Map projections

List of map projections

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    and hit the Compare Selected Projections button.

Note: The column x/y lists the aspect ratio of the projection image (width divided by height).

x / y
Alternative Names
20/60N Equidistant Conic Unknown 100 Conic Equidistant 1.43 Show
20/60S Equidistant Conic Unknown 100 Conic Equidistant 1.43 Show
A4 Projection Jenny, Bernhard 2008 Lenticular Compromise 1.52 Show
Adams Hemispheres Adams, Oscar Sherman 1925 Polyhedral Conformal 2.00 Show
Adams World I Adams, Oscar Sherman 1925 Polyhedral Conformal 1.00 Show
Adams World II Adams, Oscar Sherman 1925 Polyhedral Conformal 1.00 Show
Adams Hexagon Adams, Oscar Sherman 1925 Polyhedral Conformal 1.15 Show
Airy (Hem.) Airy, George Biddell 1861 Azimuthal Compromise 2.01 Show
Aitoff Aitoff, David 1889 Lenticular Compromise 1.99 Show
Aitoff-van-der-Grinten 65 Jung, Tobias (Savard, John J.G.) 2018 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.47 Show
Albers Albers, Heinrich C. 1805 Conic Equal-area 1.70 Albers equal-area conic projection Show
American Polyconic Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph 1820 Conic Compromise 1.30 Show
Anthracene Unknown 2000 Miscellaneous Conformal 2.59 Show
Apian II Apian, Peter 1524 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.99 Apianus II
Apian 2 Globular
Arden-Close Cylindrical Arden-Close, Charles F. 1947 Cylindric Compromise 1.42 Show
Atlantis (rotated) Bartholomew, John 1948 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Show
August Epicycloidal August, F. W. O.; Bellermann, G. 1874 Miscellaneous Conformal 1.41 Show
Azimuthal equal-area (equat.) Lambert, Johann Heinrich 1772 Azimuthal Equal-area 1.00 Lambert azimuthal equal-area Show
Azimuthal equal-area (polar) Lambert, Johann Heinrich 1772 Azimuthal Equal-area 1.00 Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection Show
Azimuthal equal-area (Hem.) Lambert, Johann Heinrich 1772 Azimuthal Equal-area 2.01 Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection Show
Azimuthal Equidistant (equat.) al-Bīrūnī, Abū Rayḥān 1000 Azimuthal Equidistant 1.00 Show
Azimuthal Equidistant (polar) al-Bīrūnī, Abū Rayḥān 1000 Azimuthal Equidistant 1.00 Show
Azimuthal Equidistant (Hem.) al-Bīrūnī, Abū Rayḥān 1000 Azimuthal Equidistant 2.01 Show
Bacon Bacon, Roger 1265 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.99 Show
Baker Dinomic Baker, J. G. P. 1986 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.41 Show
Baker Dinomic (i.) Baker, J. G. P. 1986 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.41 Show
Balthasart Balthasart, M. 1935 Cylindric Equal-area 1.30 Show
Baranyi I Baranyi, János 1968 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.66 Show
Baranyi II Baranyi, János 1968 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.43 Show
Baranyi III Baranyi, János 1968 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.70 Show
Baranyi IV Baranyi, János 1968 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.65 Show
Baranyi V Baranyi, János 1968 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.73 Show
Baranyi VI Baranyi, János 1968 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.54 Show
Baranyi VII Baranyi, János 1968 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.85 Show
Behrmann Behrmann, Walter 1910 Cylindric Equal-area 2.35 Show
Bertin-Rivière Rivière, Philippe 2017 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.60 Bertin 1953 Show
Boggs eumorphic Boggs, Samuel Whittemore 1929 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.00 Show
Boggs eumorphic (i.) Boggs, Samuel Whittemore 1929 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Show
Bonne Unknown 1500 Conic Equal-area 1.05 Show
Bottomley Bottomley, Henry 2003 Conic Equal-area 1.72 Show
Bottomley 50°N Bottomley, Henry 2003 Conic Equal-area 1.29 Show
Braun Perspective Braun, Carl 1867 Cylindric Compromise 1.14 Braun Perspective Cylindrical Show
Braun Stereographic Braun, Carl 1867 Cylindric Compromise 1.57 Show
Breusing Geometric Breusing, Arthur 1892 Azimuthal Compromise 2.01 Show
Breusing Harmonic Young, A. E. 1920 Azimuthal Compromise 2.01 Breusing Harmonic Mean Show
Briesemeister Briesemeister, William A. 1953 Lenticular Equal-area 1.75 Show
BSAM Cylindrical Kamenetskiy, V.A. 1937 Cylindric Compromise 1.45 Bol’shoy sovetskiy atlas mira
Kamenetskiy 2
Cabot Cabot, Sebastian 1544 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.33 Show
Cabot modified Cabot, Sebastian 1544 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.80 Show
Cahill-Concialdi Concialdi, Luca 2015 Polyhedral Conformal 1.71 Show
Cahill Conformal Butterfly Cahill, B.J.S.; Adams, O.S. 1929 Polyhedral Conformal 1.73 Show
