Cécile Mercadier and Paul Ressel Hoeffding--Sobol
decomposition of homogeneous co-survival functions: from
Choquet representation to extreme value theory application.
Dependence Modeling, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 179-198, (2021).
{Doi link}{Manuscript on
Quentin Sebille, Anne-Laure Fougères, Cécile Mercadier
Modeling extreme rainfall: A comparative study of spatial extreme
value models Spatial Statistics Volume 21 (Part A),
pp.187-208 (2017).
Laurens de Haan, Cécile Mercadier and Chen Zhou Adapting extreme value statistics to financial time series: dealing with bias and serial dependence Finance and Stochastics Volume 20, Issue 2, 321–354 (2016).
{Manuscript on HAL} {Other link}
Juan-Juan Cai, Anne-Laure Fougères and Cécile Mercadier Environmental data: multivariate Extreme Value Theory in practice Journal de la Société Française de Statistique 154(2), 178-199 (2013).
{Manuscript on SFdS website} {Other link}
Anne-Laure Fougères, Cécile Mercadier and John P. Nolan Dense classes of multivariate extreme value distributions Journal of Multivariate Analysis 116, 109-129 (2013).
{Manuscript on HAL} {Other link}
Cécile Mercadier and Philippe Soulier Optimal rates of convergence in the Weibull model based on kernel-type estimators Statistics and Probability letters, 82(3), 548-556 (2012).
{Manuscript on HAL} {Other link}
Jean-Marc Azaïs, Sébastien Gadat, Jean-Christophe Lévy, Benjamin Rols, Cécile Mercadier and Norbert Suard GNSS Integrity Achievement by using Extreme Value theory
ION GNSS (2009).
Jean-Marc Azaïs, Elisabeth Gassiat and Cécile Mercadier Asymptotic distribution and local power of the likelihood ratio test for mixtures Bernoulli 12, no. 5, 775-799 (2006).
PhD Thesis
Extrema de processus stochastiques. Propriétés asymptotiques de tests d'hypothèses.
Defended on 1st July 2005.
Adviser: Jean-Marc Azaïs.
{Thesis Manuscript}
Research report or unpublished paper
Quentin Sebille, Anne-Laure Fougères, Cécile Mercadier A comparison of spatial extreme value models. Application to precipitation data (2016)
The main difference with the paper Modeling extreme rainfall:
A comparative study of spatial extreme value models is the relevance of the dataset. Actually, this has a huge impact on the comparison.
{Manuscript on HAL}