauphine.
    Subject: Geodesics and PDE methods in transport models
    Lorenzo defended his thesis on October 11, 2010 (committee: L. Ambrosio, G. Bouchitté, Y. Brenier, G. Buttazzo, G. Carlier, L. De Pascale, A. Pratelli, F. Santambrogio; referees: L. Ambrosio and G. Bouchitté).
    Lorenzo is now Associate Professor in Ferrara (Italy).
  • Post-doc


  • Noemi David
    Noemi joined ICJ after a PhD obtained in cotutelle between Bologna and Sorbonne Université (with B. Perthame and M. C. Tesi). She works on PDEs of porous medium and crowd motion type. Her postdoc is funded by the LabEx MILyon. She will soon move to Rouen as a CNRS permanent researcher.

  • Anastasiia Hraivoronska
    Anastasiia joined ICJ after a PhD obtained at TU Eindhoven with O. Tse. She works on the discretizatin of gradient flows. Her postdoc is funded by the ERC project EYAWKAJKOS.

  • Anatole Gallouet
    Anatole is sharing his time between my ERC project and the PEPR PDE-AI project at LIRIS, supervised by N. Bonneel and J. Digne, after a PhD in Grenoble with Q. Mérigot and B. Thibert. He works now on Sliced Wasserstein distances and on the numerics for the fully discrete JKO scheme.

  • Charles Elbar
    Charles just joined ICJ after a PhD obtained at Sorbonne Université with B. Perthame and E. Grenier. He works, funded by the ERC project EYAWKAJKOS, on aggregation-diffusion and cross-diffusion problems.

  • Past:

  • Simone Di Marino
    After a PhD obtained in Pisa (with L. Ambrosio), Simone worked in the framework of the ANR project ISOTACE, on density-constrained evolution PDEs and multi-marginal optimal transport, under the supervision of B. Maury and me. He is now Associate Professor in Genoa, Italy.
  • Guilherme Mazanti
    After a PhD obtained at École Polytechnique (with Y. Chitour and M. Sigalotti), Guilherme got a Lecteur Hadamard position to work under my supervision on mean field games. He has now an INRIA Starting Faculty Position at INRIA Saclay.
  • Federico Stra
    After a PhD obtained in Pisa (with L. Ambrosio), Federico joined us in the framework of the ANR project MAGA, on the Lagrangian and semi-discrete approximation of gradient flows PDE, under the supervision of Q. Mérigot and me.He is currently assistant professor at Politecnico di Torino.
  • Romain Ducasse
    After a PhD obtained at EHESS (with H. Berestycki), Romain joined ICJ, funded by my Impulsion project (IDEXLYON) for one year, working on cross-diffusion and parabolic equations for MFG. He is now Maître de Conférences in Paris 7.

    Jury committees

    PhD -- Other than my students, I have been member of PhD committees in four different countries, and in particular of the committees of

