
Livres / Books

Calcul différentiel et équations différentielles.
Dunod, 320 pages (2010).

Multi-dimensional hyperbolic partial differential equations: First-order systems and applications
coauteur / co-author : Denis Serre
Oxford University Press, 508 + xxv pages (2007).

Prépublications / Preprints

Modèles multi-classes,
coauteur / co-author : Rinaldo Colombo

Articles publiés / Peer-reviewed papers

Spectral transverse instability of solitary waves in Korteweg fluids, (hal-00342400, 11/2008)
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, to appear.

Local well-posedness of nonlocal Burgers equations, (hal-00282893, 05/2008)
Differential Integral Equations, 22, No. 3-4, 303-320 (2009).

Weakly nonlinear surface waves and subsonic phase boundaries,(hal-00280774, 05/2008)
coauteur / co-author : Massimiliano Rosini
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 57, No. 3-4, 1463-1484 (2009).

Transition to instability of planar viscous shock fronts I: the refined stability condition,
coauteurs / co-authors : Denis Serre & Kevin Zumbrun
Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen, 27, No. 1, 11-30 (2008).

On the well-posedness of the Euler-Korteweg model in several space dimensions,
coauteurs / co-authors : Raphaël Danchin & Stéphane Descombes
Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 56, No. 4, 1499--1579 (2007).

Measure valued solutions to conservation laws motivated by traffic modeling,
coauteurs / co-authors : Rinaldo Colombo & Piotr Gwiazda
Proceedings of The Royal Society of London. Series A., 462, No. 2070, 1791--1803 (2006).

Well-posedness of one-dimensional Korteweg models,
coauteurs / co-authors : Raphaël Danchin & Stéphane Descombes
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 59, 1-35 (2006).

Structure of Korteweg models and stability of diffuse interfaces,
coauteurs / co-authors : Raphaël Danchin, Stéphane Descombes & Didier Jamet.
Interfaces Free Boundaries, 7, 371-414 (2005).

Effects of surface tension on the stability of dynamical liquid-vapor interfaces,
coauteur / co-author : Heinrich Freistühler
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 174, No. 1, 111-150 (2004).

Nonlinear stability of semi-discrete shock waves,
coauteurs / co-authors : Pierre Huot & Frédéric Rousset
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 35 No.3, 639--707 (2003).

An n-populations model for traffic flow,
coauteur / co-author : Rinaldo Colombo
European Journal on Applied Mathematics, 14, 587--612 (2003).

Boundary conditions for Euler equations,
coauteurs / co-authors : Jean-François Coulombel & Stéphane Aubert
AIAA Journal, 41 No.1, 56--63 (2003).

Note on a paper by Robinet, Gressier, Casalis and Moschetta,
coauteurs / co-authors : Jean-François Coulombel & Denis Serre
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 469, 401-405 (2002).

Generic types and transitions in hyperbolic initial-boundary value problems,
coauteurs / co-authors : Frédéric Rousset, Denis Serre & Kevin Zumbrun
Proceedings A of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 132 No.5, 1073--1104 (2002).

Stability of semi-discrete shock profiles by means of an Evans function in infinite dimensions,
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 14 No.3, 613--674 (2002).

Existence of semi-discrete shocks,
coauteurs / co-authors : Pierre Huot
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 8, 163--190 (2002).

Linear stability of propagating liquid-vapor interfaces in capillary fluids,
Physica D. 155, 235--273 (2001).

Alternate Evans functions and viscous shock waves,
coauteurs / co-authors : Denis Serre & Kevin Zumbrun,
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 32 No.5, 929--962 (2001).

Sur la stabilité de profils semidiscrets au moyen d'une fonction d'Evans en dimension infinie,
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, Série I. 329, 377--382 (1999).

Stability of subsonic planar phase boundaries in a van der Waals fluid,
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis. 150 No. 1, 23--55 (1999).

Nonuniqueness of phase transitions near the Maxwell line,
Proceedings of the A.M.S. 127 No. 4, 1183-1190 (1999).

Stability of multi-dimensional phase transitions in a van der Waals fluid,
Nonlinear Analysis T.M.A. 31 No. 1/2, 243-263 (1998).

Semi-discrete shock profiles for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws,
Physica D 115, 109-123 (1998).

On a representation formula for B. Temple systems,
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 27, 1503-1519 (1996).

Compacité par compensation pour une classe de systèmes hyperboliques de p lois de conservation (p>=3),
coauteurs / co-authors : D. Serre, Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 10, 557-579 (1994).

Actes de congrès / Proceedings

Multi-d shock waves and surface waves,
coauteur / co-author : Jean-François Coulombel.
Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, A.M.S. 67, 3-23 (2009).
Hyperbolic problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications, University of Maryland (2008).

Stability issues in the Euler-Korteweg model,
coauteurs / co-authors : Raphaël Danchin, Stéphane Descombes & Didier Jamet.
Contemporary Mathematics, A.M.S. 426, 103-127 (2007).
Proceedings of the Summer Research Conference on Control Methods in PDE-Dynamical Systems, Snowbird (2005).

On Korteweg models for fluids exhibiting phase changes,
coauteurs / co-authors : Raphaël Danchin, Stéphane Descombes & Didier Jamet.
Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems, Osaka (2004),
Yokohama Publishers, Inc..

On the stability of large amplitude semi-discrete shock profiles by means of an Evans function in infinite dimensions,
VIIIème congrès international sur les problèmes hyperboliques, Magdeburg (2000). International Series of Numerical Mathematics 140, 149--158 (2001).

Multi-dimensional stability of propagating phase boundaries,
VIIème congrès international sur les problèmes hyperboliques, Zürich (1998). International Series of Numerical Mathematics 129, 41-45 (1999).

Compensated compactness for a class of hyperbolic systems of p conservation laws with p>=3,
coauteur / co-author : D. Serre, Journées de Metz, Metz (1992). Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series 296, 3-11 (1993).

Existence of solutions for a class of hyperbolic systems of three conservation laws,
coauteur / co-author : D. Serre, IVème congrès international sur les problèmes hyperboliques, Taormina (1992). Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics 43, 56-61 (1993).

Mémoires / Dissertations

Contributions à l'étude des solutions régulières par morceaux des systèmes hyperboliques de lois de conservation,
Habilitation , Lyon I (1998).

Analyse numérique des modèles hydrodynamiques d'écoulements diphasiques instationnaires dans les réseaux de production pétrolière,
Thèse, Lyon I (1991).

Divers / Miscellaneous

Méthodes directes en calcul des variations, quasiconvexité,
Journal de Maths des Élèves de l'ENS Lyon, 1 No. 3 (1995).

Fully discrete traveling waves from semi-discrete traveling waves (exposé au Sém'In de l'UMPA, 17 février 2003).

Symétries et lois de conservation ou le premier théorème de Noether (exposé aux Journées Noether à l'ICJ, 12 mars 2010).