Cahill Conformal, M-shaped Cahill, B.J.S.; Adams, O.S. 1929 Polyhedral Conformal 2.31 Show
Cahill-Keyes Keyes, Gene 1975 Polyhedral Compromise 2.12 Show
CALM Adrian, Farhan; Lee, L.P. 2019 Polyhedral Conformal 2.31 Show
Canters-Frančula Jung, Tobias; Frančula, Nedjeljko; Canters, Frank 2022 Lenticular Compromise 1.41 Show
Canters W01 Canters, Frank 2002 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.11 Optimised version of Wagner I Show
Canters W02 Canters, Frank 2002 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.95 Optimised version of Wagner II Show
Canters W06 Canters, Frank 2002 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.57 Optimised version of Wagner VI Show
Canters W07 Canters, Frank 2002 Lenticular Equal-area 1.36 Optimised version of Hammer-Wagner
Wagner VII, Canters Optimization
Canters W08 Canters, Frank 2002 Lenticular Compromise 1.33 Wagner VIII, Canters Optimization
Optimised version of Wagner VIII
Canters W09 Canters, Frank 2002 Lenticular Compromise 1.37 Wagner IX, Canters Optimization
Optimised version of Aitoff-Wagner
Canters W10 Canters, Frank 2002 Lenticular Compromise 2.16 Low-error polyconic projection obtained through non-constrained optimisation Show
Canters W11 Canters, Frank 1989 Lenticular Compromise 1.81 Low-error polyconic projection with straight equator and symmetry about the central meridian Show
Canters W12 Canters, Frank 1989 Lenticular Compromise 1.57 Canters Polyconic 1989 f7
Low-error polyconic projection with twofold symmetry
Canters W13 Canters, Frank 1989 Lenticular Compromise 1.47 Canters Polyconic 1989 f8
Low-error polyconic projection with twofold symmetry and equally spaced parallels
Canters W14 Canters, Frank 1989 Lenticular Compromise 1.71 Canters projection
Canters Polyconic 1989 f9
Low-error polyconic projection with twofold symmetry, equally spaced parallels and a correct ratio of the axes
Canters W15 Canters, Frank 2002 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.73 Canters Pseudocylindric 2002 f5.18
Low-error pseudocylindrical projection with twofold symmetry
Canters W16 Canters, Frank 2002 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.69 Canters Pseudocylindric 2002 f5.19
Low-error pseudocylindrical projection with twofold symmetry and a pole length half the length of the equator
Canters W17 Canters, Frank 2002 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.99 Canters Pseudocylindric 2002 f5.20
Low-error pseudocylindrical projection with twofold symmetry and a correct ratio of the axes
Canters W18 Canters, Frank 2002 Lenticular Compromise 1.90 Low-error pointed polar polyconic projection with twofold symmetry, equally spaced parallels and a correct ratio of the axes Show
Canters W19 Canters, Frank 2002 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.99 Canters Pseudocylindric 2002 f5.23
Low-error pointed polar pseudocylindrical projection with twofold symmetry and a correct ratio of the axes
Canters W20 Canters, Frank 2002 Lenticular Compromise 1.83 Low-error simple oblique polyconic projection with pointed meta-pole and constant scale along the axes. Show
Canters W21 Canters, Frank 2002 Lenticular Compromise 1.87 Low-error simple oblique polyconic projection with pointed meta-pole and constant scale along the axes, centered at 45°N, 20°E Show
Canters W23 Canters, Frank 2002 Lenticular Compromise 1.62 Low-error plagal aspect polyconic projection with pointed meta-pole (30° N, 140° W), geographic north pole at meta-longitude of 30° and constant scale along the axes Show
Canters W30 Canters, Frank 2002 Lenticular Equal-area 1.81 Low-error equal-area transformation of Hammer-Wagner [Wagner VII] with twofold symmetry and correct ratio of the axes Show
Canters W31 Canters, Frank 2002 Lenticular Equal-area 1.94 Low-error equal-area transformation of Hammer-Wagner [Wagner VII] with twofold symmetry and constant scale along the equator Show
Canters W32 Canters, Frank 2002 Lenticular Equal-area 1.80 Low-error equal-area transformation of Hammer-Aitoff [Hammer projection] with twofold symmetry and correct ratio of the axes Show
Canters W33 Canters, Frank 2002 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Canters Pseudocylindric 2002 f5.30
Low-error equal-area transformation of the sinusoidal projection with twofold symmetry, equally divided, straight parallels and a correct ratio of the axes (not including Antarctica in the optimisation).
Canters W34 Canters, Frank 2002 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.00 Canters Pseudocylindric 2002 f5.31
Low-error equal-area transformation of the sinusoidal projection with twofold symmetry, equally divided, straight parallels and a correct ratio of the axes (including Antarctica in the optimisation).