  • Aimé Lachapelle, Paris-Dauphine, PhD thesis with G. Carlier and J. Salomon, June 2010.
  • Xiang Yu Liang, Paris-Sud, PhD thesis with G. David, December 2010.
  • Anouar Houmia, Paris-Dauphine, PhD thesis with G. Carlier and R. Tahraoui, April 2011.
  • Al-Hassem Nayam, Pisa, PhD thesis with G. Buttazzo, July 2011.
  • Aude Roudneff-Chupin, Paris-Sud, PhD thesis with B. Maury, December 2011.
  • Davide Zucco, Torino, PhD thesis with P. Tilli, February 2012 (president of the Jury committee).
  • Xin-Yang Lu, SNS Pisa, PhD thesis with G. Buttazzo, November 2013.
  • Than-Nam Nguyen, Orsay, PhD thesis with D. Hilhorst, November 2013.
  • Pierre Bochard, Orsay, PhD thesis with R. Ignat, June 2015.
  • Yangqin Fang, Orsay, PhD thesis with G. David, September 2015.
  • Panayotis Antonopoulos, Athens, PhD thesis with N. Alikakos, October 2015.
  • Roméo Hatchi, Dauphine, PhD thesis with G. Carlier, December 2015 (president of the jury committee).
  • Jana Al Khayal, Orsay, PhD thesis with D. Hilhorst, November 2016.
  • Romain Hug, Grenoble, PhD thesis with E. Maître and N. Papadakis, December 2016 (referee).
  • Francesco Patacchini, Imperial college, PhD thesis with J.-A. Carrillo and Y. Huang, June 2017 (referee).
  • Van Than Nguyen, Limoges, PhD thesis with N. Igbida, October 2017 (president of the jury committee).
  • Carlos Román, Paris 6, PhD thesis with E. Sandier and S. Serfaty, December 2017.
  • Federico Stra, SNS Pisa (Italie), PhD thesis with L. Ambrosio, February 2018.
  • Benoît Bonnet, Aix-Marseille, PhD thesis with F. Rossi, October 2019 (president of the jury committee).
  • Simon Zugmeyer, Lyon 1, PhD thesis with L. Dupaigne and I. Gentil, November 2019.
  • Léo Lebrat, INSA Toulouse, PhD thesis with F. de Gournay and J. Kahn, December 2019.
  • Thibault Bonnemain, Cergy-Pontoise, PhD thesis with T. Gobron and D. Ullmo (physics; referee), February 2020.
  • Ziad Kobeissi, U. Paris (ex-P7), PhD thesis with Y. Achdou and P. Cardaliaguet (referee), October 2020, online.
  • Titouan Vayer, U. Bretagne Sud (Vannes), PhD thesis with N. Courty, L. Chapel and R. Tavenard (president of the jury committee), November 2020, online.
  • Hicham Janati, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, PhD thesis with M. Cuturi and A. Gramfort (referee), March 2021, online.
  • Maxime Prod'homme, Toulouse 3, PhD thesis with M. Fathi and F. Otto (referee), October 2021, online.
  • Quentin Petit, Dauphine, PhD thesis with G. Carlier, February 2022 (president of the jury committee).
  • Léonard Dekens, Lyon 1, PhD thesis with V. Calvez and S. Mirrahimi, July 2022.
  • Gauthier Clerc, Lyon 1, PhD thesis with I. Gentil and A. Guillin, July 2022.
  • Agate Herrou, Lyon 1 (computer sciences), PhD thesis with N. Bonneel, J. Digne and B. Lévy, October 2022 (president of the jury committee).
  • Ramón Oliver-Bonafoux, Sorbonne, PhD thesis with F. Bethuel (referee), November 2022.
  • Saeed Sadeghi, Polytechnique, PhD thesis with A.-S. De Suzzoni et G. Mazanti, December 2022.
  • Sébastien Tran Tien, Lyon 1, PhD thesis with F. Lagoutière, July 2023.
  • Kang Liu, Polytechnique, PhD thesis with F. Bonnans and L. Pfeiffer (referee), October 2023.
  • Charles Elbar, Sorbonne, PhD thesis with B. Perthame and E. Grenier, May 2024.
  • Michele Circelli, Bologna and Barcelona, PhD thesis with G. Citti and A. Clop, July 2024 (online).
  • Joao Machado, Dauphine, PhD thesis with A. Chambolle and V. Duval, September 2024 (president of the jury committee).

  • HDR -- I was also member of the Jury committee for the HDR (habilitation thesis) of

  • Benoît Kloeckner, Grenoble, December 2012.
  • Benoît Merlet, Polytechnique, December 2013.
  • Grégoire Loeper, Paris 6, September 2014 (referee).
  • Anne Auger, Orsay, February 2016.
  • Francisco Silva, Limoges, November 2016.
  • Antoine Lemenant, Paris 7, December 2016.
  • Daniela Tonon, Dauphine, December 2017.
  • Guillaume Vigeral, Dauphine, December 2017.
  • Nicolas Bonneel, Lyon, November 2018 (referee).
  • Other supervised students

    Mémoires de M2 and Tesi di Laurea

  • Mohammad Radwan, 2012 (Ma-Trudinger-Wang regularity for optimal transport); after graduating, Mohammad came back to Syria as a teacher and then moved to Turkey.
  • Antonin Monteil, 2012 (Aviles-Giga, Gamma-convergence), co-supervised with R. Ignat; Antonin has been PhD student with us.
  • Alpár-Richard Mészáros (M2 École Polytechnique), 2012 (Mean field Games); Alpár has been PhD student with me.
  • Davide Piazzoli (M2 AAG), 2013 (Optimal transport for concave costs); Davide then became a graduate student in Cambridge (UK), and then moved to the finance sector in Milan.
  • Maxime Laborde, 2013 (regularity for very degenerate elliptic equations); Maxime has then done his PhD in Dauphine, supervised by G. Carlier.
  • Paul Pegon (M2 AAG), 2014 (branched transport); Paul has then been PhD student with me.
  • Antoine Julia (M2 Paris 6), 2015 (Gamma-convergence to branched structures), co-supervised with F. Otto (MPI Leipzig); Antoine has then been PhD student with T. De Pauw, Paris 7.
  • Samer Dweik, 2015 (Beckmann problem); Samer has then been PhD student with me.
  • Hugo Lavenant, 2015 (Sobolev spaces with respect to measures); Hugo has then been PhD student with me.
  • Adam Prosinski (M2 AAG), 2015 (Mean Field Games); Adam has then been graduate student at Oxford, UK.
  • Valerio Pagliari (Roma, La Sapienza, erasmus at Orsay), 2016 (Hamilton Jacobi equations in the Wasserstein spaces), co-supervised with A. Siconolfi (La Sapienza); Valerio has then been PhD student in Pisa.
  • Khanh Huynh, 2018 (moment measures and affine spheres).
  • Guillaume Chereau, 2019 (sliced Wasserstein distance), co-supervised with N. Bonneel and J. Digne (LIRIS, Lyon).
  • Émile Ciuperca, 2020 (sliced Wasserstein flow), co-supervised with N. Bonneel and J. Digne (LIRIS, Lyon); Emile then moved to an engineering school.
  • Annette Dumas, 2021 (MFG for urban economics); Annette has then started a PhD with me.
  • Gayrat Toshpulatov, 2021 (JKO for Fokker-Planck); Gayrat then started a PhD in Vienna with A. Arnold.
  • Thibault Caillet, M2 AMS Orsay, 2022 (Wp-JKO scheme); Thibault has then started a PhD with me.
  • Nicolas Masson, M2 modélisation Sorbonne, 2022 (crowd motion models, co-supervised with B. Maury); Nicolas then started a PhD with us.
  • Giacomo Cozzi, M2 Dauphine & Padova, 2023 (sliced Wasserstein flow, internship at Centre Lagrange); Giacomo then started a PhD in Padova.
  • TER Orsay (Bachelor and 4th year short thesis)

  • Malek Ait-Kaci (optimal location), 2011
  • Sébastien Bernier (Geodesics and one-dimensional variational problems), 2011
  • Nicolas Goix (Black and Scholes model), 2011
  • Yushuang Wei (Hotelling problem), 2012
  • Matthieu Martin (Wardop equilibra and Braess paradoxe), 2012
  • Dimitri Lew and Toufik Boudinar (Golab's Theorem), 2013, L3
  • Thomas Debris (gradient flows), 2013/14
  • Louis Lecru and Marko Karbevski (Golab's Theorem), 2016, L3
  • TER Lyon 1 (4th year short thesis)

  • Joseph Lavoine (Wasserstein barycenters), 2019
  • Sélim Cheaibi and Luis Araya (Wasserstein barycenters), 2020
  • Vansit Navasackd (optimal location), 2022.
  • 3rd year research internships at ENS Cachan

  • Cécile Carrère, Didier Lesesvre, Paul Pegon (optimal transport for oscillation-type costs, existence for the 1D case), co-supervised with A. Ciomaga, 2011.
  • T. Deleu, R. Ducasse, L. Sacchelli (optimal transport for oscillation-type costs, numerics in the 1D case), co-supervised with L. Simon, 2012.
  • M. Andjar, A. Maksoud (optimal location), 2013.
  • C. Touré, J. Trévisan (Mean Field Games and Benamou-Brenier algorithms), co-supervised with A. Preux, 2015.
  • R. Prebet, P. Simonot (Traffic congestion and augmented lagrangian algorithms), co-supervised with A. Preux, 2016.
  • Miscellaneous

  • Lambert Piozin, stage L3, Paris-Dauphine (cooperative equilibria in branched transport), 2009
  • S. Madar, J. Msika, groupe de travail MASEF, Dauphine (Hotelling problem), 2010
  • B. Ferrandez, A. Mueller, L.-A. Pallet, R. Prom, ENSAE, groupe de travail (geographical concurrency in the bank market), co-supervised with H. Fraisse (Banque de France), 2012.
  • F. Genans Boiteux, transport optimal et applications, TIPE, L2, Lyon 1, 2020.
  • V. Ferrari, Lipschitz estimates in the JKO scheme, M1, ENS Paris, 2020.
  • M. Labeille, transport optimal et MFG, M1, ENS Lyon, 2022.
  • B. Claustre, wardrop equilibria and price of anarchy, L3, ENS Lyon, 2023.