Canters W30/UA (non-opt.) Canters, Frank; Jung, Tobias 2021 Lenticular Compromise 1.68 Show
Canters W30/UE (non-opt.) Canters, Frank; Jung, Tobias 2021 Lenticular Equal-area 1.87 Show
Canters W32/UA PP (n.opt.) Canters, Frank; Jung, Tobias 2022 Lenticular Compromise 1.80 Canters W32 90-160-60-35-180 Show
Cassini (rotated) Cassini de Thury, César-François 1745 Cylindric Equidistant 2.00 Cassini-Soldner Show
Central Cylindrical Unknown 1850 Cylindric Compromise 0.84 Show
Ciric I Ciric, Strahinja 2010 Lenticular Compromise 1.64 Show
CM Equal-Area Conic Lambert, Johann Heinrich 1772 Conic Equal-area 1.92 Show
CM Equidistant Conic Unknown 100 Conic Equidistant 1.92 Show
Chaise Lounge Conformal Strebe, Daniel «daan»; Adams, O.S.; Lee, L.P. 2019 Polyhedral Conformal 1.39 Show
Craster’s parabolic Craster, John E. E. 1929 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Putnins P4 Show
Cupola Reinboud, Weia 2021 Lenticular Equal-area 1.46 Show
Curvy Unknown 2000 Lenticular Compromise 1.32 Wagner vii@51.5-102.5-60-64-180
CW09 Copycat Jung, Tobias 2021 Lenticular Compromise 1.37 Wagner vii@66-95-60-35-166 Show
Danseiji N Kunimune, Justin 2019 Lenticular Compromise 1.61 Show
Danseiji I Kunimune, Justin 2019 Lenticular Equal-area 1.67 Show
Danseiji II Kunimune, Justin 2019 Lenticular Compromise 1.55 Show
Danseiji III Kunimune, Justin 2019 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.73 Show
Danseiji IV Kunimune, Justin 2019 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.38 Show
Danseiji V Kunimune, Justin 2019 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.39 Show
Danseiji VI Kunimune, Justin 2019 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.76 Show
Dedistort Gorzkis, Kalinni 2013 Lenticular Compromise 1.58 Show
Denoyer Semi-Elliptical Denoyer, L. Philip 1920 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.99 Show
Dietrich-Kitada Dietrich, Bruno 1927 Lenticular Equal-area 1.46 Show
Dymaxion Map Fuller, Buckminster 1943 Polyhedral Compromise 2.11 Fuller Projection
Airocean World Map
Dymaxion-like conformal Strebe, Daniel «daan»; Fuller, Buckminster, Adams, O.S.; Lee, L.P. 2019 Polyhedral Conformal 2.11 Show
Eckert I Eckert-Greifendorff, Max 1906 Pseudocylindric Compromise 2.00 Show
Eckert II Eckert-Greifendorff, Max 1906 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Show
Eckert III Eckert-Greifendorff, Max 1906 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.99 Show
Eckert IV Eckert-Greifendorff, Max 1906 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Show
Eckert V Eckert-Greifendorff, Max 1906 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.99 Show
Eckert VI Eckert-Greifendorff, Max 1906 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Show
Eckert-Greifendorff Eckert-Greifendorff, Max 1935 Lenticular Equal-area 2.16 Show
Eisenlohr Eisenlohr, Friedrich 1870 Miscellaneous Conformal 1.55 Show
Elliptic Conformal Adams, Oscar S. (?) 1925 Miscellaneous Conformal 1.99 Conformal World in an Ellipse Show
Entfernungsbezogene Peters, Aribert 1978 Lenticular Equal-area 2.07 Show
Equal Earth Savric, Bojan; Patterson, Tom; Jenny, Bernhard 2018 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.05 Show
Érdi-Krausz Érdi-Krausz, György 1968 Pseudocylindric Compromise 2.16 Show
F13 Copycat Wagner, Karlheinz; Jung, Tobias 2020 Lenticular Compromise 1.46 Wagner vii@60-77-60-45-170 Show
Fahey Fahey, Lawrence 1975 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.41 Show
Foucaut Foucaut, De Prépetit 1862 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Foucaut Stereographic Equivalent Show
Frančula I Frančula, Nedjeljko 1971 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.31 Show
Frančula II Frančula, Nedjeljko 1971 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.26 Show
Frančula III Frančula, Nedjeljko 1971 Lenticular Compromise 1.35 Show
Frančula IV Frančula, Nedjeljko 1971 Lenticular Compromise 1.34 Show
Frančula V Frančula, Nedjeljko 1971 Lenticular Equal-area 1.56 Show
Frančula VI Frančula, Nedjeljko 1971 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.78 Show
Frančula VII Frančula, Nedjeljko 1971 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.71 Show
Frančula VIII Frančula, Nedjeljko 1971 Lenticular Compromise 1.36 Show
Frančula IX Frančula, Nedjeljko 1971 Lenticular Compromise 1.37 Show
Frančula X Frančula, Nedjeljko 1971 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.54 Show
Frančula XI Frančula, Nedjeljko 1971 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.55 Show
Frančula XII Frančula, Nedjeljko 1971 Lenticular Compromise 1.43 Show
Frančula XIII Frančula, Nedjeljko 1971 Lenticular Compromise 1.46 Show
Frančula XIV Frančula, Nedjeljko 1971 Lenticular Equal-area 1.64 Show
Gall-Bomford Bomford, Guy 1951 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.30 Bomford Modified Gall
Oxford Atlas
Gall Isographic Gall, James 1855 Cylindric Equidistant 1.41 Show
Gall-Peters Gall, James; Peters, Arno 1852 Cylindric Equal-area 1.57 Gall Orthographic
Peters projection
Gall Stereographic Gall, James 1855 Cylindric Compromise 1.30 Show
Ginzburg I Ginzburg, G.A. 1949 Azimuthal Compromise 2.01 Show
Ginzburg II Ginzburg, G.A. 1949 Azimuthal Compromise 2.01 Show
Ginzburg IV Ginzburg, G.A. 1939 Lenticular Compromise 1.69 TsNIIGAiK Modified Polyconic, 1939-1949 Show
Ginzburg V Ginzburg, G. A. 1950 Lenticular Compromise 1.59 TsNIIGAiK Modified Polyconic, 1950 Show
Ginzburg VI Ginzburg, G. A. 1950 Lenticular Compromise 1.37 BSE Modified Polyconic Show
Ginzburg VIII Ginzburg, G. A. 1944 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.29 TsNIIGAiK Show
Cropped Ginzburg VIII Jenny, Bernhard 2010 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.66 Show
Ginzburg IX Ginzburg, G. A. 1966 Lenticular Compromise 1.39 TsNIIGAiK Modified Polyconic, 1966 Show
Goode Goode, J. Paul 1923 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.29 Show
Goode Uninterrupted Goode, J. Paul 1923 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.29 Show
Gott Elliptical Gott III, J. Richard 2006 Lenticular Equal-area 1.62 Gott Equal-Area Elliptical Show
Gott-Mugnolo Azimuthal (equat.)     Gott III, J. Richard; Mugnolo, Charles 2006 Azimuthal Compromise 1.00 Show
Gott-Mugnolo Azimuthal (Hem.) Gott III, J. Richard; Mugnolo, Charles 2006 Azimuthal Compromise 2.01 Show
Gott-Wagner Gott III, J. Richard 2010 Lenticular Compromise 1.58 Show
Grieger Triptychial Grieger, Björn; Adams, O.S. 2019 Polyhedral Conformal 1.99 Show
Gringorten Gringorten, Irving I. 1972 Miscellaneous Equal-area 1.00 Gringorten Quincuncial Equal-area Show
Gringorten, alt. oblique arr. Gringorten, Irving I. 1972 Miscellaneous Equal-area 2.00 Show
Gringorten, alternative arr. Gringorten, Irving I. 1972 Miscellaneous Equal-area 2.00 Show
Guyou Guyou, Emile 1887 Polyhedral Conformal 2.00 Show
Guyou-Wagner Jung, Tobias; Wagner, Karlheinz; Guyou, Emile 2018 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.91 Show
Györffy A Györffy, János 2018 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.52 Show
Györffy B Györffy, János 2018 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.55 Show
Györffy D Györffy, János 2018 Lenticular Compromise 1.55 Show
Györffy E Györffy, János 2018 Lenticular Compromise 1.60 Show
Györffy F Györffy, János 2018 Lenticular Compromise 1.64 Show
Hammer Hammer, H.H. Ernst von 1892 Lenticular Equal-area 1.99 Hammer-Aitoff Show
Hammer-Cylindrical Mix Gorzkis, Kalinni 2013 Lenticular Compromise 1.99 Show
Hatano Asymmetric Hatano, Masataka 1972 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.06 Show
Hill Eucyclic Hill, Karl O. 1958 Miscellaneous Equal-area 1.76 Show
Hobo-Dyer Dyer, Mick 2002 Cylindric Equal-area 1.97 Show
Hölzel Unknown 1950 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.76 Show
Hufnagel 2 Hufnagel, Herbert 1989 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Show
Hufnagel 3 Hufnagel, Herbert 1989 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Show
Hufnagel 4 Hufnagel, Herbert 1989 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Show
Hufnagel 7 Hufnagel, Herbert 1989 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Show
Hufnagel 9 Hufnagel, Herbert 1989 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Show
Hufnagel 10 Hufnagel, Herbert 1989 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Show
Hufnagel 11 Hufnagel, Herbert 1989 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Show
Hufnagel 12 Hufnagel, Herbert 1989 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.43 Show
Kavraiskiy I Kavraiskiy, Vladimir V. 1933 Cylindric Compromise 1.14 The projection is often listed using a different transcription of the author’s name, e.g. Kavraysky or Kawraiski. Show
Kavraiskiy V Kavraiskiy, Vladimir V. 1933 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.04 The projection is often listed using a different transcription of the author’s name, e.g. Kavraysky or Kawraiski. Show
Kavraiskiy VII Kavraiskiy, Vladimir V. 1939 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.73 The projection is often listed using a different transcription of the author’s name, e.g. Kavraysky or Kawraiski. Show
Kharchenko-Shabanova Kharchenko, A. S.; Shabanova, A. I. 1951 Cylindric Compromise 1.19 Show
Kramer VII Murphy, Leo 2016 Lenticular Compromise 1.62 Show
Kunimune’s IMAGO Narukawa, Hajime; Kunimune, Justin 1999 Polyhedral Compromise 2.31 Previously listed as Kunimunes MAGO (see remarks). Show
Lagrange Lambert, Johann Heinrich 1772 Miscellaneous Conformal 1.00 Show
Lagrange (120°) Lambert, Johann Heinrich 1772 Miscellaneous Conformal 1.71 Show
Lambert Cylindrical Lambert, Johann Heinrich 1772 Cylindric Equal-area 3.13 Show
Lambert CC Lambert, Johann Heinrich 1772 Conic Conformal 1.99 LCC projection Show
Lambert Equal-Area Conic Lambert, Johann Heinrich 1772 Conic Equal-area 1.57 Show
Larrivée Larrivée, Léo 1988 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.22 Show
Laskowski Tri-Optimal Laskowski, Piotr 1991 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.72 Show
Lee-Concialdi Concialdi, Luca; Lee, L.P. 2020 Polyhedral Conformal 1.73 Show
Lee Conformal Tetrahedron Lee, Laurence Patrick 1965 Polyhedral Conformal 2.00 Lee conformal world in a tetrahedron
Lee world in a triangle
Lee conformal world in an equilateral triangle
(Presumably, more variants that include the words “conformal”, “world” and “triangle” or “tetrahedron”…)
Lee-Xarax Xarax, Constant; Lee, L.P. 2004 Polyhedral Conformal 1.73 Show
Markley’s Tetrahedral Map Markley, F. Landis; Lee, L.P. 1982 Polyhedral Conformal 2.30 Show
McBryde P3 McBryde, F. Webster 1977 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.26 Show
McBryde P3 (i.) McBryde, F. Webster 1977 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.27 Show
McBryde Q3 McBryde, F. Webster 1977 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.44 Show
McBryde Q3 (i.) McBryde, F. Webster 1977 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.44 Show
McBryde S2 McBryde, F. Webster 1977 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.40 Show
McBryde S2 (i.) McBryde, F. Webster 1977 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.40 Show
McBryde S3 McBryde, F. Webster 1977 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.28 Show
McBryde S3 (i.) McBryde, F. Webster 1977 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.28 Show
McBryde-Thomas #1 McBryde, F. Webster; Thomas, Paul D. 1949 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.12 McBryde-Thomas Sine No. 1 Show
McBryde-Thomas #2 McBryde, F. Webster; Thomas, Paul D. 1949 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.11 Modified McBryde-Thomas Sine No. 1 Show
McBryde-Thomas FPP McBryde, F. Webster; Thomas, Paul D. 1949 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.09 McBryde-Thomas No. 5 Show
McBryde-Thomas FPQ McBryde, F. Webster; Thomas, Paul D. 1949 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.21 McBryde-Thomas No. 4 Show
McBryde-Thomas FPS McBryde, F. Webster; Thomas, Paul D. 1949 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 McBryde-Thomas No. 3 Show
McBryde-Thomas FPP (i.) McBryde, F. Webster; Thomas, Paul D. 1949 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.09 McBryde-Thomas No. 5 Show
McBryde-Th. FPQ (i.) McBryde, F. Webster; Thomas, Paul D. 1949 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.21 McBryde-Thomas No. 4 Show
McBryde-Thomas FPS (i.) McBryde, F. Webster; Thomas, Paul D. 1949 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.00 McBryde-Thomas No. 3 Show
Mercator Mercator, Gerardus 1569 Cylindric Conformal 1.06 Show
Miller Miller, Osborn Maitland 1942 Cylindric Compromise 1.36 Miller’s cylindrical projection
Miller 1
Modified Mercator b
Miller, Compact Patterson, Tom; Savric, Bojan; Jenny, Bernhard 2014 Cylindric Compromise 1.66 Show
Miller Perspective Compromise Miller, Osborn Maitland 1942 Cylindric Compromise 1.83 Show
Mollweide Mollweide, Karl Brandan 1805 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.00 Babinet projection
Homolographic projection
Mollweide Hemispheres Mollweide, Karl Brandan 1805 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.01 Show
Nahphtalene Unknown 2000 Miscellaneous Conformal 1.73 Show
Natural Earth Patterson, Tom 2011 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.92 Show
Natural Earth II Patterson, Tom; Savric, Bojan; Jenny, Bernhard 2015 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.87 Show
Nell Nell, Adam 1890 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.82 Show
Nell-Hammer Hammer, H.H. Ernst von 1900 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.75 Show
Nell-Hammer modified Hammer, H.H.E.v.; Wagner, Karlheinz 1949 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.98 Show
Nicolosi Globular al-Bīrūnī, Abū Rayḥān 1000 Miscellaneous Compromise 2.01 Show
Ortelius Oval Ortelius, Abraham 1570 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.99 Show
Patterson Patterson, Tom; Savric, Bojan; Jenny, Bernhard 2014 Cylindric Compromise 1.75 Show
Peirce Quincuncial Peirce, Charles Sanders 1879 Miscellaneous Conformal 1.00 Show
Phenalene Unknown 2000 Miscellaneous Conformal 0.99 Show
Philbrick Sinu-Mollweide Philbrick, Allen K. 1953 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.86 Show
Philbrick Sinu-Mollw. Uninterr. Philbrick, Allen K. 1953 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.86 Show
Putnins P1 Putnins, Reinholds V. 1934 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.99 Show
Putnins P2 Putnins, Reinholds V. 1934 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Show
Putnins P3 Putnins, Reinholds V. 1934 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.99 Show
Putnins P′3 Putnins, Reinholds V. 1934 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.99 Show
Putnins P′4 Putnins, Reinholds V. 1934 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Show
Putnins P5 Putnins, Reinholds V. 1934 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.99 Show
Putnins P′5 Putnins, Reinholds V. 1934 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.99 Show
Putnins P6 Putnins, Reinholds V. 1934 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Show
Putnins P′6 Putnins, Reinholds V. 1934 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Show
Quartic Authalic Siemon, Karl 1937 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.21 Adams Orthembadic Show
Raisz Armadillo Raisz, Erwin 1943 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.75 Show
Raisz Armadillo (South) Raisz, Erwin 1943 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.75 Show
Raisz Half-ellipsoidal Raisz, Erwin 1943 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.90 Show
Raisz Half-ellipsoidal (untilted) Raisz, Erwin 1943 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.99 Show
Equirectangular (0°) Marinus of Tyre 100 Cylindric Equidistant 2.00 Plate carrée
Equidistant cylindrical projection
Equirectangular (28°) Marinus of Tyre 100 Cylindric Equidistant 1.77 Show
Equirectangular (35.6°) Marinus of Tyre 100 Cylindric Equidistant 1.62 Show
Equirectangular (60°) Marinus of Tyre 100 Cylindric Equidistant 1.00 Show
Robinson Robinson, Arthur H. 1963 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.96 Show
Schjerning I Schjerning, Wilhelm 1882 Conic Compromise 1.99 Show
Sinucyli [1] Strebe, Daniel «daan» 2017 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.15 Show
Sinucyli [2] Strebe, Daniel «daan» 2017 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.13 Show
Sinucyli [3] Strebe, Daniel «daan» 2017 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.26 Show
Sinusoidal Unknown 1570 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Mercator-Sanson
Mercator Equal-Area
Sinusoidal (i.) Unknown 1570 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Mercator-Sanson
Mercator Equal-Area
Sinusoidal (i./2) Unknown 1570 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Show
Smyth equal-surface Smyth, Charles Piazzi 1870 Cylindric Equal-area 2.00 Craster rectangular Show
Snyder Flat-Pole Snyder, John P. 1985 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.82 Show
Snyder Pointed-Pole Snyder, John P. 1985 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.58 Snyder Minimum Error Show
Snyder’s Tetrahedron Snyder, John P. 1992 Polyhedral Equal-area 1.99 Snyder equal-area tetrahedron
Spilhaus-Adams Spilhaus, Athelstan F. 1979 Polyhedral Conformal 1.00 Spilhaus World Ocean Map in a Square Show
Spilhaus-August Spilhaus, Athelstan F. 1942 Miscellaneous Conformal 1.41 Spilhaus World Ocean Map in an Epicycloid (no established name, but it seems a good choice) Show
Spilhaus-Hammer I Spilhaus, Athelstan F. 1942 Lenticular Equal-area 1.99 Spilhaus World Ocean Map in an Ellipse (no established name, but it seems a good choice) Show
Spilhaus-Hammer II Spilhaus, Athelstan F. 1974 Lenticular Equal-area 2.00 Spilhaus Qblique World Ocean Map in an Ellipse (no established name, but it seems a good choice) Show
Spilhaus-Lambert equal-area azi. Spilhaus, Athelstan F. 1983 Azimuthal Equal-area 1.00 Spilhaus Equivalent World Ocean Map in a Circle Show
Spilhaus Stereographic Spilhaus, Athelstan F. 1983 Azimuthal Conformal 1.00 Spilhaus Conformal World Ocean Map in a Circle Show
Stab-Werner Stabius, Johannes 1500 Conic Equal-area 1.00 Werner projection Show
Stereographic (Hem.) Unknown -200 Azimuthal Conformal 2.01 Show
Strebe 1995 Strebe, Daniel «daan» 1995 Lenticular Equal-area 1.58 Show
Strebe Asymmetric 2011 Strebe, Daniel «daan» 2011 Lenticular Equal-area 1.66 Show
Strebe-Hammer Strebe, Daniel «daan» 1992 Lenticular Equal-area 1.84 Show
Strebe-Hammer 29°S Strebe, Daniel «daan» 1992 Lenticular Equal-area 1.61 Show
Strebe-Kavraiskiy V Strebe, Daniel «daan» 1992 Lenticular Equal-area 2.15 Show
Strebe-Kavraiskiy V Asymm. 20 Strebe, Daniel «daan»; Jung, Tobias 2021 Lenticular Equal-area 2.04 Show
Strebe-Kavraiskiy V 24°S Strebe, Daniel «daan» 1992 Lenticular Equal-area 2.02 Show
Strebe-Mollweide Strebe, Daniel «daan» 1992 Lenticular Equal-area 2.00 Show
Strebe-Mollweide Asymm. 24 Strebe, Daniel «daan»; Jung, Tobias 2021 Lenticular Equal-area 1.74 Show
Strebe-Mollweide 24°S Strebe, Daniel «daan» 1992 Lenticular Equal-area 1.85 Show
Strebe-Sinusoidal Strebe, Daniel «daan» 1992 Lenticular Equal-area 1.52 Cartouche Show
Strebe-Sinusoidal 26°S Strebe, Daniel «daan» 1992 Lenticular Equal-area 1.56 Cartouche Show
Strebe-Snyder Flat-Pole Strebe, Daniel «daan» 1992 Lenticular Equal-area 1.92 Show
Strebe-Snyder FP Asymm. 20 Strebe, Daniel «daan»; Jung, Tobias 2021 Lenticular Equal-area 1.89 Show
Strebe-Snyder Pointed-Pole Strebe, Daniel «daan» 1992 Lenticular Equal-area 1.70 Show
Strebe-Snyder PP Asymm. 20 Strebe, Daniel «daan»; Jung, Tobias 2021 Lenticular Equal-area 1.88 Show
Strebe-Snyder PP Asymm. 26 Strebe, Daniel «daan»; Jung, Tobias 2021 Lenticular Equal-area 1.83 Show
Strebe-Snyder PP 20°S Strebe, Daniel «daan» 1992 Lenticular Equal-area 1.96 Show
Strebe-Snyder PP 35°S Strebe, Daniel «daan» 1992 Lenticular Equal-area 1.87 Show
Times Muir, John 1965 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.37 Sometimes referred to as The Times. Show
Tobler Hyperelliptical Tobler, Waldo R. 1973 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 2.00 Show
Tobler Cylindrical 1 Tobler, Waldo 1993 Cylindric Compromise 1.41 Show
Tobler Cylindrical 2 Tobler, Waldo 1993 Cylindric Compromise 1.20 Show
Tobler’s World in a Square Tobler, Waldo 1993 Cylindric Equal-area 1.00 Tobler’s Equal-area World in a Square Show
Trystan Edwards Edwards, Trystan 1953 Cylindric Equal-area 1.25 Show
Urmayev II Cylindrical Urmayev, N.A. 1947 Cylindric Compromise 1.43 Show
Urmayev III Cylindrical Urmayev, N.A. 1947 Cylindric Compromise 1.08 Show
Van der Grinten II Bludau, Alois 1912 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.00 Show
Van der Grinten III Bludau, Alois 1912 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.00 Show
Van der Grinten IV Grinten, Alphons J. van der 1904 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.60 Show
V.d. Grinten (trunc.) Grinten, Alphons J. van der 1904 Miscellaneous Compromise 2.00 Show
V.d. Grinten (compl.) Grinten, Alphons J. van der 1904 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.00 Show
van Leeuwen GC van Leeuwen, Diederik; Strebe, Daniel «daan» 2006 Polyhedral Equal-area 1.99 Vertex-oriented Great Circle Projection
van Leeuwen SC van Leeuwen, Diederik; Strebe, Daniel «daan» 2006 Polyhedral Equal-area 1.99 Parallel Small Circle Projection
Wagner I Wagner, Karlheinz 1932 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Kavraisky VI
Siemon II
Werenskiold II
Wagner II Wagner, Karlheinz 1949 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.99 Show
Wagner II Lenticular Jung, Karlheinz Wagner, Tobias 2020 Lenticular Compromise 1.82 Show
Wagner III Wagner, Karlheinz 1932 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.99 Show
Wagner III 40° Wagner, Karlheinz 1932 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.71 Show
Wagner IV Wagner, Karlheinz 1932 Pseudocylindric Equal-area 1.99 Putniņš P2'
Werenskiold III
Wagner V Wagner, Karlheinz 1949 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.99 Show
Wagner VI Wagner, Karlheinz 1932 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.99 Putniņš P1' Show
Wagner VII Wagner, Karlheinz 1941 Lenticular Equal-area 1.84 Hammer-Wagner Show
Wagner VII (i.) Wagner, Karlheinz 1941 Lenticular Equal-area 2.35 Show
Wagner VII.b Wagner, Karlheinz 1941 Lenticular Equal-area 1.84 Show
Wagner VII.b Asymmetric Wagner, Karlheinz; Savard, John G.; Jung, Tobias 2021 Lenticular Equal-area 1.90 Show
Wagner VII.c Wagner, Karlheinz 1941 Lenticular Equal-area 1.82 Show
Wagner VII.d Wagner, Karlheinz 1941 Lenticular Equal-area 1.74 Show
Wagner VII.e Wagner, Karlheinz 1971 Lenticular Equal-area 1.88 Show
Wagner VII RC Šavrič, Bojan; Jenny, Bernhard 2015 Lenticular Equal-area Show
Wagner VII RC PP Jung, Tobias 2024 Lenticular Equal-area Show
Wagner VII NC PP Denner, Peter 2024 Lenticular Equal-area Show
Wagner VIII Wagner, Karlheinz 1949 Lenticular Compromise 1.84 Show
Wagner IX Wagner, Karlheinz 1949 Lenticular Compromise 1.87 Aitoff-Wagner Show
Wagner IX.i Wagner, Karlheinz 1949 Lenticular Compromise 1.66 Wagner Y5 (Dr. Böhm) Show
Wagner IX Autobiographical Jung, Karlheinz Wagner / Tobias 2021 Lenticular Compromise 1.49 Show
Wagner BCW-A I Wagner, Karlheinz; Jung, Tobias 2018 Lenticular Compromise 1.66 Wagner vii@67-80-60-27-190
Previously listed as “Wagner BCW-A” (without the roman numeral I)
Wagner BCW-A II Wagner, Karlheinz; Jung, Tobias 2021 Lenticular Compromise 1.58 Wagner vii@65-85-60-35-185 Show
Wagner BCW A III Wagner, Karlheinz; Jung, Tobias 2019 Lenticular Compromise 1.48 Previously listed as Wagner vii@65-76-60-40-168 Show
Wagner BCW-E Wagner, Karlheinz; Jung, Tobias 2018 Lenticular Equal-area 1.71 Wagner vii@67-85-60-0-198 Show
Wagner-Böhm I Böhm, Rolf 2006 Lenticular Compromise 1.71 Wagner VIII, Böhm-Variant 1 Show
Wagner-Böhm II Böhm, Rolf 2006 Lenticular Equal-area 1.70 Wagner VIII, Böhm-Variant 2 Show
Wagner-Böhm III Böhm, Rolf 2006 Lenticular Compromise 1.49 Wagner VIII, Böhm-Variant 3 «Batwing» Show
Wagner-Böhm IV Böhm, Rolf 2006 Lenticular Equal-area 1.33 Wagner VIII, Böhm-Variant 4 Show
Wagner-Denoyer I Jung, Tobias 2016 Miscellaneous Compromise 1.93 Show
Wagner-Denoyer II Jung, Tobias 2016 Miscellaneous Compromise 2.00 Show
Wagner vii@70-46-60-0-216 Wagner, Karlheinz; Jung, Tobias 2018 Lenticular Equal-area 2.07 Show
Wagner vii@73-46-60-14-206 Wagner, Karlheinz; Jung, Tobias 2018 Lenticular Compromise 1.98 Show
Waterman Butterfly Waterman, Steve 1996 Polyhedral Compromise 1.78 Show
Winkel I Winkel, Oswald 1921 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.63 Show
Winkel II Winkel, Oswald 1921 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.63 Show
Winkel-Snyder Snyder, John P. 1977 Pseudocylindric Compromise 1.63 Show
Winkel Tripel Winkel, Oswald 1921 Lenticular Compromise 1.63 Winkel Tripel φ0 = 50°28´
NGS Winkel
Winkel Tripel Bartholomew Winkel, Oswald 1921 Lenticular Compromise 1.76 Winkel Tripel Times Atlas
Winkel Tripel φ0 = 40°
Winkel Tripel BOPC Winkel, Oswald 1921 Lenticular Compromise 2.00 Winkel Tripel φ0 = 0° Show
Winkel-Denner I (50.46°) Denner, Peter 2023 Lenticular Compromise Winkel Tripel lower areal distortion Show
Winkel-Denner I (40°) Denner, Peter 2023 Lenticular Compromise Winkel tripel lower areal distortion Show
Winkel-Denner II (50.46°) Denner, Peter 2023 Lenticular Compromise Winkel Tripel lower angular distortion Show
Winkel-Denner II (40°) Denner, Peter 2023 Lenticular Compromise Winkel tripel lower areal distortion Show
Winkel-Denner III (50.46°) Denner, Peter 2023 Lenticular Compromise Winkel Tripel rounded corners Show
Winkel-Denner III (40°) Denner, Peter 2023 Lenticular Compromise Winkel Tripel rounded corners Show
Winkel-Denner IV (50.46°) Denner, Peter 2023 Lenticular Compromise Winkel Tripel rounded corners lower areal distortion Show
Winkel-Denner IV (40°) Denner, Peter 2023 Lenticular Compromise Winkel Tripel rounded corners lower areal distortion Show
Winkel-Denner V (50.46°) Denner, Peter 2023 Lenticular Compromise Winkel Tripel rounded corners lower angular distortion Show
Winkel-Denner V (40°) Denner, Peter 2023 Lenticular Compromise Winkel Tripel rounded corners lower angular distortion Show
Winkelish I (50.46°) Jung, Tobias 2023 Lenticular Compromise Show
Winkelish I (40°) Jung, Tobias 2023 Lenticular Compromise Show
Winkelish II (50.46°) Jung, Tobias 2023 Lenticular Compromise Show
Winkelish II (40°) Jung, Tobias 2023 Lenticular Compromise Show

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